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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. It was only yesterday the UAE were entertaining chlorine barrel bomb Assad who in turn visited wanted war criminal Putin in Moscow last week so is any sanction busting going on? we will see ????
  2. Looks like he is trying to buy some holy votes with this hogwash ????
  3. Depends on which general buys the most votes surely ????
  4. Not a vape pen in sight at the raving nuthouse ????
  5. Unlucky for him he has been arrested by the famous plastic bag station police but just how he has got away by paying parents/guardians off is stomach churning ????
  6. Agree that's the hardest bit that needs advance preparation or prepare to fail????
  7. With only a 100 armed police surrounding the house it could end badly for absolutely anyone within 3km ????
  8. They have gone from the triads to the thaiads with 4.7m floating about ????
  9. I always found I used to run faster in snide trainers especially when someone is shouting stop police ????
  10. Just for anyone thinking the future may get better after the election ????
  11. The police must have other ways to fund themselves never seen a helmet stop here in HH????
  12. Change that win for won the result is a general ????
  13. Suppose the next story will go along the lines of 6 members of the OCPB have vaping fire sale ????
  14. When you have finished the grilling can you have a lookout for any fake Sergio Tacchini sellers next ????
  15. Golden rule for expats never tell the bank or government where you are maintain a Doctors UK phone number a trust worthy address and never use your UK bank cards here (top tip) from Metro bank manager use a wise or pre paid card and your life will be near to normal ????
  16. The last time I went to HH beach it was invaded by monkeys with attitude just as I put my towel and bags down it was the shortest stay ever they then surrounded my car trying to grab stuff out of the boot as I was troughing it in. Now I'm a Believer I hate the Monkees ????
  17. Maybe if he punched one or two policemen in the face he would get a couple of years jail but save his life ????
  18. I doubt my Mrs could fast for 2 minuets and that's whilst sleeping ????
  19. After Xi's visit to the war criminal the next logical step could be a kremlin spokesman threatening to nuke Pattaya ????
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