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market trader

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Posts posted by market trader

  1. Nice ones Heineken, words like 'shooting' and 'foot' come to mind.


    Sounds completely intentional to me!

    Maybe then can put the new Heineken pint glasses to better use as well.

    The inside bottom of these glasses have been diamond (or maybe laser?) cut so that bubbles form readily on the sharp glass edges. Therefore the beer comes to you foaming and then proceeds to de-gass itself as the beer stands. So unless you drink the pint within about 10 mins, you have a pretty tasteless, flat, unattractive beer to finish off.

    Do say... Now where does one find these glasses?

  2. More like a Tsunami.

    When I dealt with them they were very good ! One of the few agents that came and picked us up and followed up on my questions . But then I was trying to buy not sell ... I think the market is flooded ........

    I agree with the market being flooded. Good luck selling OP.

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  3. If you aren't living in Canada for 6 months plus a day every year and

    claiming residency to keep your health care you're defrauding the

    system. Health care is for actual residents. I can't remember the actual

    number but once every 5-7 years you are allowed to be gone for the year

    and retain coverage, provided you continue to pay your premiums. As for

    not receiving old age pension, many of my friends are, and I have been

    told there is no problem. Just go to your Service Canada acct. and read

    the information provided.

    I have no health care coverage at all and lost (gave up) my Canadian health care coverage ~4 years ago. No loss. Not that long ago (~50 years) no-one had health insurance, why are we so scared to live and die normally like our grandparents did. Even when in Canada I normally used Naturopathic Doctors and paid for it out of pocket. I am not a fan of North American mainstream medicine which is great at patching broken bones but not much else IMO, prefer self healing via various natural common sense approaches when practical.



    Good for you.. In your wisdom I assume that if and when you become seriously ill here in Chiang Mai you will shun hospitals like the Ram and Sriphat and instead opt for a shaman in Mae Hong Son.

  4. There are lots of strange things I wonder about Thailand, and the lack of some efficiency, but I accept the good with the bad. It is part of what makes the country so fascinating. But, maybe that is only because I am a 6 month visitor. If I had to live her permanently I believe many more things would bother me.

    For example... Why does it cost 40 baht for a cup of coffee when I can get a whole meal (padt Thai, Kow padt, etc) for 5 baht less? And, that will include a bowl of consome soup and all the ice water I can drink.

    After you have lived here long enough you won't even bother wondering anymore. Strange will become normal and very little will bother you. Believe me I talk from experience. I started coming here in the 1960's. In those days when you went to Phuket you didn't rent a hotel or condo. They didn't exist you slept on the beach. In the morning the beach was full of locals wanting to sell you their daughter in marriage. Actually now that I am in flash back mode, one of the guys I was with in those days took a local family up on their offer and married one of the daughters. 3 years ago when I was in Phitsanulok I saw this old guy and said to him I'm sorry for asking but you look very famliar to me. Turns out it was the same guy from the beach. Still has the same wife he bought. They have 7 children and 16 grand children.

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  5. ^ 'I have been able to source rooted plants in Korat...' - 'I have also been able to obtain fresh leaves from the same source.'

    And...the source is exactly what company and details please.

    Not a company but a private individual. This lady grows the plants for a family member who takes them for cancer. She is a friend of my wifes sister. The 1 kilo every 2 weeks that she is able to send us is all she has surplus. Even rooted plants she has no excess available. She has planted 200 cuttings and whatever survives she will sell to us as rooted plants in 8 weeks.

  6. Legally if you leave Canada on a permanent basis the Canadian government says that you are not allowed to have a bank account or any investment accounts in the country. My wife chats with Thai women around the world on a web site called Thai lady inter. On that site there is a Thai lady married to a Canadian and living in Canada who has taken on the job of checking the Canadian government web sites and keeping Thai women married to Canadians informed about government policies. This lady claims that the government web site on pensions says that Canadians who leave the country on a permanent basis are no longer eligible to receive the old age security pension (65 yrs up) 25% of Canada pension will be withheld for taxes.

