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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Philistines the lot of em. :lol:

    I just feel like throughout this thread i've been belittled, condescended to, accused, threatened, ridiculed...and for what? Offering an opinion? I'd doesn't exactly make me feel like "maybe you have a good point"?

    If the posters on here in anyway reflect the feeling on the ground in Israel how the heck would the Palestinian ever be expected to be able to "negotiate their freedom"?

    It almost brings us back full circle to the beginning as to why the Palestinians feel the need to go to the UN.

  2. I have the same problem with my Netgear router but I thought that was the ToT connection rather than the router?

    The thing that makes me think it's the router is that at the same time the internet stalls the router is frozen (can't connect to the router menu). There is no reason a busted DSL connection should make the router menu freeze up?

  3. I have used both (3 D-Links) and current TP-Link W8960N. All of the D-Links had overheating troubles; menu was often impossible to understand/adjust but for the most part usable if not ideal. The TP-Link has been outstanding for me - easy to set up and adjust and very cool running (no heat issues at all). It is the more expensive wireless "N" model and for me excellent. But at least one reader bought on my recommendation and had it fail almost immediately so suspect you take your chances whatever you get that it could be defective.

    Thanks i think i will try my luck with a TPlink, I hope TOT don't give me a hard time over exchanging it (they said it had a "life time guarantee"... :huh: )

  4. Slow on the turn and at the top level he gets found out,shame as you say because he reads the game ok and his passing is good,the difference in him and Jones is clear to see and Smalling at the moment would be the preferred partner..... but saying all that he is good for cover when we need him.

    He's a bit unlucky that he's come through at the same time as Jones/Smalling, because i cannot think of too many defenders that can hold a candle to those two, imagine how good they'll be a few years?

    I'm not sure why SAF doesn't play Smalling and Jones in the middle right now and put Fabio out on the right?

  5. Everyone who does not agree with your opinions is "biased". I get it. :D

    For example on the show they would continue to use language which would be far too extreme or insulting for an objective observer to use.

    Saying "this is just plain dumb and boneheaded", "stupid" that kind of thing and the way they said it was fairly obvious that they were emotionally vested in the situation.

    I mean i can understand someone saying something like "it's a poor decision" or "it will not have a positive result", but what objective person would use specifically insulting language about one of the parties? Especially in a case like this is not so clear cut.

  6. It just brings me back the point about the Fareed Zakaria show, which although Jingthing pointed out i did not watch the entire thing, the part that i watched had a decidedly biased position.

    So your biased position is that it had a biased position? ;)

    I suppose it depends on your definition of bias.

    Personally I see a bias as when you go into a situation with predetermined mindset because of your past experiences, upbringing, nationality, religion, race etc..

    Whereas I formed an opinion based on events that i saw and had no pre-existing mindset before seeing them. I had already formed this opinion before watching the GPS show, which you could therefore say i was already biased by that time. And the show did not conform to my opinion. However I feel that the people talking on the show were all talking from a position of bias similar to first kind.

    And i would not consider these forms of "bias" to be of the same ilk.

  7. Again i'm kind of confounded a bit...why would Israel be in the news everyday in the US when only 2% of the population are Jewish?

    Israel is one of Americas main allies

    It just brings me back the point about the Fareed Zakaria show, which although Jingthing pointed out i did not watch the entire thing, the part that i watched had a decidedly biased position.

    Maybe there is a general media bias towards the issue in the US?

    Italy, Ireland, England; all major US allies and a lot of Americans that trace back to coming from these countries yet i would not expect to see them on the news in the US "almost every day" (or maybe there are? It's been 5 years since i was in the US?) But it just seems like a disproportionate about of media coverage and if it's anything like what i saw on GPS i can assume it has a bias?

    I just feel like if they saw all the same scenes that i saw, how did 63% like it?

    Also what's with all the threats and condescension around here? I think these are valid things to consider?

  8. Honestly, I think Americans would tend to know more where Gaza is than the difference between Thailand and Taiwan. Israel is in the US news most everyday.

    Again i'm kind of confounded a bit...why would Israel be in the news everyday in the US when only 2% of the population are Jewish?

    Not really going anywhere with this, but it's just a strange thing to think about, that Americans would be so much more familiar with Israel than Taiwan and Thailand?

  9. Hamas started it with rocket attacks on civilians in Israel and then used their own civilians as human shields. Americans, in general, do not approve of terrorists.

    When a terrorist used a human shield i don't think you should send a missile right through the "shield" to take out the terrorist.

    If there was some terrorist bloke in the condo a couple of floors below mine i don't think i'd appreciate it a missile came through my kids bedroom on the way to taking him out.

  10. Here is your answer, dude. The USA has about 2 percent Jews.

    Support for Israel in U.S. at 63%, Near Record High


    Next ...

    Stats like that kind of confound me a bit. Considering that the Gaza war was at the end of 2008, and even yourself, a vehement supporter of Israel, conceded that the force used against Gaza was disproportionate...yet support for Israel in the US shot upwards after that action...

    I just don't get it how can someone previously supporting the Palestinian cause see apartment blocks blown up and people looking for their kids in the wreckage and think "Yeah, that's a good thing, i think i'm going to switch sides"

  11. Evans has me kind of at a loss.

    When i first saw him at United i thought he was great and would be an excellent defender in the future for United.

