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market trader

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Posts posted by market trader

  1. I am looking for muriatic acid which is used to clean masonary surfaces. I have been to Global house and Home pro but they don't seem to know what I am talking about. Does anyone know where I can buy it in CM and also what muriatic acid is called in Thai.

  2. Interesting post comes up here.

    I didn’t read all posts so forgive me if I miss something.

    I’m a German and I was running real estate business over 7 years up in Europe, now after the crisis we moved to Chiang Mai and we open Buy & Rent Chiang Mai CO. LTD. http://www.buyrentchiangmai.com

    Yes agencies try to make money with making contracts, but not all agencies try to steal you anything, just want to get paid for there work.

    I’m not sure why some agencies are act like this but it is real not provisional and I belief there are also good ones out there.

    Some points who make all Agents crazy or they don’t care about after many times you hear the same thing.

    Years back I always try to correct the price the owner ask, the problem is, most owners WANT this price and don’t listen so better is not to try to change the owners mind, but after one moth on the market we always try to talk with the owner maybe to lower the price as we belief it is too high. In the last weeks in Thailand, I found only foreigner who ask about the right price, and in this case we will estimate the property for the seller.

    About the more selling prices, I’m not sure if some agencies put the price up to get more, but I know some owners WANT xxx and we have to but our commissions on the top, so if the seller ask the owner direct, the price will be lower. This is happen in about 10% cases.

    About photos, we are always happy to visit your property, as this way we know what we try to sell, but many times the owners have no time or they are not here, then we are happy if we can get some photos per mail. If you give your property to an agency, you always should as them to make photos from your place, this way you find out if they are really interesting to afford the sale. But please make sure to have your home clean up as mess is not locking well on photos.

    About more calls and no people are from the agent, this can be as many agencies include the condo or mooban names in there listings, so the direct sell is still coming thru an agency website as many buyers think it is better to find the place by myself to avoid a fee, they just miss there are no fees if the deal between seller and agency far.

    Some points why you should use multi agents to get your property sold or rented, only the use from more than one, gives you more options to find the right guy in the right moment.

    Some points why you should use an agency to buy a property, if the agency is good, they will secure your down payment on their company bank account in case there is a problem with the property papers they just can give it back to you and you have no lost or fight about with the seller. You also should never buy a property without a special lawyer who can check and make sure all papers are clean, good agencies will provide you with a good lawyer for free of charge, this is away like we do to thank you for your business with us.

    About promotions, nobody can or will need to promote every property on other ways like to place it on the agency website, we always make some promos on classifieds, special online options, but always only the top hot properties to get more peoples to look at our website, but still it need 5000+ visitors to get one property view appointment, so it sound easier like it is in real estate business. smile.png

    Well if you are a real estate agent in this city maybe you should go back and read all the posts. They may help you to improve your services to your clients and ultimately your sales and commissions
  3. Don't blame the real estate companies. The fault lies in the system. In the U.S.A. and Canada you list your property with one agent. You have a choice of using that agency exclusively or going with MLS ( multiple listing service) which will increase the commission payable but will also give your property much more exposure. When the property is sold commisssion is split between listing and selling agencies. The listing agent will come to your property, take pictures. Note all the details and point out in advertising the attractive features. Quite often they will have an agency day where all the agencies are invited to come and view the property for sale. Now here in Thailand the seller contacts every agency they can think of to sell the property. What incentive is there for an agent to come and view the property take the details and pictures when there is a 90% chance that they will not be the ones selling it..We made an accepted offer on a property in late May of this year and are now living in the house.However it is still listed for sale at 4 real estate companiess.

    • Like 1
  4. The ministry of public health today sent 4,000 flood medical kits to Ayutthaya province, 2,000 to Sukhothai, and 1,000 to Chai Nat. The minister said another 300,000 kits are now in stock at the ministry for further allocation.


