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market trader

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Posts posted by market trader

  1. naboo and onthedarkside. Seems like conflicting replies to me. naboo says went 11 months after expiry date of one year license and they told him okay. Onthedarkside says you won't be legal if you are 20 days late.. My mind tends to side with onthedarkside. Anyone else had experience with going after license expired?

  2. Directions to the Fed X office. If you are coming from inside the city go east on Charoen Muang Road aka 1006 until you get to the Super Highway #11. Turn left or north onto Hwy 11 and go about 700 meters, you will see the well signed Fed X office on your left. It is almost directly accross the road from the Makro.

    If everyone would give simple easy to understand directions like you have just done it would be a lot easier for people to find what they are looking for.

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  3. What exactly differentiates a "deep-bore" from a well?

    The furthest any pump can draw a head of water is about 34 feet. That is due to atmospheric pressure. There is no such force as "suck" - the pump works by removing the air from the pipe and atmospheric pressure pushes the water up the pipe.

    If you want to go deeper, you send the pump down the well so it pushes the water up.

    Kind of think you are wrong about that.. When I lived in Canada all the wells in my area were 65 - 80 feet deep. We used above ground jet pumps to draw our water. Not bottom of the well pumps.. The odd place had 100 feet plus deep wells they used pumps at the bottom of the well.

  4. Does the label indicate the country product is from? If product is from China do not expect the contents to be anywhere close to the Phillipine products web site. As you know the Chinese are masters of deception and proud of it.

  5. I don't suppose you are familiar with the phrase "be prepared". Is there anything that you won't find fault with?

    I'd hate to be on a plane with you as they wouldn't let anybody off - They'd think the engines would still be running when all the time it'd just be you in the corner whining.

    And I don't suppose you are familiar with the truth either much like this current maladministration and their and your iconic leader the convicted bail jumping corrupt felon Thaksin..

    Your avatar actually applies to you.

  6. I also agree that using an agent is the way to go. I use Thai visa assist for my extensions and also for my 90 day reports. Why go through the hassle of sitting at immigration for hours on end and sometimes being told to come back the next day.. Those of you that have been here for awhile have noticed that immigration is busier and busier over the years and I am sure will become a lot worse before it becomes better.

  7. In the crush of people today I failed to notice the paper outside so thank you for spotting that and passing on that information.

    Since this was the first time I have gotten this certificate I was not totally sure what it should look like. I know the bank always seems to have multiple rubber stamps that go all over a document and thought the same might be true of Immigration.

    Now onward to the Driver's License queue smile.png

    Don't forget you need a medical certificate. Available at Hospital almost next door to Tesco (can't remember the name) on 108 for 100 Baht. Takes about 10 minutes.
    Klaimor hospital
  8. Consider China...My wife and I travelled around China last year for one month.

    We traveled by boats, planes and trains

    incredible experience

    At this time China would be one of the last places on my bucket list.Not because of the people or the country. But my stomach and bowels cannot tolerate street food and many Thai restaurants here and I presume that it would be even worse in China.
  9. The Cherry blossoms are in bloom right now in Japan, and walking down any street is a delight. If I were planning a week's vacation, I'd pick Kyoto as THE place to stay, and stay at the Japan Youth Hostel in the northern part of the city. It looks and feels like a three star hotel, but without the cost, is within walking distance of several of the most famous temples in Japan, and is 'user friendly.' You can easily spend 3-4 full days exploring the sights of Kyoto (I'm IN Kyoto right now, taking photos of the Cherry Blossoms,) and a full day in Nara, which is not to be missed. Spend a day visiting Osaka and Osaka Castle, then take the Shinkansen (the Bullet Train) down to Hiroshima for two days. You will have 'experienced' what Japan is really about, without having to deal with the insanity of Tokyo. When you are in the middle of the city, Tokyo feels and looks exactly like Osaka, or even Hiroshima for that matter. They are all 'new' cities. Kyoto still has its 'Old Japan' feel to it, as does Nara.

    Korea is interesting and the food is fantastic, but if the choice has to be made between the two, Japan really is prettier.

    From the answers it seems that the choice is easy. Japan. The word youth hostel doesn't conjure up the image of a 3 star hotel in my mind.
  10. Don't know if your flights to Australia are booked. If not you could consider flying from Chiang Mai to Oz via Singapore with Singapore Airlines. I am going that way myself at the beginning of June.

    Have a mini break of a couple of days in Singapore, lovely place, tea at Raffles that sort of thing.

    Flight times and layovers are good and you don't touch Bangkok.

