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market trader

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Posts posted by market trader

  1. Dr Varaporn at RAM dental clinic is one of the very best in her field, her English is excellent.

    I also will vouch for Dr. Varaporn. Have been going to her for 2 years. Yes she speaks excellent english only problem is she speaks so softly I constantly have to ask her to repeat what she said. One time I asked her to pretend that I am deaf and yell at me when she talked. She happily obliged, but even then her soft voice prevailed.

    So am I wrong or is the same female dentist that the OP is unhappy with? Is the RAM dental clinic mentioned by the above 2 happy customers the same as Chiang Mai Ram Hospital Dental Clinic referred to by the OP?

    The dental clinic at Chiang Mai Ram has 6 or 7 dentists associated with it. Several of them are female.
  2. Dr Varaporn at RAM dental clinic is one of the very best in her field, her English is excellent.

    I also will vouch for Dr. Varaporn. Have been going to her for 2 years. Yes she speaks excellent english only problem is she speaks so softly I constantly have to ask her to repeat what she said. One time I asked her to pretend that I am deaf and yell at me when she talked. She happily obliged, but even then her soft voice prevailed.

    • Like 1
  3. Why wild pigs over domestic breeds of pigs ?

    They are?

    I've never thought of it.... I'm not a piggy expert....wink.pngbiggrin.png ... just thought these were a Thai type piggies...whistling.gif

    They sell them to the locals.... they always leave the farm alive (oh the noise they make!) .... and the pork they eat themselves comes from Tesco! (as does the chicken)

    Thai holidays are never a good time for the piggies! .... many seem to have gone lately, I guess because of Chinese New Year? whistling.gif

    Ha ha ... IsaanAussie... be careful or I get Mr DAL after you!...cover your ._____ tongue.pngbiggrin.png

    I wouldn't eat those pigs either. They look very wormy and unhealthy.
  4. Firstly I wish all the luck to anyone starting business here.

    As for the OP, obviously not a native English speaker, thought French (coincidently) at first but to then Mis-spell cordon blue, for almost worked "in the blue condom" maybe not also.....

    ...as for the high flying chef........what happened to her ambition if you say she came to thailand to open the smallest shop in town.?

    I will wander by, and maybe will see you "cheek to cheek" with the Michelin girl

    You just can't stop being a cynic can you.. I feel sorry for you..
  5. Any Canadian food around?


    Poutine Porn. Gotta love it!

    Honestly though. Anyone know where you can get some poutine?

    Poutine would be a good one for the menu at Dukes. French fries, cheese curds and lots of gravy
    • Like 1
  6. In Bkk last time I asked they were about 10k...so cm should not be a lot different I guess...circa 8k to 12k maybe.

    I think less at Ram, maybe 5k for MRI or CT.

    I had a CT scan at the Ram 4 weeks ago... 8000 bahts.
  7. Excuse my language, but it is appropriate considering these scum who drive minivans.

    I drive on the 7 and 36 a lot. The majority of minivans I see on these freeways are operated by a pack of idiotic, bullying, rude ...... They speed in excess of 140 KPH and get right up on your rear bumper so you cannot see their headlights. Or they drive slow in the fast lane and will not move out of the way. They will cut in front of you suddenly without any directional indicators or safe space. It seems all the other Thai drivers in vehicles smaller than them avoid them like the plague. I see this behavior acted out against many innocent drivers time and time again.

    I had a road run-in about three months ago where a van came up on me so fast I thought he would rear-end me. I was boxed in and could not pull over. He persisted and honked and flashed his hi-beams. The surrounding vehicles cleared out. I still could not safely get out of the way as he was so close on my rear, heavy-duty, stainless steel bumper. Needless to say, I dealt with it and he lost. I turned on my hazard lights and he stayed on my bumper. I slowed down gently and he stayed on my bumper. I sped up and he sped up. I said ..... it; braced myself and slammed on the brakes. He slammed on his brakes and two for his tires blew out at about 130 KPH - bam bam. No contact. He barely made it to the side of the road and nearly got hit in doing so, as he swerved across three lanes suddenly and forced several vehicles to slam on their brakes. I kept on going with a shit eating grin and years of experience driving in these types of conditions.

    I hate these ...... beyond belief and am prepared to retaliate with my 4000+ pounds of angry steel if they threaten my safety and do not allow me the courtesy of getting out of their way safely. I am aware of the fact that they are crazy and they are capable of doing anything, but if I am alone in my truck and this happens, then this happens and they'll go with me or they'll simply go. I am not ashamed of telling it, and I suspect there will be a few who do not condone what I did, but I give a shit. Put my back against the wall and I'll unleash whatever Hell I've got to give. The little.....can die for all I care. I have no use for them. They shouldn't be allowed to drive anything. 16 year old princesses and minivan drivers: enough said! Every time I read a story like this I shake my head in disbelief at how stupid, selfish and disrespectful Thai people are towards others with the technology they have been blessed with. Flame off.

    I guess you were real proud of yourself weren't you.. Frankly what you did was just as bad as the guy on your rear bumper. Just luck that innocent people in other vehicles were not in an accident because of your actions. I shake my head at how stupid, selfish and disrespectful you were.
    • Like 1
  8. A few girls have told me they are extremely rude to them in various work settings (hotel receptionists mostly). These girls were outwardly racist against Chinese people - one of them even would even make fun of how they talk a lot. I've seen similar feelings from them against Indian people.

    One of the girls even said something that was so ridiculous I started laughing. "Why should these Chinese people visit my country if they can't even speak English."

    I must say I had a good laugh from your last sentence.
  9. It's not that hard to find really just go to some condo and ask around for maids. Or if you see some cleaning lady just ask them. Usually they will want to work but after 5pm. However if you live in Sankam pang then I don't know if they will want to travel that far.

    Now please explain why they would have to travel.....Not all maids come from the city and Sankampang, Ton Pao has a decent sized population with a good labour pool. As a side note our maid from Sanpampang worked for the former owner of our house for 10 years and she has worked for us since we purchased the property. Excellent worker and guess what she is Thai. Not Burmese
  10. I lived there for 6 months, 3 years ago. Small city that really has no main attraction. there is a large popular temple in the center of the city about 300 metres from Topland hotel. Which by the way has a very overpriced 5 or 6 level shopping mall attached to it. Other than that not much to do or see.

    • Like 1
  11. Why don't you just google Chiang Mai real estate rentals. Here you will find many real estate agencies that deal in home and condo rentals. Other than a hotel room by the day I would not lease anything on line sight unseen.Pictures may look fantastic but when you get there the place is a dump or in a very undesireable location. Even if the location is good there could be a bar beside it that blares deafening music until 1 or 2 AM.

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  12. Just about all plant and flower shops sell clay..My wife uses it to plant her lotus flowers. Lotus flowers seem to be my wifes latest passion and quite often as we are passing a plant shop somewhere she will say stop there I want to buy clay. They always have it.

  13. "A corrections officer said yesterday morning that Somchai was conscious and able to talk. He ate boiled rice and an omelette for breakfast. Somchai had requested special meals and refused to accept the food provided by the Corrections Department, the officer said."

    Rice and fish heads for this creep.bah.gif

    Sorry Somchai we're clean out of lobsters and pate de fois gras.

    How about a bowl of maggots?

    Maggots are a delicacy here.
  14. I bought graham crackers twice last year at Tops. But that doesn't mean that they will be there now. Before you ask where Tops is located. There are several locations. Kad Suan Gael and Airport Plaza are two of them. There is a Rimping store located at Nim city about a 200 meter walk from Airport plaza.

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