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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. I was on Koh Chang once with a few friends. At about 10PM two guy who were totally wasted (beers still in hand) dropped all their stuff on the beach and ran into the water; pitch black. We were also sits on the beach drinking. After 5 or 10 minutes we could no longer see or hear them and started to worry as they'd left all their stuff (wallet, cellphone etc..) on the beach; not the kind of thing you do if you're planning on swimming for more than a couple of minutes.

    We walked up and down the shore looking for them; couldn't see anyone so we went into the resort and informed the staff, about 4 or 5 came out with a few huge flash lights and everyone was searching and calling out for the missing guys. 20 minutes or so later still nothing and we're starting to think they could actually be dead.

    Finally about 30 or more minutes after they went in they appear out of the water, and someone said "we've been search for you for half an hour"...response "what'd you do that for".

    Moral of the story, next time i think a drunk might be drowning he can go f*** himself.

  2. Manchester united store no longer shipping to Thailand? Tried to order the new goalkeepers kits and found Thailand is no longer on the list of countries and says i can no longer order to Thailand...

    Anyone know what's the deal? I've contacted them hopefully i can still get my shirts; the Manchester United stores in Thailand never have the goalie shirts and the prices of home/away shirts are ridiculous...

  3. Did you try the group video chat? Or the youtube sharing feature?

    I saw the video chat ("Hang outs" right?) not really my thing, and can't you already do this on Skype or MSN? Didn't see any youtube sharing featured?

    Just seems a bit flat to me, no wow factor.

    (When entering my profile details it didn't even have my University or High school in the database)

  4. Thanks for the invite...have to say that i'm not too impressed with Google + after logging though.

    Don't really see how it's going to compete with facebook? I mean Picasa is much better than facebooks photo system, but you could already use Picasa without having Google +...

    Or am i missing something; seems very slim on the features?

  5. I was, but what's the difference between buying a sealed box online than from any store, any where around the world?

    Suppose you don't mind a bit of Melamine in it then? If so I bet you could get a really good deal on shipping some big cases of formula over from China.

  6. I wouldn't buy formula in bulk (at least not more than a few of the 3 bag boxes) because you never know how long the babies are going to be able to drink that specific brand.

    Let's say they start crapping 8 times a day and doctor tells you to start using a lactose-free brand; what you gonna do with the years supply of the other stuff in the cupboard?

  7. I recommended Magento because they offer a hosted solution.

    If you're getting 20 second page loads then you need to check your configurations.

    That's with all the caching settings turned on, but on a shared hosted.

    Host Solution = Cookie cutter site held hostage where you will never be able to properly customize, should the need arise (ie something like needing to write a script to export orders in a specific format for a label printer etc..)

    Size may have mattered when diskspace was expensive, but at the price 500GB or 1TB disks sell for today, the 20 or 30 MB more or less don't matter at all.

    I use 20MB as a comparison; when most carts like Zen-cart, osCommerce weigh in at like 3-4MB and even CRE Loaded (which has more features that Magento) is only 6MB...so why would this cart necessitate 20MB (4 or 5 times more than the average cart)? Because it's over written...

    Why would you need to wrap MySQL functions with about 5 different intertwined classes with each class containing 1000s of lines of code? The truth is you don't; it's just become super anal-retentive; it's code in that way to be "neat" and "smart" just for the sake of being "neat/smart" and nothing else. It provides no performance boost and means that any custom code requires about 10 times as long to write, because you've got to trace anything back through about 8 different classes to find where data is coming from.

    I mean i'm all for tidy OOP but you've got to draw a line somewhere; every time i work on Magento i want to punch myself in the face.

    Also i think too many people look at the outside of the cart and this "this is better", "this one is worth" just because of the default themes it comes with. Yes Magento looks good out of the box, osCommerce by comparison looks like a 10 year old piece of crap, but who runs a store that just "out of the box"...?

    Many people think they will be fine with a cookie cutter stored but there truth is as soon as you start actually selling products in volume you will need to customize things to make more efficiently for you.

    For example if wasn't able to print of 20 invoices at a time, or print out EMS forms on a dot matrix it would be a real pain in the butt...

  8. Most of the Open Source carts listed on this thread "Zen Cart" in particular are messy to program and bloated beyond most peoples requirements. If anyone mentions OsCommerce, run like the wind.

