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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. Lived here 20+ years. If I want food poisoning, I can get it more often from restaurant where you don't see food being prepared or dishes washed.... thinking of the Colonel and the clown. Check out how street food vendor looks, prep area, etc. I don't get sick from those places. Still kicking may have unknowingly presented the reason he gets sick every time he is in Thailand.... street food is safer than restaurants
  2. "...most favored travel destinations for Indonesian tourists for its beautiful beaches..." Indonesia is an island nation, with about 14,000 islands (depends if count high or low tide). Islands often have beaches. The ones I have been to there are quite nice, plus you can see them (not behind wall of umbrellas). They also have surfing, something absent mostly in Thailand. "..and ease of access." Maybe I missed the content of the article, but sounded to me like "ease of access" is what is missing. Silly me
  3. Stands to reason had to be the dead lad, as Thai media is loathe to post pictures of living criminals. Might lead to their arrest or something....
  4. when making test tube babies doctors stimulate women to produce more eggs & maybe a dozen viable zygotes may be produced & perhaps 2 or 3 implanted in the uterus. Those doctors could now be classed as serial killers in Alabama.
  5. If they think things are bad now, just wait til that new fast railway line to China begins operation!
  6. Which airplane is better at crowd control, strafing? That ought to be a factor...
  7. A forensic doctor from the Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital, Auttasit Dunamnuay, disagreed with Thiravat shared information from the English YouTuber, and retired nurse educator, If I were a gambling man, I'd put my money on a forensic doctor over a nurse educator knowing what's going on. Any time something is ingested or shot into your body, there is a risk. Somewhere between 351 and 420,000 people die from food poisoning each year world wide. I'll keep on eating despite the risk Some people have died from vaccines. That is a fact. But there are mountains of evidence that death rate from covid was far lower among populations that got a good vaccine compared to those who skipped I'm gonna live forever or die trying
  8. Are they sure about "Angie" part of name? Seems more likely "Angry Bird".... Angie Bird sounds like a Craig's list alternative. Excuse me while I go watch Arsenun play footbon while eating an appun
  9. "Asian tech ecosystems" love these hip terms like "ecosystems" applied to technology. Well, does Thailand plan on being the plankton? Green algae? That's part of natural ecosystems. We can't all be apex predators ya know...
  10. Someone needs to look at these misleading headlines. Lies/distortions by omission: "Robert Hur: Biden special counsel to testify before House Republicans" should be "Robert Hur: Biden special counsel to testify before House Republicans" AND Democrats That is how house committees work: both parties and independents have assignments. Majority party has more seats, but both parties are there for testimony and to ask questions (or grandstand like Jordan, if they choose) I am sure Democrats will have plenty of questions for Ken Starr 2.0 style report
  11. "...pedestrian walkways along Jomtien Beach will be enhanced, trees will be planted, and new drainage points will be constructed near the boat ramp area." The powers that be come up with these dubious projects every 4-5 years it seems and they all have a common feature: making the beach road experience worse and worse. They tore out absurd number of wonderful shade trees that stabilized the beach and provided shade in the last go round. Replaced with useless palm trees. They replace nice interlocking pavers with useless paper thin concrete that were ruptured withing the first storm season. The handicapped access near soi 7 washed out in first storm, was bulldozed under. The insipid wide steps acted like a fake cascade, creating mini canyons that had to be filled with giant sandbags. If one goes back 20 years or so, there are photos of what a lovely place beach road was before it was "improved" And now this. At least wait until storm drains on 2nd road are finished! I wish there were a way that decision makers could simply get the brown envelopes from projects without actually having to tear the place up. Take your ill gotten gains, but hands off any more "projects"
  12. "Police also said that they are yet to determine the motive of the alleged murder." Considering 5 million was missing, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess the motive was money
  13. A real crackdown and end to corruption would be like a big tax cut and could stimulate the economy. What percentage of budgets and costs are due to corruption? A tax that gives no benefits to the Thai people at large
  14. I wonder how many of them are on this forum: the ones that use visa services that somehow "gets around" the large bank account provision of retirement extension... part of those fees must go towards "greasing the wheels" at immigration to get farangs visas that don't qualify if they follow the law
  15. I got a couple jade rings at the Chiang Mai night market in 1982. The hard, er, difficult part is what size to get... Not like you can "try before you buy". They added "fun" with my gf... wear two and they can clank together...
  16. FYI we are all (most of us?) Cro-Magnon, so no surprise there. That is the group that replaced Neanderthals, now only found in small pockets of expat forums and Onan news sites
  17. Takes time for checks to clear Thai banks.
  18. Did this Denis person break a couple of Thai laws? Posting pornography on the internet for openers; making the video in the first place (without consent) oh and third: damaging Thailand's reputation (some may think it enhances, but there you go) All these blue nosed netizens wouldn't be outraged if they didn't know it happened. How about we keep them in "blissful ignorance"?
  19. jeez..... let's hope you are making a crude joke and don't really hold this sort of belief and the men who knocked them up? often play then run away
  20. "...the Premier stated that a sub-committee will likely be established to prevent the potential graft." The entire program is graft! " ....potentially leading to a long-term public debt burden" As soon as the first baht is paid, it would be adding to the public debt burden....
  21. ah... and perhaps to help promote tourism, they might consider including English listing of stops? I think the side of a bus might have space
  22. "...Jarhusna Worapatanakit, contestant MTCN07, crowned the new titleholder." Could someone explain to me why the author decided to include her contestant number, MTCN07? Must have been a "captivating" letter/number combo, as far as I can tell
  23. . "Despite the current AQI reading at a moderate level of 28 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3), it remains 1.12 times higher than the World Health Organization's recommended level of 15 µg/m3." What hole do they pull these numbers from? Check right now for Bangkok is 153-184. These morons worried about tourists, don't give a damn about the health impact on Thai people
  24. This morning AQI for Bangkok: 156 (I live there part time). Then checked for Jomtien; 156. Some sort of prize for matching? I think safe to not blame auto pollution for the high numbers. Half of Jomtien area happens to be the sea.
  25. I think this is what is called a choice of false alternatives, an either/or that isn't. "What's the most important thing? Art, or the right to healthy and sustainable food?" WTH does a painting by Leonardo hundreds of years ago have to do with healthy and sustainable food? Maybe non sequitur ("it does not follow") would also apply here Plus just how does this sort of grossly stupid act somehow make their cause more popular with the public? Sheesh!
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