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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. To the OP: "Chonburi" is both the name of a *city* and a *province* so which do you mean?

    It's like asking something about "New York." It can mean The Big Apple, or include the entire state.

    I don't think it really matters in this case, Chonburi city & province are the manufacturing heart of the country and condos are going to be in the urban areas.

    There's a big difference between a beach condo in Pattaya and condo in SiRacha, and workers residence in Chonburi manufacturing zones...etc..I think that is wpcoe's point

  2. Thaivisa Vs. a cucumber:

    - Cucumbers are cool and refreshing

    - Thaivisa has mean people

    - Cucumbers are sometimes sour

    - Thaivisa has mean people

    Overall i think cucumbers are better! I think thaivisa needs to step up it's game.

  3. so far no indication of pools depth and surrounding for construction. essential for pricing

    alos pool deck size and material needs to be specified.

    but 10 x 5 at 1,2 meter (des Jouaux standard) in ground should not cost more than 800k with nice glazed tiles. Good pools do not crack, ever :)

    JD pools build very cheap pools sold at high prices, making pvc liner needed

    For the depth; the quote was for 1.5Meters deep (all over).

    Price did not include any surrounding deck (just the basic border/rim around the pool).

    I take it you would not recommend J.D Pools; is there another company which is better for a good price?

    You said Des Joyaux also does grazed tile pools, but they only offered us Vinyl liner pools?

  4. I did not catch were you are at. Pricing of my pool 7 x 14 with tile and filters and all is less than you said in Chiang Mai

    My pool in Pattaya slightly smaller was about 400,000 tile and filter and all.

    Seems you need to check around more

    I'm in Bangkok, any cheaper companies that you can recommend?

  5. A proper fully tiled concrete in-ground pool this size with professional with a professional pump and filter in a pump house would cost on average about Baht 800,000 (and very often less with no loss of quality), and you can choose the color of tiles you want and the kind of surrounding deck.

    Can you please let me know which company this price is based on (are they located in Bangkok?)?

    When talking with J.D Pools awhile ago they said their Concrete/Tile pools were about 50% more expensive that Vinyl liner pools? Also they said that with Vinyl liner you can just replace the liner every 15 years or so, whereas with Tiled pool if you get cracks in the concrete you have to do a major refurbishment?

    Also i'd be interested to know the company offering the cheaper pool service that you mentioned.


  6. I plan to build a pool starting in the beginning 2012 and am starting to get my thoughts together.

    I'd like to get a pool 10meters X 5meters with vinyl liner construction.

    I went into Desjoyaux in Bangkok and was quoted 1Million THB for 10x5m including:

    - Basic filter (looks like piece of crap kind of overhanging the pool)

    - Extended corner area with 3 water jets

    - Cleaning equipment

    Then for upgrades:

    - Update filter to one that sits flush with the wall and ground (so you can't really see the filter): +100,000THB

    - Change blue liner color to green: +50,000THB

    The pool comes with two 9cm halogen light but these are apparently built into the filter box...weird?

    Total: 1,150,000THB

    Does this sound like a reasonable price? If not where can one get a better price? I plan to get a quote for J.D Pools also, are there any other companies that i should check out?

    They gave me the "This is promotion price you must give me money NOW! in order to get this"...I'm assuming that is just a standard sales pitch and in fact they have these kind of "Soon expiring Promotions" all the time?

    I'm a bit lost with the color of the pool. I don't want a blue pool if i can avoid it, i feel like it's kind of dull and "normal". I'd like to get a light green color pool but i'm having a hard time finding any websites that offer a decent gallery showing "This color liner produces a pool looking like this".

    Can anyone suggest a website?

    For all i know it could take a yellow liner to produce a green water; I couldn't believe how blue the water looked in a white lined pool.

    Finally I'd like to have the pool maintained/serviced as i'm not interested in doing this myself. Desjoyaux quoted 5,000THB per month for full pool service including all chemicals and a guy coming 3 times a week to clean/adjust the pool.

    3 times a week seemed a bit excessive on such a small pool, but they said it was 3 times a week take it or leave it.

    Is this is reasonable price for pool cleaning service? Again if it's not can you suggest another company/price?

    P.S. Here's any example of the type of color i'm going for (only maybe a bit light if possible):


  7. I have read all the documents and notes on the passport application form, and all it states is that all Thai forms must be translated by a licensed translator. It does not mention the ministry of foreign affairs anywhere. Im confused now :blink:

    ps i dont want to register the birth, i just want a passport for him.

    Translations need to be stamped by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but as i said most translation companies will offer to get this done for you (for a fee obviously), so that you don't have to go to Chaeng Wattana MoFA and sit around all day.

  8. Just bring your marriage paper, your wife's ID card and sons birth certificate to a translation company. I prefer to just give them the documents, have them translate the documents, have them bring translations to ministry of foreign affairs for certification and then mail me all the documents via EMS.