    Magento has recently become popular as of late and is easier to work with than Zen, although designers have complained that it's not easy to work with. Prestashop is also a nice clean solution, free to boot.

    You describe Zen Cart as "bloated" and yet you recommend Magento?? Magento requires a VPS or dedicated server just to run it without 20 second page loads... and package is 20MB!

  9. People here seem to be accustomed to commandeering public streets as their own person parking space.

    Our shop is on a main street (no parking in front) but there is a side street a few yards down, where we always park. New shop owners moved into the corner unit and have now decided the entire side street next to the side of their shop is now "theirs" even put blockades and signs up saying it's "their parking". I still continue to park there despite getting the evil eye every time, it's a public street for f***sake.

  10. A Pheu Thai pledge is to raise the minimum wage 30% to 300 baht a day, or 9300 baht a month

    Where did you get 9300THB per month? Is just like an official number of "If you are paid monthly you must get at least 9300", or did you just multiple 300 * 31 (If so not all months have 31 days, and do you actually make your employees work 7 days a week?)

    I'd say that 25 working days per month would be more of a reasonable assumption than 31, which would be a monthly wage of 7500... and i can't imagine you are paying your employees much less than this now?

  11. I think some are being a little ungracious. The fact is that you should be given the facilities you pay for, simple as that. I am sure Darrel would complain bitterly if the extra facility of aircon in his own condo were turned off. You all pay a going rate and that is for the complete facility,. End of story. Go door to door and get the complaints you need. If you paid for a condo in a block with a Gym with aircon, then why the hell should you not have that, just because the management company want to make an extra 5000 baht a month by turning the aircon off.

    Keep in mind that service fees are not adjusted for inflation. So while the cost of electricity/aircon continues to rise each year the fees to cover this cost will not increase. In my experience it's dam_n near impossible to get the service rate increased, as you need over 50% ownership vote on this (only about 20% of owners in our building even show up at the annual meetings to vote on stuff), to get at least 50% owners to a meet, and then get them all to agree to start paying more...forget about it.

    At the end of the day if there is not enough money coming in each month to cover the cost of 2 aircons in the gym, then there's no use getting mad at the management; would you suggest they run the bank account dry paying for 2 aircons?

  12. If you want to buy apartment you must go to search at "Sell"

    "Buy" for owner of apartment to search who want to buy apartment :)

    What...? :blink:

    If you want to buy an apartment why would you click on "Sell"? And what is the point of the "Buy" section if you have to click on "Sell" in order buy an apartment?

    On the plus side you are hosting it in Luxembourg...? so the site barely loads and i don't even have to think about which buttons not to click on...

  13. Here at home I have a few Hitachi tools, 3 cordless drills, Circular saw, Sander, Jigsaw, Angle grinder, they all get a reasonable work out and have performed flawlessly, have had a battery charger die on one of the drill, Hitachi replaced it without question.

    Yeah i'm sure they work fine; I almost bought a jigsaw of theirs the other day, but i just really can't stand that green. Went with a black & decker instead.

  14. Looks like he left a pair, didn't he...?

    It's actually a hose pipe (i thought it was another pair of flip flops too at first).

    The shoe rack itself, the garden hose and even one of the plants have more value that the flip flops (i guess those things wouldn't fit into the backpack?).

  15. No good for you to identify the thief - considered printing some stills up of local light poles?

    The value of the flip flops is less than the cost of printing 1 color page.

    When i watched the video i fully expected to see one of those cardboard collecting bum types, or someone carrying 5 cats put the flip-flops on as ear muffs... but this dude seems to be reasonably dressed, sneakers and backpack i just can't figure out his deal...

    I just hope he doesn't have the misfortune of walking back pass the shop and getting spotted by the aggrieved employee...

  16. This guy decided to stop and steal a pair 10 year old dirty flip flops (you know the kind that cost like 60baht when new). They belonged to an employee that he uses cleaning behind the shop; I wouldn't touch these things with a stick; he puts them straight into his backpack...

    I just don't get it, can someone be so hard up they have a steal something like this?

    (Sorry for the bad video quality, i wasn't sure how to convert the .DAV security videos to .AVI, so had to use a screen capture program)



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