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Posts posted by VINCENT2012

  1. As usual somebody is diverting from the topic which is not about drug mis use but the freedom to practice ones sexuality. So thanks for simple1 for pointing out that about half of islamic states forbids homosexuality, according to him. What about transgenders like Mohamed?

    islamic states forbids homosexuality...yes ...but because woman are on 1 side and men on the otherside....the homosexuality is very ....but very commun in arab countries....of course..everybody does it but nobody say it.does exist...

    marocco with his king Mohammed VI at the head of his country, is making a real despotic politic (like his dead father)...., they dont respect nothing about human rights or whatever..these people only want to be on the top because of their condition, and want to keep it like this for ever in detriment of the well being of their populations.

    i still dont understand why all our governments keep economic relation with these kind of people.

    thats why i have never been to africa or i dont go to muslim countries...i dont like their laws or the way they treat their own cityzens


  2. we are in 2014....!wai2.gif

    if the stamp was from this year or last year ...ok perhaps credible .....but the extension stamp is from 2012....burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRRlTrnUTOl

    since then i guess the farang had to ask for another extension to stay in thailandhit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJT don't you think people?

    so what kind of news is that?

    thai immigration boss should perhaps organize all the immigration department with a new style and new modern stamp.

    these actual look honestly a bit old fashion,..., easy to fake to me ....and i love to see when an agent make a deletion with the pen on a stamp and write other things.i have many like this in my passport....!mistakes from immigration officers and other things....and when i renew ....looks like a novel book.
    to me a very bad organisation and lots of waist of time for a simple thing....! when i see they need 4 people to scheck 1 document 4 times and at the end they make a mistake, i get creasy.


  3. that was to espect.....totaly foolish to think french where coming to thailand for such a traditional event

    these thai organizer dream too much...!...and don't think.too much.

    just look at the politic panorama

    just look at the thai organisation

    just look how they drive here and where.

    in a competition like that you need special care from the local, here for sure if you dont find a herd of cow, a bufalo, for sure you will find a dogs or a cat, or just people with bicycle, motorcycle or what ever just crossing or coming in front of you....i mean something europeen knows that could surely happen, and bad for the safety of the runners

    and one last thing.....just look at the road conditions....and the weather, the humidity, the hotness..!

    why dont they make simply an asian tour .....that could bring friendship beetween asian nations


  4. Tour de France to be held in Thailand blink.pngw00t.giffacepalm.gif whats that?

    tour de france can only be in france.......perhaps some thais want to organize a tour of thailand in thailand.......fine........ then do it and call a cat, a cat not a dog

    it is funny how some fellows use all our staff to try to make money.........(the name is protected exactly like cognac, champagne, barcelona, etc etc )

    i dont think europeen will come anyway.....the tour de france with the "giro de espana" and "giro di italia" make a complete year allready

    but they can make it with the new asian atlete comunity...........for example!


  5. Win later admitted that he saw the two tourists having sex so he made the attack with a plan to rape the woman.


    in an anterior post i guessed that happened exactly like that..................now i hope that police will prove that with all the dna test, hopping that this person and his friends are the real culprit.

    this very sad story should remind foreigners that in asia sex is still a taboo, so respect the people that you are visiting in having a decent attitude all time. Don't provoc a creasy situation that you could regret later on!


  6. Win later admitted that he saw the two tourists having sex so he made the attack with a plan to rape the woman.


    in an anterior post i guessed that happened exactly like that..................now i hope that police will prove that with all the dna test, hopping that this person and his friends are the real culprit.

    this very sad story should remind foreigners that in asia sex is still a taboo, so respect the people that you are visiting in having a decent attitude all time. Don't provoc a creasy situation that you could regret later on!


  7. Disgusting, why are Russians given preferential treatment???? I can't believe this. I'm so angry, the only Russians I have encountered anywhere in Thailand are rude, aggressive, and just generally obnoxious, they think they own the place, and now it seems, they do

    Thailand hates genuine tourists who spend money. They are cracking down on them. They just welcome people who abuse the law repeatedly and short term 30 days 800-euros all included tourists.

    If you come 3-4- months a year with a 30 000 euros budget , you are not welcome and you should go to a neighour country to spend your money instead.

    Amazing Thailand, isn t it ?

