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market trader

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Posts posted by market trader

  1. Mr market trader, would you be kind enough to explain how you used the sabah snake grass? Do you eat it raw or boil it? How much do you consume each day? Appreciate your reply and best of health to you and your wife.

    If you are using fresh leaf. Wash the leaves. Then put in blender. I use 250 ml of water. 1/2 apple peeled (for taste) and the following is a guide for quantity of leaves to use.

    Stage 1 cancer --- 30 leaves per day

    " 2 " --- 50 " " "

    " 3 " --- 100 " " "

    " 4 " --- 150 " " "

    If using dry leaves. Blend the leaves until they have they appearance of very fine tea.

    Stage 1 cancer --- 5 grams of blended leaves

    " 2 " --- 10 " " " "

    " 3 " --- 20 " " " "

    " 4 " --- 25 " " " "

    make a tea using 250 - 300 ml of water.

    With all the above fresh leaves or dry leaves always start with the lowest quantity to see how your body reacts..Then gradually increase as required.

    In my case I use the maximum quantities daily and never had any adverse effects. But everyone is different so go slowly.

  2. I am located where the forum is that you replied to. Chiang Mai..

    My gf 'Noi' (Nunglak Budjinda) makes 2 fresh herbal drinks daily at her small store - Bai-Ya-Nang and Khow Tong Juice. I don't know if I am allowed to post a link to her website (newby) but it is NoiChiangMai dot com or go here http://chiangmai.thaivisa.com/ her advertisement is at the top of the page, you may find some useful reading on her website (she got cancer ~4 years ago and is doing fine with: her herbs, meditation & some yoga plus lifestyle changes).

    Even more important Noi is enroled in a Thai Gov approved "Thai Herbs for Health" program where she meets some of the best Thai Herbal doctors in the country who come here to teach the course. Noi can put you in touch with them, many are located in Chiang Mai - go talk to her. Her English is pretty good.

    Chemo is a killer IMO as others have said.

    Doug Beiers

    PS. I show up at the store most days (closed Sundays) around 4PM for a few hours if you want to have a chat. Also my email is [email protected]

    Thanks for your post. I have noted and read the web site. Seems interesting. Will be in touch.

  3. I agree that the local selection of food supplements is meagre and yes some things are overpriced. What makes me nervous are products marked product of Thailand. However when you phone the company and ask how they managed to source this or that ingredient in Thailand and the answer is oh, we get that from China. Now I have nothing against chinese people but as we all know business ethics in China leave a lot to be desired. There is no way that I am knowingly going to injest any food supplement or vitamin that comes from China. Even if it is classified as medical grade plastic or iron ore.

    • Like 2
  4. Where are you located. A visa run minibus from Phuket to Penang is 4KTHB including a night at a good hotel.

    Just get your stuff sent to the hotel in Penang and then pay someone to mule it for you.

    I am located where the forum is that you replied to. Chiang Mai..Most of us in this area do our visa runs to Maesai and then into Burma. Have someone mule it for me. I wasn't trying to bring in narcotics just simple herbs.

  5. Ive never been to a Chiro or the doctor before in my life for any type of physical ailment, how much would the first initial visit cost?

    Thank you for all the replies. My arm thanks you.

    Go to the PT Dept. @ Rajavej first. Talk with the therapists. 200 THB for their time. If you need to see the Chiropractor, I believe he charges 900 THB for a consultation. If you need an X-ray about 300-500 THB.

    thanks!....does that 900 baht consultation come with treatment or just talking about it?...a little yoga stretching sems to help, but comes back in 10 minutes.wai2.gif

    Hold on here...A chiropractor with a consultation fee of 900 bahts? A total college education of maybe 2 years. whereas a REAL doctor goes to university and puts in residency of a minimum of 7 years and here in Thailand at Sriphat receives 200 bahts and the Ram 300 bahts. Give me a break.

  6. I wish you the best in your endeavours to find a suitable nanny for your upcoming great event. However you must know that finding that one person who will be the nanny of your dreams is a crap shoot. Regarding salary I would not try to be a cheap charlie and expect to have a reliable employee. On the other hand I would not offer a salary much higher than the norm either. High salary does not equate into great employee. That being said. If I had an employee that was of exceptional value ( and I do) I would do my best to provide that person with a salary well above normal. Great employees are few and far between and should be rewarded as such.

  7. Several years ago it was due to open end of 2011, now it's 2013, my gues is not before august, maybe later.

    Again, it could be a money problem.

    Haven't you noticed that all construction projects seem to go on and on. In the country I come from if you sign a contract to build a new house it is 90 days from date of signing to delivery. Here in 90 days you are lucky if the exterior walls are up in 90 days.

  8. Some of you have suggested using postal services. Well my Canadian neigbour in our mooban had been using postal services for years to bring in some medications and vitamins. All was well until a few months ago when he started to receive notifications that his products would not be allowed into Thailand unless he had proper import permits. That is the reason I had the product shipped by FedEx. With luck in the future I will be growing my own product.