    You can do the ministry of foreign affairs certification part yourself if you want, but IMHO it's not worth saving 500-1000Baht and wasting a whole day on that. Just pay the translation company to do it all.

    Once you get your certified translations bring them to the embassy along with your passport and passport photos of your son. They will be able to be submit the passport application and you a British birth certificate at the same time.

    Costs a small fortunate and birth certificate/passport arrive by mail after a few weeks.

  9. I think you're price range is about right for a basic house of 185SQM, 2Mil seems about doable.

    But some of things you mentioned seem like you are thinking about American construction not Thai?

    - Wood frame

    - Concrete slab

    - Drywall

    Normally concrete piles as the foundation, with concrete frame structure, and walls filled out with brick rendered over with concrete.

    And i've never seen drywall used on walls (only ceilings).

  10. In order to find out if the real chanote had a mortgage registered you'd have to go to the land department.

    In order to get a survey done have to go to the land department.

    Either way you would have had to make a trip to the land department, I fail to see how it was a "nuisance"?

    No-one suggested I need to check the copy was up to date. Now it turns out money's owed on the property. It's means the survey cannot be done as things stand.I call that a nuisance.

    You went to the land department; what's the different whether it was to get a survey or to check the chanote, either way it took up exactly the same amount of your time?

    How would the lawyer telling you to check the chanote have saved you any time, or changed the situation at all?

  11. In order to transfer the deed at the land department you first must obtain a letter from the juristic person at the condo confirming that all condo service fees are paid in full.

    The land department will also require that all mortgages/loans registered on the deed also be cleared before they will make the transfer.

    Which means you can't do the transfer if there are legitimate outstanding debts.

    There is no need for a lawyer to check on this you can get a copy of the chanote (from the owner) and go to check at the land department by yourself.

  12. Duty would be 30% (for HS Chapter 85.09) on the cost plus shipping. Add 7% VAT on the customs value and the customs duty. If you send by courier, it is very likely to be stopped and taxed, and handling costs on top. If by post, it is more random and usually the taxes assessed are lower than legally due

    Section 85.09:

    "Electro-mechanical domestic appliances, with self-contained electric motor, other than vacuum cleaners of heading 85.08."

    Shows 80% in the import tax database here:


    I don't think that that even includes the Interior Tax, VAT, Excise tax or fees:


    Where are you getting the 30%?

    Other sections such as refrigerators (84.18) come up at 60%...all the rates seem to be higher than 30%?

  13. Congratulations.

    Yes, a name has to have a meaning in Thai: http://www.dopa.go.th/English/servi/cfname.htm

    This seems to be unclear (bad translation?):

    2. Names must have meaning in the Thai language must not be vulgar.

    Either they mean:

    2. Names must have meaning in Thai language


    3. Names must not have a vulgar meaning in Thai language

    Or they just mean:

    2. Name must not have a vulgar meaning in Thai language

    It doesn't make sense they way they have it now with 2 points in a 1 point sentence?

    And many Thai names are "unique" (ie a monk just made up a word and said this is a good thing to call the baby), how does this square up with "Having a meaning in Thai Language"..it wouldn't be found in any Thai dictionary.

  14. There is not such law; the baby can be called anything you want.

    It's pretty ridiculously that this mother would accept being told what she can/cannot name her own baby.

    IMHO it almost sounds too stupid to be true...sound more like she made this story up because she didn't actually want to call the baby Justin... did you actually hear it from the hospital themselves that they couldn't name the baby Justin?

  15. Clearly you have no choice, you must act swiftly and take the following steps before you mess up your only chance at true love:

    1) Empty all your banks accounts

    2) Borrows as much money as you can from all your friends and family back home and then tell them to "f* off; you will never pay it back"

    3) Sell 1 kidney on the black market

    4) Apply for as many credit cards as possible.

    And finally take all the money and pay it to your "brother in-law" (you know that bloke who watches over your wife and house while you're away) to build a mansion in a rice paddy where you, your wife, and your in-law will live happily ever after.

  16. As sourpeel said either teach English at a public school (for the 20,000 per month) or get significant teaching experience first then apply for international school.

    At the rates they charge, international schools certainly shouldn't be hiring teaches with no experience; I'd definitely be pissed if i was paying 400,000+ baht a year for some bloke with no experience to be teaching my kid, because he wants to stay in Thailand a "bit longer than last time".

  17. One year they specifically made me sign a piece of paper saying that i "Read and acknowledged that the bank balance is required to be in the bank 3 months prior to application"... (for the following year). I guess people had been moaning that they weren't aware of the 3 month requirement so were collecting these "proof" statements.

    That was 2 or 3 years ago, so the rules may have changed since; as they seem to change on an annual basis.

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