    Meanwhile the Minister for the Department of Fisheries issued a warning that it was essential that Thailand continued to invest in research for Nuclear Power and Alternative Energy sources.

    Thailand + nuclear = recipe for disaster
  5. I presume you are joking when you state you would like to have a plumber with a degree in physics. I would like to find an even not so good plumber. All the ones we have phoned say they can't come because they are involved with either commercial or housing projects.

  6. Is it really corruption if it is accepted and common? Corruption is like rules and laws in that the majority only have problems with either if they hurt or hinder them but tend to enjoy them when they benefit them.

    Most of the Thais get a few crumbs from the cake at voting time..The red shirts gave all my wifes family 1000 bahts eachto vote for them. Being good Thais they accepted the 1000 bahts and then voted for the yellow shirts.
    • Like 2
  7. We are looking to buy a new truck and have been looking at a Mitsubishi. The salesperson is pushing a dual fuel gas / lng says we will save a lot of money on fuel purchases. My wife is nervous, says she doesn't want a rocket trip to heaven. Anyone have experience with this type of vehicle?

  8. Bummer as I park there usually. Just yesterday in fact.

    Easier as less cars & the slanted parking you mentioned

    I did not notice the signs but did notice lots of parking.

    I doubt it is for VIP as why would they make the VIP's walk so far?

    Maybe it is because they sometimes use that area for the auctions of cars & bikes?

    Will have to read the sign next time I go.

    Thanks for the warning though since you saw a car booted

    Sorry if I got it wrong. Just felt like a rant against all this "VIP" culture!! These people take advantage of their perceived status all the time. They claim and get massive discounts at golf courses while the rest of us pay the proper price. I ve seen people moved in restaurants because a Hi So group want that table, and of course they park wherever they want without penalty!!

    I think we got your point. Done yet?

    That reply was not appropriate or called for.
  9. Howzabout a full set of metric tools (open end and circle wrenches), and ratchet drives w/ a full set of socket wrenches, with multiple extension lengths, full Allen, Phillips, and all the weirdo keys for automotive plastic lenses, wire stripping tool and crimper, as well as the mundane screwdrivers, etc.- all in a nice hard clamshell plastic case, about the size of a small briefcase. No hammers or other <deleted> that doesn't relate to automotive/motorcycle.

    Back in the US, you could buy a quality set like this for about 99 USD at Costco, Sears, etc.

    I've been to Home Pro, they don't have.

    Global maybe, but too far for me and I'll spend too much money there anyway.

    I'll try the new Nana Screw, and see if I can find the tool set of my dreams....

    In the U.S. circle wrenches are actually called box wrenches..But circle wrenches makes more sense as they are actually shaped like a circle and not a box.
  10. I have used my 30bht gold many times.

    For hospital and dental.

    Never asked to pay.

    This is good news, Bpraim1. Could you please share a few more details like:

    Are you a permanent resident or have a non-immigrant visa that you extend yearly (i.e. a "retirement" or "marriage" visa)

    Have you worked in Thailand? If so, do you continue to pay into the Social Security system?

    Are you listed on a yellow book or blue book?

    Where did you "sign up" for the card?

    Can you go to any government hospital you'd like for service or are you limited to a specific hospital which can give you a referral to another hospital if they can't provide the service needed?

    Have you used the card at more than one hospital?

    How long have you been using the 30 baht card?

    Thanks for this great news that could really help to improve the lives of many foreigners!

    All excellent questions I hope an answer is forthcoming.
    • Like 1
  11. I looked into it and the place that I found was a lot more than 5,000 baht. 5,000 baht a year to not have to go to immigration at all would be well worth it.

    I note the poster said 5k + Imm fee so that would be 6900 baht

    I also called & checked on the 4x90 day reporting & they said 1000 Baht which seemed reasonable

    But if all added it would be 7900 Baht I wonder if your quote was all inclusive too?

