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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. MRR + 3% on a mortgage :lol: That's currently 10.5%, and likely to increase. They are having a laugh; just go to a variety of different banks. You'll find a better offer if you shop around, SCB sucks for loans.

    15 years and a fraction of the value of the property is also all part of the standard SCB slap in the face.

    5000 seems a lot for the appraisal, normally only 1000-2000 or so from most banks. Oh well it's gone now; best not to think about it and move on.

  2. Don't waste your time going to the actual post office just do the following:

    A ) Call the post office hotline: #1545 (get wife to call in Thai), and report package missing. They will ask you to fax them a copy of the EMS tracking/receipt paper (fax this to them)

    B ) They will try to locate the package (may take a week or so)

    C ) At this point the package is either "Lost" or they have located it.

    - If the package is lost they will take you through the procedure for claiming the insure money (fill out form fax it) and it will probably take a month to get your money. You will pick up the money at the post office you shipped from at this point.

    - If package is located and delivered you can still apply for the shipping cost back, as they guarantee the package arrive in the US (not at location, just in the country) within 5 business days. If they fail this they will refund the shipping. Will take around a month to get this money back.

  3. In order to bring a car seat on the plane you have to purchase a full ticket for the child.

    If you buy an "on the lap" ticket for the baby (which is WAY less compared to a full ticket, ie $60 vs $1000) then you don't get to bring a car seat. However they do sometimes provide a bed for the baby which attaches to bulkhead wall.

    If you did buy a full ticket for baby and they wouldn't let you bring the car seat then you should complain. If you purchased a "ride on the lap" ticket...how would you ride with a carseat on your lap?

  4. Had a thief come into our store today; and it was obviously not his first time at the rodeo.

    We had 3 employees in the showroom and he spent an hour making fake inquiries about a "large order" of products, trying to distract or get the employees to leave the room.

    After an almost an hour of talk one employee had to go to the stock room to check products for him. Leaving 2 employees in the showroom, he then asked if one of the employees could go and buy him a water at the store next door and gave the employee 20baht (exit employee #2).

    He then waited for the remaining employee to look away for a second and grabbed employee #1s cellphone and purse off the desk, stuck them in his bag and made up an excuse that he had to get something outside.

    We have the whole thing on 2 CCTV cameras with him clearly stealing the stuff, and got lots of shots of him looking straight into the camera. We called the police but they didn't seem at all interested. They did not want the CCTV video, we did convince them to take a couple of photo print outs from the video of the guy (although they didn't seem to want these either), and the guy had also left an empty can of coke behind that he had been drinking, they did not want to take this either (ie finger prints)?

    I am just assuming that they will never attempt to catch this guy; but it seems odd that they don't even take the evidence.

    In the off chance that the guy falls into their laps how would they even prosecute him without any of the evidence?

    At the end of the day there was only a few 100s in the purse and a 5000baht cellphone, but this guy is obviously not just one-off thief, he will do it again to others.

  5. So what you're saying is that the best for YOU is that your son sleeps in his own bed, otherwise you dont sleep well due to constant awakenings..?


    In the long run i don't think it makes much of a difference to him; if he's only known sleeping in his own room, he's not going to feel sad that he doesn't sleep in our room.

    But it does make a BIG difference to me. It's getting a good night sleep vs getting no sleep.

  6. Our son has been sleeping in his own room from day 1 (with a baby monitor). I think that's the best way to do it, on the occasions that he's had to sleep in our room (visitors staying or on holiday) i don't get any sleep because i'm constantly waking up to check if he's managed to fall off the mattress or every time he makes a noise.

    am of course not allowed to shout at her (she wouldnt understand anyway).

    You mean she's too young to understand why your annoyed? Or you literally cannot communicate with your daughter?

  7. Hold down the power button on the right side, it should popup with some options (such as "Power Off", "Flight Mode", and "Data Transfer (or something like that"). You can use this Data option to toggle on/off the data services.

    Turn the data service off when you are not using the internet, this way no background apps can be using up your data plan.

  8. The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

    In the UK they'd get a 6 suspended sentence, then a new identity, gag orders preventing their names being published and a live long benefits package. Things are much more advanced in the UK.

  9. Company: Soccer Gear

    Location: Ram Intra Soi 1, Bangkok

    Job Title: Office/operations assistant

    Salary: 9,0000-12,000THB per month depending on skills/experience, annual bonus, annual raise, social security.

    Age: 20-35


    We are a small company (4 employees) selling sports clothing and doing screen printing. This job entails preparing orders and assigning tasks to production workers.

    Required skills:

    - Basic computer ability (use internet, email and have used MS Word/Excel before etc..)

    - Able to read English alphabet (not required to communicate in English)

    Required Education: No specific requirements

    Please call Peach at 0846966904 for applications.

  10. Fair enough, but I regularly use Enterprise at my nearest Airport in UK and they didn't bat an eyelid. Mine's are always pre booked using the internet

    I rented the car 1 month ago from Heathrow, and pre-booked online. Before i arrived i emailed them saying "I have a both US and Thai license can i use these".