    My advice would be not to leave Canada permanently. Maintain ties to the country somehow. Don't forget if you leave you lose your health care. If you lose your health care and go back to Canada you have to wait 90 days before it is re-instated. If you are here in Thailand and suddenly develop cancer. What do you do? Cost of modern day chemotherapy drugs is almost prohibitive for the average person to pay for. Waiting the 90 days for your health care to be reinstated could actually be a death sentence.

  7. The problem with asking for visa advice on this site is that you will get 101 answers. 50 of which will be completely wrong. 50 more will be iffy and 1 will be spot on. The problem is out of the 101 how do you identify which one is spot on. Now what I am going to say you can take with a grain of salt. But I presume what you are saying is that you are here on a triple entry tourist visa and you are coming to the end of your first 60 days. I know that people who are here on a regular 60 day tourist visa can go to immigration in Chiang Mai and obtain a 30 day extension. So I presume with your triple entry visa you could do the same thing. Afer your 30 day extension is up then you have to leave the country.

  8. In my opinion the 2 best hospitals are the Ram and Sriphat. The Ram 95% of employees speak decent english. Service is very fast and the hospital is very clean. Sriphat you kind of get the feeling of being at the zoo. Service not as fast as the Ram but considering the number of people waiting it is quite adequate. Both hospitals have well qualified doctors. Doctors fees and hospital fees at Sriphat cheaper than the Ram even though many of the doctors work at both hospitals. Cost of medications much cheaper at Sriphat.

  9. I concur with the other comments about Ban Tawai being a good place to visit. Don't just look on the main road of the village. Go off onto the sois you will be amazed at how many shops and small enterprises are there. Yes all the shops I have bought at will bargain. We have purchased several teak furniture items there. The merchants we have bought from all readily told us that the furniture we bought was made in Burma not Thailand.

  10. Well, this thread inspired me to go to Kamthieng Market and find some for myself. The two plants in the foreground are both Sabah Snake Grass (payayor). They were 50 baht each. On the right is a male, good only in the ground as a snake repellant. To plant one you need a plant with roots or seed. On the left is a female. It spreads easily and you can just break off a stem and stick it in the soil and it'll grow. At least that's what the lady told my wife, in Thai. I also bought a rather unimpressive bai yanang plant for 300 baht. At another shop we almost were able to buy a soursop (graviola) tree but someone beat us to it earlier that day. Maybe next time. I don't have cancer or anything but I love the idea of having medicinal plant growing in my back yard. You never know.

    Its the plant on the left or female that is used for medical purposes. If you ever get shingles (herpes) snake grass works very well to help soothe the itching and reduce the blisters.
  11. Let me tell you about 2 recent incidents I was witness to up here in Chiang Mai..The first took place at Chiang Mai Ram a private hospital here. One of the hospitals ambulances pulled up to the ER room. Within seconds 2 nurses jumped out and orderlies started to remove a stretcher. The patient was fully hooked up to IV and oxygen. A few seconds later I saw thatthe patient was being attended to by a doctor. Incident number 2 was an accident near my home. A car ran into a lady on a motorcycle.Just by looking at the victim you could see she was critically injured. Within 10 minutes the police and the pick up truck arrived. The 3 guys in the pick up put the victim on a canvas stretcher and without even checking what and where her injuries were put her into the pick up truck and left.

  12. The Chinese seem to have a bit of a problem with window shoppers. I know. I am married to one, and when I percieved to be window shopping for the wrong things, I get in big trouble.whistling.gif

    You have my sympathy. I remember about 10 years ago I had a very nice Chinese girlfriend. Nice in every way except that she had to be the one wearing the pants. No way was I going to be pu--y or j-m whipped. Treat me the way I treat you. To this day she still has not found someone to marry her. Some people never get the message.
  13. Had a friend once who wouldn't look at the lovely Isaan girls,because they were dark skinned. He always went for the Laos white skinned girls,strangely the ones he chose for long term girlfriends were invariably ugly.So I suppose it comes back to the old saying"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

    As the song goes... If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.
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