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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. I'd just like to say that I have no affiliation with Arabs or Jews, and have only been following the situation in Israel for the last few years, but at this point I feel very sympathetic toward the Palestinians cause.

    The way I see it over the last few years:

    - Some terrorists in Gaza send rockets over the borders vs. Israel flattens half a city.

    - Some activists arrive on a boat vs. Israel sends commandos on board and a bunch of activists end up dead. Turkey ask for a simple apology Israel says no

    - Unknown persons shoot across the Egyptian border kills some Israeli soldiers vs. Israel kills some Egyptian border guards. Egypt ask for a simple apology Israel says no

    - Palestine goes to the UN to be considered a country, US/Israel say asking for a vote is an "asking for war"...? "Come back to the negotiation table with Israel's big brother USA as a neutral mediator"...(doesn't seem to make sense).

    Surely if any kind of negotiations were to be successful you'd require a neutral mediator...i don't know someone like Norway or Sweden or even Thailand; with very little vested interest in either side?

    In the past I used to watch the Israeli, US and Palestinian propaganda and weigh it all about equally as containing some fact and some fiction.

    But at the moment the US/Israeli propaganda is so hypocritical it really makes me cringe.

    I was watching Fareed Zakaria the other day and he had 4 Americans "debating" the issue. They basically just all sat there for the entire "debate" saying Palestine is asking for war, repeatedly using words like "Dumb", "Stupid", "Boneheaded"...do they really think the rest of the world is going to swallow a farce debate like this?

    I suppose I'm not really disappointed in the Israelis; they got to do what they think is best for them, every man for himself and if they think keeping the Palestinians down is better for Israel then you'd expect them to do it.

    My problem is more with the US. They are trying to act like they are some kind of global unbiased authority; while the other hand does the exact opposite.

    How can you say "Palestinians are not fit to govern themselves"...and yet support a bunch of rebels with machine guns mounted to pickup trucks in Libya and say "These guys should be governing a country"

    How can you support democracy but then say asking for a UN vote is unacceptable? This really makes no sense to me; isn't this the exact purpose of the UN to handle peacefully grievances between countries? And they even threaten to withhold their UN dues if they even hear the bid! And then they trot out phrases like "one country one vote is not a democracy"...if you don't think the UN is right, then are you in it?

    How can you support democracy but then if democratic opinion in countries like Egypt and Turkey is pro-Palestinian you say they it's not a democracy and just "rogue leader" or "groups of thugs".

    For me the only way the US can redeem itself and regain some shred of fairness is to abstain from the vote and let the world decide on the issue. (or just use a regular vote but not a veto...not sure if this is possible?).

    If you were "negotiating" something with someone and you could not come to any agreement; the logical next step would be to go and find a 3rd party to weigh in on the case and help resolve it...what other 3rd party would you suggest in this case...instead of the UN?

    It seems to me that the Israelis are happy with the status quo; as it stands they just keep build settlements, and let's say they can continue pushing the current situation for 50 years or something, they then can say "why would we give that lands to the Palestinian it's mostly Israelis living there"...what reason do they have to sincerely negotiate?

    To me a lot of the pro-Israeli argument on here and on television sounds like Arsene Wenger after a really bad game..."the ref. bad", "that goal was offside", "we should have had 2 penalties", "the pitch was awful", "the ball was too round"


  2. Great match last night, but i'm a bit worried about our center midfield...looked very weak.

    Fletch doesn't look the player he used to (maybe still needs more matches though to get back to 100%)

    Anderson only seems to shine when playing with Cleverley, he made some shockingly bad passes yesterday.

    Carrick...it really hit me yesterday just how bad he has become. I think he should join a rugby team instead because i don't think i've ever seen him pass the ball forward...?

    Park...only seems to play well in a 5 man midfield as the extra man (which is a great at), but i can't see him dominating with a partner in the middle

    For me Cleverley is the key, if we can get him fit quickly and keep him for the season i think we'll run away with the season, but without him i think there is going to be a whole in the middle.

    Or do you think i'm expecting too much out of this young lad?

  3. Generally i find sites having these kind of "supported browser" limitations are because they have used javascript in entirely the wrong way.

    Instead of write a site which at core can run without javascript, and then adding javascript as an enhancement to make functionality easier/better/etc..

    They needless use javascript to perform core mundane tasks (such as using javascript to redirect a customer to a page after completing a transaction)....total amateur and unnecessary to use javascript to accomplish things like this.

    Because javascript is client-side script it therefore runs differently in different browsers (and some stuff doesn't work in some browers).

    Then on top of that if the javascript code is written really poorly; then it creates even more browser dependance/limitations...which IMHO is what is going on with Bangkok Bank etc...

    My wife took a class in PHP a few years ago (in Thailand) and I sh*t you not all the sample scripts they were writing in class were full of quirky javascript bits. Javascript redirects, javascript form validation (without any PHP validation), alerts() everywhere.