    The last couple of seasons he's looked worse and worse and a big liability.

    Then at the weekend versus Chelsea he played really well. Looked really confident on the ball playing some great cross field passes.

    I just don't get it, you just never know who you are gonna get...could be a deer caught in the headlines one week, or the next great hope the next week.

    I really hope he can continue on with this form and get some consistency.

  12. I bought a new DLink modem/router from TOT to replace my old modem which wasn't working well.

    I feel stupid for getting the DLink as i had a DLink a while ago and it was real piece of crap, but i swallowed everything the TOT guy said and got a new DLink. Anyways i'm having problems with it randomly stalling for a few seconds every once in a while, it's really annoying.

    Also the router menu is unbelievably slow and often cannot connect to it.

    I'm thinking about taking it back and getting a TPLink one, which TOT also offers, instead. Has anyone used the TPLink one? Are they any good?

    I wish i could get a "Billion" brand one. I have one of those at my shop and it runs awesome, never has any problems, but TOT say they don't carry that one any more.

  13. OMG, he thinks "Israel" and "Palestine" have been fighting like this since 2000 BC! Now, I'm speechless. I knew this guy had knowledge gaps, but he's going for a grand prize. OK, dude, let me be clear. Of course you are entitled to your opinion. So does a ten year old child. BTW, that doesn't mean EVERYTHING you have said is wrong. I certainly agree that Israel in general is much more comfortable with the current status quo than Palestinians are in general.

    I was under the impression that there were battles between the Israelites other local tribes/civilizations, such as Palestine, around Canaan for many 1000s of years BC is this incorrect?

  14. The opinion you have formed and are now blatantly expressing in a twisted (as I have proven) way is now pro-Palestinian, and is anti-Israeli. Isn't that what I said? Ignoring history? That sounds like an endorsement of ignorance.

    Yes i have formed an opinion which is sympathetic to Palestinians getting their own state, and i think that Israel is content with the status-quo. Are you just going to try and go around and around and pick on every word until somehow my head explodes and an anti-Semitic bigot pops out?

    Yes i think you need to draw a line under history somewhere...how far back do you want to go? Haven't Israel and Palestine been fighting since like 2000BC....should we trace it all the way back and figure out who owes who what? I don't think so, let's draw a line under it and reevaluate what's fair and move on; both peoples need a country and let's go from there.

    If Israel were to pull out of Palestine and the Palestinians decided "here's our chance to destroy Israel" i think world opinion would instant swing to back the Israel; i know that my view would.

  15. I'm not interested in your resume, dude, I was talking about your post, which was not the post of an objective person. You have the right to your opinion, but to claim you aren't promoting the Palestinian side doesn't wash.

    I said that i had no affiliation with either side, but now due to events that i have seen unfold within recent years that I have formed an opinion which is sympathetic to the Palestinians; I still don't understand how i am "not an objective person" I have absolutely zero pre-existing biases or views that would make me nonobjective on the issue.

    I believe that still makes me a "neutral" person (as i have no background affiliation)...however a neutral person who has formed an opinion.

    If one looks at events and forms an opinion which is not on the Israeli side does that automatically qualify someone as "not objective"?

    I'm sure that if i were to go back through a history lesson you'd show me all the injustices etc...I'm sure there were, but as I said my opinion is based on the last few years of events, as seen on CNN and BBC, as prior to that i really had no knowledge of the issues at all as so cannot draw any opinions for past events which go beyond my scope.

    And honestly i feel that if you look too much at what happened 50 years ago, what happened 100 years ago, what happened 1000 years ago those events will always cloud your view of the current climate. I wasn't even alive when most of the stuff you are talking about happened.

  16. With respect to the Arab spring, my point is simply that the deaths stack up by the thousands and scarcely anyone on this forum can be bothered to comment, yet any transgression by Israel seems to attract huge amounts of scrutiny and apparent outrage. Have you considered why this might be?

    I think there are a lack of comments on the Arab spring issues because pretty much everyone agrees that a government killing it's own people is wrong...what is there for people to discuss or debate? Assad, Godaffi etc.. are bast*rd; does anyone disagree?

    Whereas with the Israel-Palestinian there are a lot of people arguing one side or the other, thus producing more debate and comments.

    And as for your Jewish heritage I only ask this because it seems to me that there are not too many "neutrals" arguing on the side of the Israelis, which I think says a lot about the situation. Of course Palestinians and Jews are going to argue their own side come hell or high water so as such, i feel, these opinions carry little weight.

  17. Just consider this; An estimated 50,000 lives have been lost during the so called Arab spring and scarcely anyone on this forum seems to give a dam_n. During that time Israel has only acted in self-defense and has to deal with the systematic use of human shields by Palestinian terrorists. Still in that time would you care to guess how many people died?

    I'm not sure I understand your point? I don't think anyone would say that the killings of protestors by governments in Libya/Syria/Yemen/Egypt etc during the Arab uprising were good? In my opinion these governments are/were very much in the wrong.

    Are you likening the killing of Palestinian by Israels to the killing of Syrian protestors by the Assad government?

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