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Posts posted by VINCENT2012

  1. Come on people, get real and get a life. 


    She became PM, with no prior political experience because of her name and family connections. 

    Does that make her a evil person? 

    Was her time as PM “controlled” by her brother and Skype?  I think the answer to that is pretty obvious. 

    Does that make her an evil person? 

    She made some rather obvious wrong decisions. 

    Does that make her an evil person?

    She took on a role she obviously wasn’t qualified for, which everyone pretty much agrees on,

    but does that make her an evil person?

    Some of you on her seem to think and feel that all corruption in Thailand started with the Shins. 

    Some of you on here need a serious lesson in the political history of Thailand if you think the Shins are responsible for everything.  There has always been corruption in every segment of Thai society, and despite the General’s efforts, there probably always will be. 

    Will all corruption end with the Shins out of the way?  If you really believe that, I’ve got some wonderful beachfront property in downtown Chiang Mai for sale.


    For those of you who want to demean and disparage her at every turn, how would you feel if it was your mother or sister?  Would you defend them against the nay-sayers?  First, she’s a person, just like everyone else.  Second, she’s a woman and a mother.  None of you can take that from her.  Not ever.  So why don’t you treat her with the same respect you would demand others treat your own mother, sister or wife? 


    Whether she’s guilty or not of the charges against her, that is for the courts to decide, not some bunch of “All Knowing Expats” on an internet forum that have nothing in their own lives to keep them occupied, and have nothing good to say about the “opposition” in their minds.  And let’s not forget, none of us are Thai, so what we think or feel or say means crap at the end of the day.  You don’t have to like what she did as PM, you don’t have to like her political stance or choices, but at least try to show that your own upbringing and education were not a total waste of your parents time and money, and show a bit of class about yourselves.


    Does that make her a evil person?

    no , no, no ...! that doesnt make her a devil... as a mother she must be a wonderfull woman ....but .... that made her (they said it in this forum) as 600 milion baths richer in 2 years....isnt it  a bit exagerated as a loan and a big reason to think that something is wrong with that chinawatra family and that she as been part of the game the day she became PM ?...with the  corupt help from her brother and all thais here living from his party.



  2. i am not racist at all ....but where russians are there is trouble.....the thais are stoping that , and i think it is allright......so the russian dont come .....in one way i am going to agree with that feeling.......you dont like the visa rules in thailand , just dont come......because visa rules for normal people maried with thai or not are not fair to us in any aspect.

    to be 10 years or more with an extension of an non immigrant visa o...is just nonsense....of course we are immigrant even if the visa says we are not!!!facepalm.gif

    we should react as not spending our money here and go with our wife somewhere else.


    to be continued....!

  3. The rules for extensions of stay has not changed.

    The embassy in London does a multiple entry non-o based upon marriage with no financial proof needed. You can apply in person or by post. 

    You will need to leave the country every 90 days.with a visa.

    If you got a one year extension you would just make 90 day reports to immigration.

    You will not get a multiple entry visa or an extension of stay unless you are the legal father of your child by way of marriage or legitimization.



    well thats very funny,after 5 years in thailand, i had to go back to france for 10 mounth last year then i ask a new visa non immigrant O in february  to return and the ambassy ask for my bank statment in france no less than 3000 euros, then gave 3 mounth visa only...year extension had to be applied in thailand....what i did.

    it looks like the visa rules are not  the same depending where you coming from.blink.png


  4. i bet the clever military ones who give that measure to raise vegetables, to raise chicken, ducks and pigs and then after to pay a rent to the mall , buy salt, peper and quimical staff and then make food for 25 baths.


    i wish them good luck...first they wont make money, second i guess customer will realize they eat only shit for that price...and it is worse paying a little bit more to get something decent.


    this is a totaly stupid idea like the anterior  government wanted the people to sell the eggs by kilos instead of by dozens.

    it has been a disaster



    ps:if they want to reduce the price they have to ask the factorys todo it not the normal sellers...but anyway ...to raise something  has a cost and this is a chain complicated tgo brake

  5. some should write or teach to the thai that we just dont know how to cook, ..........that if they have a new airport , a metro , a skytrain, cars, tratctor, performant hospital material etc etc .... it is because of farang savoir faire....only.

    i was also very impressed before to see that thais where impressed when i make my own electricity at home, paint my walls, make my garden or change the oil of my car.i know now that they think we are all kings in our country we do nothing but paying for everything.

    now a farang making pad thai ..well ok ...and ..?.what a new and a complicated dish !!!!

    in thai food, take out the chilly, take out the coconut milk and take out all their quimical cheap sauce or ingredient then tell me whats left to make a dish testy for 40 bath....also dont forget the use palm oil bah.gif to cook everything wich is the worst for human health starting to be prohibited in the CEE.

    i know how to make an excelent khao pad..but not only......can i be interviewed on tv now ?


