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Posts posted by quiuvo

  1. Jeez Luis , what the f... It was French then farang and then Falang bz most Asians can't pronounce the r. Period.

    Yes we newbies ask questions you old farts have asked before. If you don't like it close this old forum.

    I ask questions because I have lived here only 2 yrs , yes I said it, and most of you jump at my ? . Bah.

  2. What would really be nice is, if people would stop coming here; to Thailand,

    trying to change the laws to be the same as where they're from.

    One day, who knows it just might be you on the short stick of the law,

    and you'll be hoping it goes in your favor.

    I don't by any means, side with what this suspect has been accused or admitted of doing...

    I have a four year old daughter myself,

    and wouldn't likely wait for the law to handle such a horrible act through the courts.

    But evil people can be found everywhere,

    and we all have to deal with them in our own way.

    The magic of Thailand is or was, that you had special ways before,

    dealing with scum like this suspect, though that is getting harder to do in this new age.

    The locals have always had their way with handing out their own form of sentencing,

    and in many ways that was truly justice done.

    Another plonker who thinks the smart thing to do is to park your brain and your moral compass at immigration.

    And you are an Ajarn. Thank God I got my kids out of this system.

    Good you got them out of here. I'm debating the same action myself. "The magic of Thailand is or was, ...." Bah. Justice in anarchy ? Ha. Justice here ? Yes all countries have flaws and we try to change laws to come close to an ideal but it is impossible , but here .. 555

  3. What would really be nice is, if people would stop coming here; to Thailand,

    trying to change the laws to be the same as where they're from.

    One day, who knows it just might be you on the short stick of the law,

    and you'll be hoping it goes in your favor.

    I don't by any means, side with what this suspect has been accused or admitted of doing...

    I have a four year old daughter myself,

    and wouldn't likely wait for the law to handle such a horrible act through the courts.

    But evil people can be found everywhere,

    and we all have to deal with them in our own way.

    The magic of Thailand is or was, that you had special ways before,

    dealing with scum like this suspect, though that is getting harder to do in this new age.

    The locals have always had their way with handing out their own form of sentencing,

    and in many ways that was truly justice done.

    What a bunch of b***. Don't come here if you don't like our laws! Wow. Maybe soon I can't express my disagreement with any thing Thai ? That day I will fly out of the country

  4. Last week a 42 yr old man kidnapped, raped, and killed a 6 year old girl. He had served a 3 year 8 month sentence for kidnapping a girl less "than 15 years old."

    First, why did he serve such a short period of time for the first crime?

    Will he serve a life sentence in this current crime, which he has admitted to?

    We hear and read about many Thais paying 500 baht for assault and other crimes.

    At least in USA , he would have served at least ten years for the first crime. He would be executed for the most current one!

    Should the sentencing laws be changed to be more strict? I say yes.

    • Like 2
  5. I always carry some toilet paper when I go out because many shopping malls, not all, do not have tissue. Yeah buy some for five baht if any. Also no soap in some malls and small restaurants and no towels to dry hands afterwards . Why? Expensive? No trees in Thailand unlike USA and other countries? I dry with my pants and or shirt.

  6. Core PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam, who is a DP yellow from Songkla, said yesterday;

    "the Yingluck government was illegitimate, since it had rejected the Constitutional Court's ruling on amending the charter to make the Senate a fully elected body."

    The constitutional court's ruling has been widely confirmed as being unconstitutional.

    PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

    "I have no idea what will happen first. In some revolutions, a council is established first, but sometimes a prime minister is appointed first. The PDRC will make a decision in accordance with the prevailing situation," he added.

    We now have a revolution, to be led by an unconstitutional revolutionary people's council without any democratic mandate who will make their unilateral decision on behalf of all Thai people to be announced at a time and place the PDRC best sees fit.

    PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

    "the people's council would not contain too many members, he said, because there would be no need for them to vote as they would use discussion and consultation to find a consensus in their important role, especially in the drafting process for a new constitution and related laws."

    What is described above is a politburo, or rather a politburo in waiting;

    "Overturning the constitution is not that difficult, but if we did so, the PDRC would have no mandate, according to the law, to order agencies [to carry out tasks]. We could use an interim constitution, and actually we have prepared and we can use the previous edition, but that's for the future," he said.

    Overturning the constitution, again? This is a revolution. See above.

    PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

    "At this time, the PDRC cannot claim that it has absolutely won. But, once it does, it is preparing to call for the heads of government offices to report to the PDRC to perform as a caretaker cabinet. You know government officers always obey their bosses".

    The above statement is Orwellian.

    PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

    "He said the most important condition that would show the PDRC had achieved victory was that it now had somebody who would become the next premier. "Now we have someone [a candidate to be the next PM] who is sincere and not corrupt. [if] we cannot find someone who is [totally] innocent [in life], we can choose the most innocent."

    Who will the candidate be?

    The situation in Thailand is certainly dire and spiraling fast from one state of lawlessness to another by the minute.

    Who will save Thailand?

    Not me since I'm from USA . But I'm for the king now now.

  7. Do you live in Thailand at the moment?

    Yes, in bkk. But I see no relevance except I have toilet paper in many a place.

    Just asking ...

    Your OP was at (Thai Time) Midnight, another post 2.20 am, then 6am and didn't let up all morning.

    You say you live now in Bangkok ... fair enough ... you must be a hit with the ladies ... such stamina ... thumbsup.gif

    Thanks for checking up on me. It is now 3 pm and I finished SSS and will go out to soi 13 sukhumvit. I love it. I will not use water outside my apt. Only paper.

    • Like 1
  8. Pathetic !

    Pathetic that we don't have toilet tissue enough to clean our ass like we are used to in many western countries? At least USA . Elaborate please
    It seems to me that you don't really know Thailand very much if you can't seem to find any toilets with toilet paper..Very rare occasion when I've used a toilet and there has been none.. That's when the bum gun does come in handy...Though a quick check before you drop your load to see if there is any toilet paper is a good thing to do...

    You could then ask for some..Unless your really caught short.. Better to just use the bum gun then crapping your pants..

    It's quite handy though to have a small pack of tissues with you also, they have other uses than just blowing your nose..

    Aahh well I guess some people do talk out of their ass...:lol:

    I OP went to a museum and found myself wanting to go to the toilet . Well , a small place and can't fit there. Ha ha. I need to do the s,.,t thing . I found a toilet with no room, (understand?) and I was able to shit down with the minimum tissue I had. Plz carry or send and be able to bend with tissue with love. Love you TV people .

    no way that was my answer above ! THai Visa people don't let this get away! If you do I will know you are a bunch of liers.! ,! What do you. get out of this ?

    Don't close this shit thread yet. We got more ##st to come. I have more for sure. My gf said it is tissue now for her!

  9. Pathetic !

    Pathetic that we don't have toilet tissue enough to clean our ass like we are used to in many western countries? At least USA . Elaborate please
    It seems to me that you don't really know Thailand very much if you can't seem to find any toilets with toilet paper..Very rare occasion when I've used a toilet and there has been none.. That's when the bum gun does come in handy...Though a quick check before you drop your load to see if there is any toilet paper is a good thing to do...

    You could then ask for some..Unless your really caught short.. Better to just use the bum gun then crapping your pants..

    It's quite handy though to have a small pack of tissues with you also, they have other uses than just blowing your nose..

    Aahh well I guess some people do talk out of their ass...:lol:

    I OP went to a museum and found myself wanting to go to the toilet . Well , a small place and can't fit there. Ha ha. I need to do the s,.,t thing . I found a toilet with no room, (understand?) and I was able to shit down with the minimum tissue I had. Plz carry or send and be able to bend with tissue with love. Love you TV people .

    no way that was my answer above ! THai Visa people don't let this get away! If you do I will know you are a bunch of liers.! ,! What do you. get out of this ?

  10. Pathetic !

    Pathetic that we don't have toilet tissue enough to clean our ass like we are used to in many western countries? At least USA . Elaborate please
    It seems to me that you don't really know Thailand very much if you can't seem to find any toilets with toilet paper..Very rare occasion when I've used a toilet and there has been none.. That's when the bum gun does come in handy...Though a quick check before you drop your load to see if there is any toilet paper is a good thing to do...

    You could then ask for some..Unless your really caught short.. Better to just use the bum gun then crapping your pants..

    It's quite handy though to have a small pack of tissues with you also, they have other uses than just blowing your nose..

    Aahh well I guess some people do talk out of their ass...:lol:

    I OP went to a museum and found myself wanting to go to the toilet . Well , a small place and can't fit there. Ha ha. I need to do the s,.,t thing . I found a toilet with no room, (understand?) and I was able to shit down with the minimum tissue I had. Plz carry or send and be able to bend with tissue with love. Love you TV people .

    no way that was my answer above ! THai Visa people don't let this get away! If you do I will know you are a bunch of liers.! ,! What do you. get out of this ?

