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Posts posted by quiuvo

  1. [Continuing the reply below, as the forum seems to have a limitation on the number of quoted blocks of text per post]

    Remember, we only have a tiny part of the truth

    I prefer to call it "a piece of the puzzle". We must tread cautiously when we have only one or two pieces of the puzzle, and refrain from drawing conclusions (in either direction). But as we collect more pieces of the puzzle, we begin to form a testable hypothesis that may eventually lead to a scientific theory.

    Equally wrong are those who might say "you don't have all the pieces of the puzzle, so your hypothesis is flawed!" This is like saying "you're missing a few pieces of the puzzle, so that's not the Mona Lisa!

    attachicon.gifmona lisa puzzle.png

    when you say "There's no life after death", you should mark this as your personal opinion and not declare it as an absolute truth, because in the end, you have no way of knowing.

    I'm not sure who you're directing this at, as nobody here has said anything about life after death. The best that can be said is that we don't know one way or the other, so we leave the burden of proof on the shoulders of anybody who makes the claim that there is life after death.

    The BOP on life after death is on the party that claims there is no life after it. It is easy to satisfy that burden, eg., my dad died 15 years ago and there was life after that.

  2. Believing is a waste of time. I prefer to "know". The only thing I know is real is what's happening in this moment. Anything that has happened (in my perception) or I think might happen in the future has no reality because it simply doesn't exist.

    The only thing I know is that we humans use only about 10-25% of our brain power. What we know is really minuscule . "If there is a god there is a witch," from my history professor. Who really Knows?

    • Like 1
  3. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

    - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

    The OP mentions a spell or a curse. You need to analyze exactly why you are with your current lady, from your own point of view. Have you asked her if she believes in sorcery? If so, what particular aspect? And then ask her if she did "cast a spell", presumably with the help of a shaman, concerning yourself. Might make an interesting conversation.

    And then get back to us with what you learn. Happy New Year.

    I was ok with old girlfriend but met this new one and enjoyed her company. I told her about my ex's comments and she got really angry and told me to leave. She believes in it but said she never thought of using it. I don't want to leave her. She does everything I want and gives me some freedom.

  4. A load of old bolony.I trust and believe in God and God alone,and through my belief, God has blessed me with a most fortunate life and is sufficent for me.

    Same same but different.

    People can believe in magic if they want. There's lots of different sorts of magic, Christian magic, Thai magic, all of it is in the minds of the people who believe in it.

    If your mind is susceptible to influence, then you will experience the 'effects' of these beliefs.

    If you are exposed to other people who believe in these things, then you might start to empathise.

    If your ex says that your new girlfriend put a spell on you, it's likely that she can't believe that you left her for any other reason.

    It's also possible that she is putting doubt into your mind so that you will consider going back to her.

    One magic that many men are susceptible to is women's 'magic' and the spells they weave to amuse themselves at men as they lead us a merry dance.

    Mind games, nothing but mind games. If you are in control of your mind, they don't work.

    Great post. Thanks. I think if people believe there is a good god then they must admit that there is a bad xx

    • Like 1
  5. Starts at the top . Let the government put bins everywhere and give big trash bags to neighborhood leaders and call the x day of every month clean up day. It may work. Some of us look for a bin to throw our beer can . Hem.. And finally throw it anywhere out of frustration. Then have trash trucks pick up trash from the bins and bags and put in landfills.

    Oh, I was dreaming. Third world countries have that designation for some reasons.

  6. wêet-mon or sai yaa sat, (spell?)

    do you believe in it? My ex told me my new girlfriend put a spell on me and that is why I left her. I don't believe in it but I feel like my new girlfriend controls me. Maybe I am pussy whipped?

    Buriram is apparently the place where you can get someone to do the sorcery. Black magic woman is the name of a song.

    I may have to get a potion to counter it if i feel weak on the knees etc..

  7. Its actually a really well written and nuanced article. I encourage everyone to read before making silly comments about the nyt or the States Sent from my GT-S5282 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Agree or disagree it is a very worthwhile article worthy of discussion. As opposed to simply flaming the writer or newspaper.

    Sad I come in late because I was coming with a great lady. 555

    I want Thai people to be Careful. I want you all to be ok. I know we have disagreements here but remember we care about "our" country. I live here!

  8. Two things to clarify before this general topic proceeds:

    1. Im am not a 60 yr old guy with a 20 yr old girl.

    2. She is not calling me that when we are bed- that would be weird.

    I am in my early 40's and my current thai girl is 27. This age gap according to many psychological studies is ideal- these studies stipulate that a man should half his age and add 7 years for the optimum aged partner.

    She is highly educated and her family are middle to upper class.

    The first time she called me 'daddy' I was wondering if I should run for the hills but have since learnt from another source that I have to understand that thai women appreciate the man taking on several roles in the relationship... her husband or partner has to be her lover, father, friend etc. Also, a good thai girl takes care of her man as though he were a child, yet loves him to dote on her like a father.

    Does anybody relate to this? Have your lady ever called you 'daddy'. Or should I go and buy a new pair of Nike trainers and start running up a hill?

    First of all there is nothing scientific or similar about these "studies", secondly the half your age plus 7 years rule is not referring to the optimal age gap but the maximum age gap for a healthy relationship.

    Having said that, I think any age gap is perfectly fine and that the mentioned "studies" are made by and for people with nothing better to do.

    Btw, my thai gf is a rocket scientist from the Singha family :-)

    I like it a lot (very much) . I'm her daddy is great, especially if I could get 10 every day!

  9. So would it be correct to assume that this would be legal in Thailand if the victims were actually 15 years old?

    1. Committing the human trafficking to the minors (children) aged not over 15 years old in order to seek benefit from prostitution 2. To gratify other peoples libido (sexual desire), arranging, deceiving or taking for indecency with men or women by using the trick to deceive, threaten, abuse, use power immorally or by forcing with any methods 3. Arranging, deceiving or taking minors (children) aged not over 15 years old in order to let that person perform prostitution whether that person consent or not 4. Abducting minors aged not over 15 years old from their parents, guardians or caretakers for indecency.

    I don't think so. I could be wrong, but I think it's more serious if they are under 15.

    15 or over... ok.

    This is easy to research on google.

    I had an O P about the legal age of consent and the TV police and others crucified me... Ok not the TV bz I don't know but many thought I was a pervert. Dam I'm a proud grandpa and would not want bad things happening to anybody ! Especially girls?

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