    And their response "Yes for US license, No for Thai license".

    It may be fine if you just show up at the counter with only the Thai license, but after being specifically told that you need an International Drivers license if you have only a Thai license, i wouldn't want to risk it.

    As you said in your case you were able to rent with only the Thai license; however i wouldn't suggest it to op (all it would take is a grumpy desk worker and you're taking the train).

  11. I just went to the UK and Enterprise would not allow me to rent a car on a Thai drivers license. I had to use my US license to the rent the car.

    This is a quote excerpt from a customer service email from Enterprise in response to this specific issue:

    All international drivers must have a valid drivers license from their own country, passport and credit card in his/her name. An International license will not be required for US renters however, one would be required with a Thai license (non-English.)

  12. We send monthly packages to New York, Singapore and Hong Kong. Until recently we were using Fed-Ex but their prices are about 1/3rd more expensive than EMS. We trialled EMS for a couple of months and the only difference we have seen, apart from the cost reduction, is it takes one or two days longer for the packages to reach New York. There's no difference at all with the Singapore and Hong Kong deliveries.

    Hello, I need to send a package from BKK to NYC and it really has to arrive within 7 days. I'm considering EMS. In your experience, how many days does it take for packages going to NY and how likely is it to arrive on time? Thanks.

    If it absolutely HAS to arrive in 7 days i would suggest using UPS instead of EMS, it's going to cost more but their times a pretty fixed (3 day delivery means 3 days). EMS is *roughly* 3-5 business days (meaning could be 7 or 8 especially to USA).

    As previously said i'm a fan of EMS, but not if something is required by a certain number of days.

  13. Anyone selling online and need to have current shipping rates all the time? My current system connects to the Thailand post websites and grabs their rates from their rates lookup form.

    However as of late their website is sooo slow that it's almost impossible to get rates; most of the time it offline completely.

    Does anyone know if they have any kind of webservices/XML system for looking up rates? (Like UPS, Fedex, USPS etc.. have) Or has anyone else come up with any other creative solutions to getting current rates?

    Note that i want to avoid using a manually created spreadsheet full of rates as it is difficult to keep current, or know when the rates have changed etc...

  14. In Phuket and Hua Hin I have sold properties to buyers lending money in SCB, Kasikorn and Ayudhya. All requiered 70-90 days.

    Kasikorn: http://www.kasikornbank.com/EN/Personal/Loans/KHomeLoan/Pages/KHomeLoanKasikorn.aspx

    Loan Turnaround Time

    Around 7 business days for Loan Turnaround Time in case all completed documents are submitted to the bank

    I can attest to this as i've had a mortgage application denied by them it only took 1-2 weeks before i heard the result.

    SCB and Ayudhya don't seem to publish their processing times on their websites. But i applied for loan at Ayudhya and inquiry on loan at SCB, neither had a 70-90 day processing time.

    Seems to me like the buyers were giving you a nice little story about loan times in order to get you to sign a longer period contract.

  15. 90 days is rather normal, as it is how long it takes banks to process a loan application if it is not in a new development approved by banks headoffice

    i've had loans approved by 2 banks in 30 days for second hand properties, no banks that i went to said it would take 90 days.

    (I have some banks reject the loan also, but they were all rejected within a few weeks)

    Example Bangkok Bank 14 days:


    Which bank are you referring to that takes 90days?

  16. having sold my own house here a few years ago i insisted on a 10% deposit from the buyer. 350k

    my 1st interested party i accpeted a 20k deposit .. he then peeded me around for 7 weeks in the end saying he could not raise the balance

    my 2nd party paid 100k deposit then after another 3 monhts confesed they could not get the mortgage arranged.

    so 5 months lost ..

    the 3rd and final buyer paid there deposit of 350k and happily paid the balance after 2 weeks.

    You seem to have agreed strange terms with regards to the deposit; normally in sales i've been involved with the deposit buys you a month (maybe 6 weeks) to complete the sale or the deposit is gone.

    Why would you agree to hold the property for 3 months, or 7 weeks etc...? Maybe you're problem is not the amount of the deposit, but the amount time you are giving people with the deposit.

    I can understand your case of getting messed around, especially if marketing the property at considerable expense; however i feel that your scenario differs from most property sales in Thailand.

    Thais "Marketing" their property in Thailand most of the time consists of putting a hand drawn phone number of the front door (or maybe no sign at all!) If the seller is really with it they may even have posted a message somewhere on an obscure forum with 100x100 pixel image.

    Property is not "taken off the market" after the deposit is received; you can pretty much guarantee that if a better offer comes in you'll get the deposit bunged back to you (no matter how much it was) with some lame excuse about their grandmother dying and the property no longer being for sale.

    20K is a considerable amount of money considering that for that money they person maybe has spent a couple of days of their time (ie 1 day to show you the property and another to meet you and agree on terms/sign contract)

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