  11. Pathetic !

    Pathetic that we don't have toilet tissue enough to clean our ass like we are used to in many western countries? At least USA . Elaborate please
    It seems to me that you don't really know Thailand very much if you can't seem to find any toilets with toilet paper..Very rare occasion when I've used a toilet and there has been none.. That's when the bum gun does come in handy...Though a quick check before you drop your load to see if there is any toilet paper is a good thing to do...

    You could then ask for some..Unless your really caught short.. Better to just use the bum gun then crapping your pants..

    It's quite handy though to have a small pack of tissues with you also, they have other uses than just blowing your nose..

    Aahh well I guess some people do talk out of their ass...:lol:

    I OP went to a museum and found myself wanting to go to the toilet . Well , a small place and can't fit there. Ha ha. I need to do the s,.,t thing . I found a toilet with no room, (understand?) and I was able to shit down with the minimum tissue I had. Plz carry or send and be able to bend with tissue with love. Love you TV people .

  12. quiuvo ... could you quickly do

    sin sot


    Police corruption

    taxi meters


    ... and put us out of our misery.

    you've done the other 6 in less then a week.

    EDIT ... forgot the 'Face' one ... my bad ... facepalm.gif

    Sorry member, I have not cover those subjects yet. Give me some ideas . Thanks . Also no misery in reading and replying to some questions that I think need some answering . At least for me. Like this thread, I'm not sure which is right! Nothing wrong with that. What do you have up your ..l..l .

    We always like fresh ideas ... thumbsup.gif

    Do you live in Thailand at the moment?


    Yes, in bkk. But I see no relevance except I have toilet paper in many a place.

  13. quiuvo ... could you quickly do

    sin sot


    Police corruption

    taxi meters


    ... and put us out of our misery.

    you've done the other 6 in less then a week.

    EDIT ... forgot the 'Face' one ... my bad ... facepalm.gif

    Sorry member, I have not cover those subjects yet. Give me some ideas . Thanks . Also no misery in reading and replying to some questions that I think need some answering . At least for me. Like this thread, I'm not sure which is right! Nothing wrong with that. What do you have up your ..l..l .

  14. English teachers in here? Please help! How many words in the English language v Thai ? Also tell us about grammar and any other things that might help me? I know English is more difficult. I had a great example above fm neeranam. Any more? Oh, forget out lazy people.

    I am an English teacher, and I agree that English is the more difficult language. In Thailand, pronunciation is more difficult for Thais than it is for English speakers, because the Thais are listening to a wide variety of dialects and accents. Native English speakers can't even understand each other sometimes. English has more vocab and more grammar rules.

    Thai doesn't have articles (a, the). They are fiendishly difficult. If you don't believe me, look at every noun in what I have just written and explain why some have articles and some don't. Why is there an article for "The Titanic", but not "Market Village"? It's because "the Titanic" is a boat, so the full name is "The Motor Vessel Titanic". "Motor Vessel" drops, but the article remains. "Market Village" is a shopping mall, and there is no article in the name. That's crazy-making.

    Also there's plurals and countable and non-countable nous--the difference between "sugar" and "a sugar cube". More fun with articles.

    As well English has twelve tenses, not including things like "going to" and "used to". Things like, "I will have been living here three years in February." It gets worse: "Aren't you going to make it up to me?" That last one is a seven-part verb form with couple of pronouns tossed in. It's got an inversion, a negative, a contraction, and an idiomatic phrase. When spoken half of it disappears. It's something like, "Arn cha gonna makitup t'me" Nasty. I don't think we can make it up to them.

    As for pronunciation,consider:

    How do you tell a phone from a fax machine? (How do you know the difference?)

    How do you telephone from a fax machine? (How do you make a call?)

    English speakers would understand the difference in meaning because the first sentence is spoken more slowly and the stress pattern is different.

    And English has tones. Consider:

    A: It's $20 extra.

    B: That's okay.

    If B speaks with a rising tone, he's going to pay the extra $20. If he speaks with a falling tone, he isn't.


    A: I'm from Canada

    B: Where?

    If B uses a rising tone, he didn't hear A. If he uses a falling tone, he wants to know where in Canada.

    I could go on. I don't think people who try to learn English are lazy, but I understand why some of them get frustrated!

    Thank you. That is just one example among others here, that makes me believe English is more difficult.

  15. I came here some years ago and I never used the water "thing" so I don't know the name. Rookie ..

    Now I use it and yes I use toilet paper afterwards. I like the combination.

    In USA there is only paper. Here there Is only water if any. What can you if only water or no water! And if no paper but soap and water, do you use your hand with soap ? Omg.

    Serious question, please enlighten us with your knowledge.

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