    I also plan to sell my condo and use another country as my winter holiday destination.

    good desision.clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif ....i also sell to do exactly the same thing!..thumbsup.gif ...now the problem is to find a buyer...sad.png ...a russian perhaps? burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif come on!

  8. one point for putin:

    i think the despotic russian government has done what all government of the rest of the world did not.... negociate with thais a good status visa for their citizen on holiday......!

    now the thai are looking only for the money because they should know now after what happened with the russian mafia in all big tourist places like phuket or pataya that this will bring quiet a lots of headache in the future for them.... also i dont know if they realized that the quality of russian guest are really complicated...not very civilized or either respectfull of diferent ways of living....they drink like hell, fight, break everything, drugs, prostitution, etc etc . they think money give them all rights.....i lived in spain for 15 years and i have seen the invasion in the south before.... they spend like hell , yes but nobody like these savage in europe.

    american and european have become old fashion ....they want new and inovation but i think the cocktail :drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif russian plus the noisy and spiting chinese will be a good mixed up for thailand ...... a new comunist block perhaps?cheesy.gif

    sometimes quality is better than quantity....but this depend on the owner of the bar to decide...i wish them good luck with that desision and good job for considerating now the other nationalities has a second tourist class now

    number one russian bagpackers ....!clap2.gif come on....the door is open....! it is your turn....


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  9. 400 baths a days as indemnisation ,whooooha ... poor guys.... but with those numbers, we can't really say that police thai department and thai justice is at the top......and they are many uniforms in the street every where, ........the nivel is the problem ...but...at least they have work with lots of pretty bad profesional

    here you need 7 thais for 1 farang employed......for what ...for watching what we are doing ?

    when are they starting to think that quality is better than quantity and that high education is a primary necessity for the well being of a country.


  10. funny that this creative business man put a black guy and a white farang woman..well .....multi racial couple...dangerous coktail especialy if it is a surprise.

    but i ask my self :

    is this promotion only for blacks?

    is this promotion only for farang?

    where does he get all those white pretty woman? as he a club ?

    and the biggest question:

    we are in thailand, so why he didnt put simply a couple of thais instead of farang faces?

    or why he didn't put a farang and a thai woman wich is what normaly finaly happen here?

    no no, that would have been even worse i guess, for the thainess and the great image of this countryblink.png

    anyway this publicity has no sense to me because it is not believable or even funny because out of context...it is a stupid slogan....only for that i would not buy one of his houses.

    and for the human woman rights......i would tell them ...yeah ok ...something pejorative, let just do it the other way round ...get a free weekend with that lovely man if you buy this house.....so now what pejorative for the men or still for the woman facepalm.gif ????....he is black you you know..!

    now i become a racist because of that, for me, funny comment.?.lets be serious, dont spend your precious asociation time with crap like this.


  11. "They think our country is beautiful and is safe so they can do whatever they want


    thailand is not safe , not so beautifull and you are not free to do what you want..now moon party banned too, and u better dont wear a tiny bikini on the beach....better wear a long trouser and tshirt like locals do....ok !

    and to whom it may concern like tour operator anf futur farang guests:

    the hotelroom prices with those new prejudice will remain the same

    looks like military holiday time is comming.....for sure visitors are going to increase with that dont do this , dont do that ..politic....perhaps it will work for the thais but with foreigners...i dont know.

    a murder case made by some animals have nothing to do with moon partys....i think thailand is making so much money with tourism that they could perfectly put some patrol agent around tourist places and beaches to make it safe, without banning anything...!


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  12. "They think our country is beautiful and is safe so they can do whatever they want, they can wear bikinis and walk everywhere," Prayut -- who is also prime minister -- told government officials.

    i allready in this forum made a post before (in relation with this case) saying exactly the same.....that thais are very conservative and sex matters for this population, still is a real taboo.....could you imagine drunk thai men or other asiatic watching this couple having sex on the beach......this could be a reason why they have been both murded so badly.....hope police with the DNA find all culprit anyway.

    people on holiday often forget that in a foreign country they are not at home and that even if they pay the price, there is some rulles to follow, and a respectfull atitude to show acording to the beleiving of the people and the place they are visiting.

    often alcool or drug or both make them forget all that.

    UK government can say what they want....i bet them to go in bikini or in top less in a saudi arabia beach for example...!


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