    We are booked and that's exactly how we've booked Air Singapore with a 2 day layover in Singapore.
  11. Best thing about today is its now tomorrow. The wife is away until tomorrow visiting her family.. I was left in charge of the garden and her flowers. Woke up this morning to find that the dog during the night had decided the wifes garden was going to be a delicious overnight snack. This afternoon went into the bathroom to wash my hands. Opened the water tap and the sink fell off the wall.

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  12. Not mentioned by you, maybe for obvious reasons, but the GF and I are currently in Cambodia and liking it a lot.

    There's also a noticeable French (including language) influence here.

    Out of the three countries that you mentioned, Vietnam is the only one on our short term radar, but that's down to personal preference.

    You know... How stupid I am and can be. Never thought of Cambodia for the French influence. Even Laos big French influence. Both of these countries just a couple of hours by air from Chiang Mai. Thanks for opening my eyes.
  13. The wife and I have finally decided that we can't take it with us when we expire so we need to start travelling a lot. We are booked to go to Australia at the end of June but that's a long way off. So we are looking at either Japan, Korea or Viet Nam. For 2 or 3 weeks at the end of April early May. We have never been to any of these countries before so don't know which one we should choose first.The wife thinks Korea and I think Japan. We are hoping that someone on this forum who has been to all of these countries can provide us with some guidance.

    Japan, one of the nicest countries I've ever visited. Stay in some smaller cozier area in Tokyo, avoid Roppongi, and get the one or two week train pass for domestic use and visit Osaka and Kyoto also.

    Seriously, Japan beats Korea a thousand times over. I found Seoul very overrated and Koreans were not very welcoming in the big cities. In Japan the people are very kind and nice to us on our stay. And April the cherry blossom season so it's fun to drink a cold beer and eat smoked turkey in the park.

    Your comments are exactly what I thought. Thanks
  14. Night resturant in behind Chaing Mai Zoo . Took the wife there once the view was nice and the food was good . Cant remember the name though

    Palaad Tawanron (be sure to book table on terrace) is the one high up behind the zoo with great views, while Galae is lower down over the reservoir above the uni. The latter does tasty chicken but should be got to early as they tend to run out. For both, head up Suthep Rd (west), straight on and up for Galae, right and up up up for Palaad.

    Palaad Tawanron




    If the food at either is anything like the pictures of the locations. then all I can say is must go soon.
  15. I have never been to any of them but I have been to Bali and I loved it. It would be a nice place to stay for awhile on your way to Australia.

    On a side note I commend you for your thinking.

    Geez Dolly now you have me thinking.Bali would be nice. But the instant that I read Bali my mind went to Tahiti considering that I come from the part of Canada that is French speaking language would be no problem.
  16. The wife and I have finally decided that we can't take it with us when we expire so we need to start travelling a lot. We are booked to go to Australia at the end of June but that's a long way off. So we are looking at either Japan, Korea or Viet Nam. For 2 or 3 weeks at the end of April early May. We have never been to any of these countries before so don't know which one we should choose first.The wife thinks Korea and I think Japan. We are hoping that someone on this forum who has been to all of these countries can provide us with some guidance.

  17. You know I am amazed by what a bunch of quivering idiots we are in Chiang Mai. Over the years I have needed residence certificates for various things. But never before in Chiang Mai. And there never was a charge. Last year I needed a certificate for my driving license in Chiang Mai. So off we went to immigration gave them the required documents and they asked for 500 bahts. Now my Thai wife who is usually a mouse blew up at the demand for 500 bahts. She started screaming at them saying they were stealing money from farangs. This went on for several minutes until finally a man from an office came out. Long story short we got the certificate...Zero bahts.

    • Like 1
  18. Not knowing where you and your girl friend are from its difficult to say. My now wife took me to the foreigners grave yard near Nong Hoi and said this is the only land you are allowed to buy in Thailand!

    Just read your post again.. Thanks for giving me the best belly laugh I have had in a long time.
  19. Last year I went looking for MSM combined with Glucosamine for my wife I found it in many pharmacies. Boots, Watsons, Pharma choice. Problem was it is double to triple the price of Canada and the USA. I have a relative in Canada mail us over the counter drugs.Have never had a problem receiving them yet.

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  20. There are cabins at the SK hotspring, last time i stayed was 800 per night, the retaurant there was good and the fresh coffee stand in the morning had fresh squeezed raw milk for your coffee/ I haven't been for couple of years so anything can change. The big advantage is having the pool to yourself at 6am and the private big furro in the room was ohhhhh soooo Lomantic !!!

    [/ I'm curious as to what you mean by fresh squeezed milk for coffee. I can just visualize a cow standing beside the restaurant and every time they pour a coffee they go out and squeeze a teat. Of course this being Thailand the cow could be right inside the restaurant so they wouldn't even have to go outside.

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