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Posts posted by quiuvo

  1. Also, OP, if you are serious about learning to speak Thai, you should go ahead and learn to read it as well. Reading Thai and understanding how words are formed will help you immensely with your pronunciation.

    I feel incompetent at the moment. Your replies make me feel this way. I will try to read Thai at a later time. Now I just want to talk. But when I listen to Thais talk it seems like a losing battle. Throw in the slang they have and I'm in big trouble since I do want to know what they are talking about.

  2. I'm learning to speak Thai and think I'm making progress. My girlfriend helps a little because she thinks that I may pick up ladies everywhere who don't know English hmm . My Thai friends feel proud of Thai language and tell me I will not learn it fast because it is more difficult than English . I do not want to learn to write it yet.

    I think English is more difficult by far. I need to convince them so. Help.

  3. Agree that a condo is better than on the streets, especially since I pay 10K plus. But no privacy.

    I don't want to move to a town where I can't even get a pizza or go to food land versus 7-11.

    If all you can afford is a 10k apt maybeyou should reTHINK if you should be here.

    555 thank you for your remark. I live in an apt near 10K bath. I can afford maybe more than you get every month!

    I love some assumptions people make based on a sentence or two.

    But you just made an assumption about 555 .... I think its one all so far smile.png


  4. Agree that a condo is better than on the streets, especially since I pay 10K plus. But no privacy.

    I don't want to move to a town where I can't even get a pizza or go to food land versus 7-11.

    If all you can afford is a 10k apt maybeyou should reTHINK if you should be here.

    555 thank you for your remark. I live in an apt near 10K bath. I can afford maybe more than you get every month!

    I love some assumptions people make based on a sentence or two.

  5. OP, listen to your GF, she's the proverbial Roman in Rome and knows a dam_n site more than you. The percentage thing doesn't work here, so forget your methodology.

    Here's my general procedure:

    Noodle Stalls and similar - 0

    Average Restaurants - 20-40B, zero if they piss you off.

    Bar Beer - 20B, zero if they piss you off.

    GoGo - 20B for the bar, up to you for the girls that talks to you. Don't be a two week millionaire.

    Barber - 0-20B. Zero if they cock it up.

    Fancy Restaurant - up to you, but many will have a service charge included anyway. Zero if they piss you off.

    MB Taxi - 0

    Roadside bottled petrol - 0

    Gas Station - 0 (unless the chick that washes the windows gives you a really big smile, then 20B)

    Taxi from airport - 0-100, zero if he pisses you off.

    Fuji and similar - 0 because they already have a service charge

    McD and BK - 0, but put the coins in the donation box

    Gardener - 0

    Golf Caddy - 300B for 18 holes

    General R&M dudes - negotiate the fee before they start, 0 tip unless they do something exceptional.

    Massage - I don't do them, but I guess 50-100 is in the range. Zero if they piss you off.

    Security Dude - for ensuring you always have a good car park, for lugging your golf clubs to the elevator, for making sure he knows your mates and allows them access, and for generally watching your back - a 6 pack every month, and a 24 pack at Christmas.

    Anybody who goes "above and beyond" and saves you a lot of misery - 100B

    OP, Can you spot the trend? thumbsup.gif


    I spotted the trend and I would invert IT. Give tips to whom deserve it, earn it, and needs it.

  6. When I do eat out, we leave the 20 baht tip. if I get a great 2 hour massage I will give a 100 baht tip.

    What you tip is really up to you, It should never become an issue between you and your woman, I would tip based on her suggestion as that is the usual given by Thai's.


    "Based on her suggestion..." My god. Sorry you are under those conditions.

  7. OP, You don't say whether you are working, or whether you have your own transportation. If you aren't working, why BKK?

    BKK is too large and diverse to make this blanket statement, but in most larger areas around LOS a nice smaller house about 15 minutes outside town will rent for the same as a studio downtown. That's not to say your neighbors still might not be noisy, but you will have space.

    Also the newer condos seem really small. Some are happy with something that is a bit older, well built and maintained, but with bigger rooms.

    OP Here. What does your question about where I work and mode of movement have anything to do with my OP queries?

    Well sir, If you have a job in BKK, then you need to live near it. If you don't work, you have more options.

    If you have your own transportation, then you have the option of living a bit farther out where a bigger place is cheaper, off bus lines, etc.

    I was just trying to help you, not find out where or if you work. I gave you the options without wanting answers from you. thumbsup.gif

    Thank you very much,, after reading your interpretation of my writing.

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  8. OP, You don't say whether you are working, or whether you have your own transportation. If you aren't working, why BKK?

    BKK is too large and diverse to make this blanket statement, but in most larger areas around LOS a nice smaller house about 15 minutes outside town will rent for the same as a studio downtown. That's not to say your neighbors still might not be noisy, but you will have space.

    Also the newer condos seem really small. Some are happy with something that is a bit older, well built and maintained, but with bigger rooms.

    OP Here. What does your question about where I work and mode of movement have anything to do with my OP queries?

  9. A studio is a small apt. In USA . Here a condo is the same but euphemistically speaking it sounds great.

    I can't get used to the small place where I can't even fart without my girlfriend hearing all the commotion. And all the noise made by our neighbors ...

    How can I get used to this environment ? Ignore it? Move, but in bkk houses are expensive to rent. Yes, get out of LOS, but I want to stay here. Suggestions?

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