  4. We thought the same until the Mrs pointed out looking at the banks list of properties for sale. Properties repossesed due to mortgage defaults. There's some great deals out there in the property market !!! But of course, not every farang knows that...

    There are good deal if you are willing to put in a lot of work and money to fixing them up, and you still won't end up with a "new" house.

    I bought my condo as a bank repo, and it was basically a sh*thole when i bought it, took a ton of work to get it looking good.

    I find it highly unlikely that one would be able to find a bank repo house that is comparable to a newly built modern house.

  5. why is it so much cheaper to build than to buy?

    1) If you are buying from a developer you are paying for all their marketing/advertising teams, their sales people, their management structure, and then the builders and not to mention the often ridiculously oversized entrance way etc...

    2) The 2nd hand market is Thailand is quite strange because people don't seem to understand "market value". Often people decide their sale price by thinking "I bought it for 2 million, so that means the price must be 3 million" nothing to do with what other houses are selling for , or what the market is doing etc...

    And often they'd rather just let the property sit than sell it at a cut price (from their arbitrarily calculated asking price). Which means 2nd hand houses are often priced too high and because of time left sitting empty are often in poor condition.

  6. Reason that I'm choosing to build a house instead of buying an existing house.

    1) Design. You get a house exactly the way you want it. The layout suits your family and design suits your own tastes.

    2) Price. To find a pre-built house to the standard, same size, and same land size as the house i'm building would cost about 30-40% more than cost of building.

    3) Building standards. The house building methods and standards seem to have improved dramatically from 10 or 15 years, if you look at houses built more than 10 years ago you're likely to find things like wiring on the outside of the walls, visible concrete frame columns, basic cheapo silver aluminum windows etc...

    4) Location. Plots of lands are available pretty much anywhere. You're dream house is probably not.

    5) Moo bans. Many pre-built houses here are located in moobans which for several reasons I don't like:

    - Land plots are often very small (ie 60 or 70 sqwah is considered a "big" mooban plot)

    - Often the land is highly overpriced (thus making the house overpriced)

    - Your properly value is extremely dependent upon the overall neighborhood

    6) Architectural costs are very low for designing a custom house.

    In conclusion the chance of you finding a pre-build house in the exactly location you want, the exact floor plan/size that you want, the exact design style that you want, in the neighborhood the you want, at the price that you want, with the land size that you want is a million to one shot.

  7. My sister had a Sony Vaio laptop. Had it "repaired" about 4 times by Sony and other repair companies; big waste of money, each time within a few weeks something else had melted down (RAM, Video Card, Mobo you name it).

    I wouldn't touch a Sony laptop with a 10 foot pole.

  8. 1) Do you mean you want to output an RSS; so users can go to URL to see a list of your posts in RSS format? Is so just go to http://www.yoursite.com/feed/ as Wordpress has a built-in RSS output at that URL.

    Or do you mean you want to show stories from someone else' RSS? If so just go to Wordpress Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets and add the "RSS" widget, enter the URL to the source RSS

    2) Just install a widget like this one: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-translator/

    3) Google analytics is good for stats just install a plugin like this in order to add analytics to your wordpress: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/

    4) Wordpress has a "Not Found" page built-in, but i'm unclear what you are trying to do with this?

  9. Luckily, most airlines do not consider strollers against your checked baggage allowance, whether or not a child is travelling with you on your itinerary. At least both United and Delta have this policy.

    Yeah i'm hoping my parents can just nonchalantly roll the stroller up to the check-in counter and the desk staff will just think "Stroller" slap a label on it not think twice.

    Worst comes to worst i'll have to pay out the $100 or so for an extra bag, still a lot of savings.

  10. I've been to the Baiyooke Buffet a few times and each time only paid about 500 each (maybe 550 i forget) and that was without any reservations; just a bunch of foreigners walking in.

    Maybe this dual pricing is a recent thing? Or maybe a misunderstanding by the OP?

  11. I was in Central today looking for a tandem stroller (the kind where there is one seat behind the other).

    In the Mothercare section they have one; price: 29,900 ($1,000 USD)

    Exact same model in the US sells retail for $239.99... I mean I know there are import taxes and shipping, but $240 marked up to $1000 COME ON!

    And that's not even considering that shops like Mothercare don't pay retails for their stock.


    Luckily my parents are coming at Xmas from US and i will have them bring one over.

  12. Just one other point to throw into the mix, IF your customer returns the item for some reason you are going to get hit hard for import duty etc on your own product without the airway bill proof that you sent it to start with.

    Otherwise you could show an EMS slip for a box with a tissue in it and the recipient sends back a laptop, you see the point ?

    I've actually had this situation happen and was able to get the post office to waive the import tax. I gave them an EMS receipt showing that i shipped to the person and an invoice i printed out showing the products, but no airway bill, and they were (surprisingly) pretty understanding and charged no import tax.

    Note that package was re-shipped to us in a different box by the receiver (it wasn't a rejected/non-deliverable package). Which makes it even more surprising that we were able to get no tax on it.

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