  6. Here's some data on the subject from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), which tests 15-year-olds in many countries every few years. This test attempts to measure the ability of students to reason, not merely to repeat learned information. The math results for 2012 are below. Out of 65 countries tested, Shanghai is #1 (also in reading and science) the US is 36, lagging virtually all the rich countries, and Thailand is 50 worse than Romania, but better than Mexico. Results were similar for reading and science. Thailand is not a good place to educate children on the average.


    1 Shanghai, China 613

    2 Singapore 573

    3 Hong Kong, China 561

    4 Taiwan 560

    5 South Korea 554

    6 Macau, China 538

    7 Japan 536

    8 Liechtenstein 535

    9 Switzerland 531

    10 Netherlands 523

    11 Estonia 521

    12 Finland 519

    13= Canada 518

    13= Poland 518

    15 Belgium 515

    16 Germany 514

    17 Vietnam 511

    18 Austria 506

    19 Australia 504

    20= Ireland 501

    20= Slovenia 501

    22= Denmark 500

    22= New Zealand 500

    24 Czech Republic 499

    25 France 495

    26 United Kingdom 494

    27 Iceland 493

    28 Latvia 491

    29 Luxembourg 490

    30 Norway 489

    31 Portugal 487

    32 Italy 485

    33 Spain 484

    34= Russia 482

    34= Slovakia 482

    36 United States 481

    37 Lithuania 479

    38 Sweden 478

    39 Hungary 477

    40 Croatia 471

    41 Israel 466

    42 Greece 453

    43 Serbia 449

    44 Turkey 448

    45 Romania 445

    46 Cyprus 440

    47 Bulgaria 439

    48 United Arab Emirates 434

    49 Kazakhstan 432

    50 Thailand 427

    51 Chile 423

    52 Malaysia 421

    53 Mexico 413

    54 Montenegro 410

    55 Uruguay 409

    56 Costa Rica 407

    57 Albania 394

    58 Brazil 391

    59= Argentina 388

    59= Tunisia 388

    61 Jordan 386

    62= Colombia 376

    62= Qatar 376

    64 Indonesia 375

    65 Peru 368

    happy to see that france thumbsup.gif is before english and americans and more.......clap2.gif ..............thailand with the 50 th placeblink.png is has to expect rather at the end of the queue.

    but you dont have to look at the kids to know how the education is here ...just look at the senior, talk to them and you will realize the nivel of knowledges and clue they have...it take only a few minutes


    • Like 1
  7. as residence and treatment, i dont think there much diference beetween thai and russian prison....he will feel like at home, ...only a litlle bit more hot, exotic because of the food,the language and the climat....i hope he stay quiet a while in it, to enjoy better his holydays, and can start learn the language

    these people are really indecent....for being polite and not saying rural mother f..u.c..k...e.r.


    • Like 1
  8. the law said that you can not stay in thailand as a tourist more than 6 mounths in a year time, and never more than 3 mounths concecutivly.(3 mounths in thailand and after 3 mounth in your country)

    but perhaps they want to change this too!

    now if you are married just get a multiple entry non immigrant 0 visa in your home country and next year a visa extension in thailand

    scheck well all the document you need at the ambassy or at the thai immigration office.you need money in a thai bank too on your name only

    good luck


  9. They told me I cannot take any money out of my account during the month of consideration, as the figures given in the bank letter and bank book must remain the same.


    this is not true, they dont ask this requirment.... i always use that money since 5 years now, your dossier is sent to the main office in bangkok or where ever to be schecked and aprouve 100% complete with the 1900 baths paid, not refundable in case of a no.... but.they will not ask you anything else later on.

    only you will get the visite from immigartion officers in your house to make sure you live there, ask your neibours, and will ask how much you get from abroad a mounth......you can lie as you want.....!they just right it down, they can not scheck it.

    so now it is very simple ... in 1 mounth you will just have to go back to this immigration office to get your year extension visa...well a stamp,  but this has nothing to do with the 400 000 baths in your bank account that you had for 2 mounths bloked before applying your extension and you dont have to show your bank book or what ever document at that time.

    at least since i renew...2 mounth ago.......... and i dont think this has change since then .



    good luck coffee1.gif



  10. In before the 29 pages of "but my case is different than the hundreds of others asking about the same thing with the same details as me" posts that are sure to follow.


    Of those 70k over-stayers last year (and 30k so far this year) I wonder how many are for over-stays of less than 2-3 days ? TAT claims 26.7 million tourist arrivals in 2013, so 70,000 over-stayers would represent about .0026% of that total (a quarter of 1% of the total). Doesn't seem quite the massive problem requiring draconian measures as it sounded before.


    oh...thats too complicated..........................some knows how to count , some doesn't.


    it is not about money , it is about governers proudness, how come a stupid and simple farang make overstay in thailand , even if he pays for his leaving? what the hell, what do they think these farang, they can come here and do whatever they like....no no no no.....now up to 2 years in a thai jail...can't be worse ! an excelent decision for tourism thumbsup.gif and futur tourist


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