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market trader

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Posts posted by market trader

  1. Markettrader says "a Chinese restaurant which you considered to be one of the best in Chiang Mai. Its the one near highway 118 & highway 11" and LaurenceChee says "Jia Tong Heng", both apparently referring to the same restaurant. Jia Tong Heng is of course in town not anywhere near Highways 118 or 11. Puzzling.

    They have opened a new branch near 118 and the super highway. Beautiful building and guess what a rare thing for restaurants in Chiang Mai. Parking for at least 150 cars.

  2. Thailand is a poorer country than most farang countries- makes 100% sense that they would try to charge extra for tourists. Getting boycotted by a handful of stingy/miserly farang tourists is going to have zero impact.

    Thing is if I were a tourist I could accept paying more at some of the attractions. Fact is I am a permanent resident and being asked to pay mores pisses me off.
  3. really sorry to hear that you were disappointed with the Shangri La. It has been over a year since we have been there for a buffet. But the last time we were there it was very good. Another one of your posts was about a Chinese restaurant which you considered to be one of the best in Chiang Mai. Its the one near highway 118 & highway 11. Since your recommendation we have been there 3 times and consider it the BEST for Chinese in Chiang Mai.

  4. this thread is disappointing and misleading. i was about to share the source with different varies of leaf cuts and roaches available here and even domestic leaf cuts.

    want to looking for a proper cigarette, get over the chang klan as mentioned earlier for proper cigarettes with made with proper tobacco leaf cuts and not sobranie or other russian cigarettes with is still filled with tobacco sheet cuts

    Where i can buy russian cigarettes in cm? should be your title, not Where i can buy proper cigarettes in cm?

    Similarly, you dont ask where to buy a good beer in cm when you are looking for becks instead of changs and leos. you ask where to buy becks in cm

    The Op's thread was NOT misleading or disappointing. You are just trying to be argumentative and make a big thing out of nothing.

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  5. How about Ban Twai. Many shops to choose from and some nice teak pieces to choose from. For real high quality wooden furniture. On highway 1006 the old road from Chiang Mai to San Kamphang. About 1/2 km before the traffic light at Bo Sang. Very large furniture manufacturer. Very nice teak and rosewood pieces.. But you know the old story. You get what you pay for so don't expect to pay Index mall - Home Pro prices.

  6. I was there on Thursday, 8 a.m and scored number 5053 counter 2. The guys behind the coubter seem to wander off come back have a chat wander off again come back serve a couple of people then the wheels went round.

    I also noticed that a couple of thai women who had a number would present 5 or 6 passports at the one time, this held up the line as one number was servicing 6 people.

    I have no problem with agents going in but please let immigration organise a separate que. Not fair that 6 people ride on one number.

    If you see Thai women presenting 5 or 6 passports at one time it is most likely for visa extensions or other reasons. 90 reports only require photo copy of passport. The visa company I use only charge 1000 bahts a year to do the 90 day reports.
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