    • Like 1
  9. That's a very frustrating story to hear about. I do have an idea that might not be practical as I don't know about such things, but just in case, here goes. Perhaps through this thread a businessperson that is a commercial enterprise can get an import permit (or already has one?) and can order this product for you, and then resell it to you?

    Well that may or may not be a solution..But I must confess that I have wanting to leave Thailand for some time now. The only thing holding me back was my wife. Thai born and bred..Sure she has been to Canada, U.S.A. , Denmark but even she is finally seeing the light. It was just one hour ago that she told me that I will go where ever you want to but she said she would prefer Canada.

  10. Interestging

    Just returned from Pattaya where there is a strong Russian influence. Saw no Borscht there.

    Are the Russians coming here?

    You need to get out more @hellodolly. biggrin.png The Russians ARE here and have been for a while. Just look for the strikingly beautiful Eurasian women walking around. Makes my old photographer's hear beat faster.


    Isn't it funny but 50 years ago you would picture the Eurasian or Russian woman as being a very heavy set and not very attractive woman....What a difference 50 years makes.

  11. My sympathies to you. you've found something that seems to work and now customs has cottoned on to a nice little earner,. At the prices you quote, would you not be better served going down to Malaysia and bringing a decent amount of the stuff back in your case? Sadly Thai customs has a reputation (deserved or not) for being the most corrupt institution in a corrupt country. If you believed the duties were going to the Thai state to pay for legitimate expenditure, you might feel better, but the suspicion that it may be going in some rich mans pocket makes things far worse.

    Whatever happens, I do hope you can get more of this stuff without customs insisting on a large cut, and that it continues to cause your health to improve. God be with you and your partner.

    Thanks olde belle for your thoughts. We are well aware that we live in one of the most corrupt countries in the world..My wife is Thai and much to my surprise she just told me tonight that we cannot live in this country any longer..I love it here and I hope to convince her to lets give it a little more time.

  12. As I have posted on TV before both my wife and I are suffering from cancer. In my case non curable, but treatable. My wifes cancer is actually with chemo and luck curable. Neither one of us is willing to give up. So in addition to chemo and radiation we are very willing to try alternative cures. recently we have read many articles about Sabah snake grass which basically is available in Malayasia and Singapore. We found a grower in Malayasia and ordered an initial small quantity to see if we could take it without problems.

    Well the shipment arrived at our door via FedEx and injesting the product seemed to cause us no problems. Therefore we ordered a slightly larger quantity. 400 grams. Now this shipment is stopped by customs in BKK.In order for us to receive the shipment we have to pay 30% duty and pay FedEx customs clearance fee of 1500 bahts and pay a customs overtime fee of 200 bahts.Well if we don't try more of the product we won't know if it works or not. So we agree to pay all fees and within days the product arrives.

    I am the one with the non curable cancer and my wifes chemo and radiation seemed to have stopped the progress of her cancer at this time..So we decide that I should be the one that takes the Sabah snake grass..Well I took the product for one month and then went to the Chiang Mai Ram for an X-Ray. Not expecting any difference in solid tumour size I was shocked that it had decreased significantly. Doctor at the Ram has no explantion. So we decide to order a further shipment of 450 grams..

    Well shipment arrives in Bkk and FedEx phones me and says customs wants duty of 60%..So what the heck what is 30% more if the product works. So I agree to pay the 60%... Well guess what customs is not satisified. They now want me to get an import permit. So I advise FedEx that I am not a commercial enterprise but a private individual. So I tell FedEx to return the shipment to Malayasia.

    Now here comes the Wow, Wow and Wow again.

    For me to return the shipment to Malayasia..

    I must pay- import duty and tax 1169 bahts

    service charge 1284 bahts.

    Customs fee of 400 bahts

    Advancement fee of 185 bahts ( whatever that is)

    Return freight charge to be deterimed

    Litigation charge to depend on Thai customs

    export tax 1000 bahts

    Fed Ex export charge 3745 bahts

    So now I send Fed-Ex an email and tell them that either they or customs should destoy the product.

    Well I receive an email back and it says that even if product is destroyed I am still responsible for all the above charges.

    Now as we would we would say in Canada. How do you like those apples.

    The actual cost of the product in Malayasia was 2000 bahts.

  13. Were the hoards of tour groups upstairs Chinese by chance? If they were they certainly would not be like me if I were Chinese. If I were Chinese visiting Thailand I would be looking for great restaurants serving Thai food. Not Chinese food which I would be able to obtain daily at home.

  14. Well Lawrence I will be going there within the next 2 or 3 days..My only question and a little bit of concern. You mention 1100 bahts for 4 people..Which I find very reasonable. My concern has to be the grouper. Unless you were served 5 cm sized portions I doubt the the fish was actually grouper as stated on the menu. Grouper is now becoming a very expensive fish to buy. On my last visit to Florida about this time last year many restaurants had been cited for selling fish as grouper which in fact was something else. If I may continue on the subject of fish. Just last week I read in a Canadian newspaper that 30% of fish sold in supermarkets in the USA and Canada were not the species that they were supposed to be. That aside I am looking forward to going to the restaurant this week.

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