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Posts posted by VINCENT2012

  1. If you think the Thai police are SO CORRUPT that they can't get at the truth in this crime, or protect any innocent tourists, then why are you still in Thailand?

    Did you disbelieve the police when they helped convict the Thai railway worker recently of the rape and murder of that little girl? Or is it only when a foreigner is the victim? Correct me if I am wrong, but both cases involved a confession and DNA evidence, if I recall.

    As for me, I'm withholding judgement until the DNA evidence is examined by the UK police. At some point, you have to trust someone. Or go home where it's safe, I suppose.

    one thing as nothing to do with the other.

    the rape in the train is only a case of 2 sick guys without any further concequences....poor thai people and a few ceasy farang will continue to take that s.h.i.t train again.

    in the case of the island it is totally different, the economy of the island is only made from tourism, everybody who knows tourist places, knows there is corruption like the hell doesnt permit ....nobody beleive these people because for a century we pay for this or for that ....stupidly ! and i am totaly sure knowing how thai police work that they know everything about the case and if there is 2 scapegoat it is because for the image of thailand it could be a disaster if the men involved where thais ...then for sure people will avoid thailand for a while...of course we want to beleive thai police ...but with real prouve ...not today you have fish and tomorrow you have pig on the menu.

    myself i trust first everyboddy... it is when they demostrate me they are not trustfull that i change my mind


  2. Tourism police, tour operators and community leaders on Koh Tao yesterday held a meeting over what to do to boost tourist safety and provide better services.

    one simple thing .beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu ..just cut the head of all the mafia system, showing who they and with for who they work for.

    i guess in that case at least 50 % of the men from the island would have a fine or jail sentences for corruption, extortion etc etc.

    thats why nothing is going to happen but i hope tourist had learn from this story.


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  3. the controversial "blanket amnesty"

    well amnesty for the one who ruin a whol country...this is the first big mistake not to do if you want to be a bit credible as a new boss.....but in the elite they are not so many, and they know each other very very well...for them...it is like a game . today i am the boss and i give you my perdon and if one day this happen to me ...you'll do the same to me. only some have more rancoeur than others.

    corruption is everywhere because the human been as never enough from everything even when they have everything.


  4. UK cops 'to only observe'

    w00t.gif to observe what ..facepalm.gif..after 1 mounth...where everybody tuch this and tuch that......what a whist of time and money from the tax payer.blink.png

    now the soup is done and ready to eat...like it is done... the thai way, thats it! ......and from now it will be only..... bla bla bla for the audience to keep them cool.


  5. For all tourist, if 200 baht is going to impact your beer comsumption, well 1f 7$ usd breaks the bank, stay home. Where are you from, paying sales taxes, service charge 10%, tips. Somethings need to fix here, but bitching when your on holiday for 200 baht, take it home.

    The issue is not 200 baht or 2000 baht or 200,000 baht. The issue is the fee for service was paid already. This is corruption - the amount they demand does not matter.

    If these immigration officers don't like their jobs or not paid enough then just quit and do something else. Or stand out front of the building with a begging cup for some extra coin.

    Thai visa costs are not cheaper than visas to other countries. Yet other countries manage to pay their immigration staff high enough wages that they don't have to extort money from every foreigner. Can idiots like you understand that?

    And who do you think you are to say who should be here or not. Any rational person would not pay anything extra than what the cost is. People do have a right to complain.

    i aplaud this answerdclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif bravo

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  6. Banks are the real crooks, the scourge of the monetary system, and Thai banks are king of the pit.

    exactly i agree 100% with that, and all government use banks to controll people masivly worldly....people stupidly give their own money to the bank all the time....it is an error.....keep your money at home , dont be afraid, pay in cash and break the bank system ..this is the only way to restablish the balance.

    these people are thief...!

    .in spain this week they find some 80 top selected people from the bank "caja madrid "who has been rescue by the spanish government for milions of euros, manage to spend with extra very personal credit cards 11 millions of euros in privat stories.

    the incredible thing is that it is normal that this people get an extra money for their good job and everybody new and accept these situation, during that time others pay tax to resolve the country sinking.


  7. with such an archaic politic system for sure the economy is going down slowly but surely.....in thailand their basic income is tourism....and when this is going to be in a bad shape, lots of people will cry then.

    i dont think asean is going to help anyway, putting all the lions together wont bring anything good, because the elite is actualy not looking for the well being of the rest of the population but for the well being and continuation of their own status and bank account health.

    perhaps one day the poor will wake up, but today they are so incredibly passive, they just follow the master, so it seems they like it like this way.beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

    a bit of masochisme perhaps.

    for the farang, i think it is time to leave.coffee1.gif

  8. We do a lot but we may not be good at doing publicity,

    perhaps not good at doing publicity blink.png but for sure not so good doing homework too laugh.png

    It's understandable that many Thais were agitated by the EU's strong stand against...bla bla bla..!

    well....in my village they still dont know where europe is..facepalm.gif so they are absolutly not agitated but calm as usual drinking lao khaowai2.gif every day without thinking in all these thai political tribulation...and for the writer to his own concern, i would tell him that it is not "many thai" but in my opinion only a few clever rich business thais, only thinking in making more money who are disturbed for what europe could think or think about them.

    also this is the worst that only a foolish and irresponsable person can write:

    Thailand should shrug off any diplomatic pressure as it could easily live in isolation

    well man ............burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif please dont say it....drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif .. just do it .....cause i want to be here to see the results od such a game

    and for desert i would put the question upside down

    What has thailand ever done for europe?

    come on man give a tissu i want to crycheesy.gif

    this articlel is a shame for thailand and for the thais


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  9. sad.png perhaps trying to sell his montain of rice accumulated in his government deposit that nobody whants to buy.cheesy.gif

    and as a good conservative europeen and to preserve my own culture i still recommend and prefer bread as rice...wai2.gif ..i just made some today, cause i dont like the one from BIG C or lotus or where ever here.

    and to whom it may concern.....you dont get fat because you eat bred, but you certainly get fat eating the palm oil, the coconut cream, and all the quimical staff you find in all asian cheap food.


  10. the military government should give that money to the drivers or all people who says that this police officer or member of the government want a brib......!and with a photo pointig him or her with the finger

    not only police take money , almost all of the people working for the government....it is a virus and evrybody is contaminated because it last sine long long time.

    normal citizen people did not invente the brib ....all corupted people did it.


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