    Maybe the english lawyer who is involved with Thai visa assist could clear all the confusion by posting a comment with their prices. If prices are reasonable I am sure they would have a large increase in new business.
  12. I'd pay 5000 baht to NOT have to go to Immigration. But certainly wouldn't just to have an agency fill out the paperwork, and have to hold my hand to have it submitted.

    I looked into it and the place that I found was a lot more than 5,000 baht. 5,000 baht a year to not have to go to immigration at all would be well worth it.

    I am curious to know just how much the place you found wanted.
  13. Just one of those head scratching moments I guess but, why are Thais pushing in with impunity at immigration? whistling.gif

    Thems aint Thai's, they is Burmese by the million !

    If I am not mistaken the Burmese go to the building on the other side of the parking lot.
  14. I've had some experience with this subject.

    First, I'm not aware of any program where a foreigner can sign onto the 30 baht medical scheme simply by being married to a Thai. It may be possible to utilize a Thai wife's insurance if she has private insurance thru her employer.

    Foreigners can join the 30 baht plan if they are employed in certain jobs -- like teaching at a government school. They can continue to be part of the plan after they cease employment simply by paying a small monthly fee. But, there are age restrictions and someone should be very careful about accepting a job and planning to work just the minimum length of time to get into the plan and then quiting. I know one woman who worked a year at a government university, hating every moment, just to get into the plan. After she quit, she found she was a few weeks short of being able to buy into the plan for the rest of her life and now was over the age limit to be rehired.

    The services provided under the 30 baht plan are pretty basic, with long waits to see doctors. If hospitalized, you'll be in an unairconditioned ward with many patients. Any medicines not on the "government list" are extra and that includes many of the newest antibiotics used to fight resistant infections. A few days in ICU with an IV drip of an exotic antibiotic can produce huge bills, even at a government hospital.

    The private hospitals have no obligation to treat anyone who says they can't pay their bill. If someone who claims poverty is brought to their emergency room, they'll do the bare minimum needed to stabilize the patient and then bundle him off to the government hospital, usually Suan Dok, here in Chiang Mai.

    Sometimes people do end up in the private hospitals unable to pay the bill. They're permitted admission because they've had treatment there before, have a few credit cards in their wallet, have friends with them at the time of admissions, etc. Incidentally, despite a common myth, you're not obligated to pay for someone's medical treatment if you bring them to the hospital. The private hospitals will create the impression you are and try to get you to sign a form to that effect, but don't. Simply say you're doing a sick friend a favor and it was his idea to come to this private hospital.

    If admitted to a private hospital, the English-language social worker (really English language bill collector) will work very hard to obtain a deposit, usually half the amount of the total anticipated bill, before treatment beyond stabilization continues. No deposit -- the patient is transferred to the government hospital. The private hospitals usually are willing to work out payment plans for the remaining half of the bill. Something like payment over 3 - 6 months. During that time, they hold the patient's passport. Don't worry -- they take care of visa maintenance -- they don't want their debtors on overstay.

    If someone is in the government hospital, that hospital has a "human rights obligation" to provide care, regardless of ability to pay. They don't hold passports, either. But, they will provide very basic care, such as immobilizing a fracture with 8 weeks of bedrest in hospital vs. doing orthopedic surgery that involves expensive imported plates and screws but gets the patient up and walking in a couple weeks. Also, once someone without money is deemed to be stable, they are discharged, even if they have no place to go or no one to take care of them.

    Suan Dok always gets the foreigner's consulate or embassy involved in cases where a hospitalized patient has no money. Also, they involve Immigration if the patient is on overstay or appears to have fradulently claimed sufficient income for a retirement visa. Suan Dok responds very well to poor foreigners who manage to make some sort of deposit, sign a promise and then actually return every month to make a payment on their bill -- even if it's just 5000 baht a month. Otherwise, it's going to be very difficult for someone to seek treatment again if they have an outstanding bill they refuse to pay.

    For more information about this important topic check out www.LannaCareNet.org

    Very interesting and informative post. I would like to add a few personal comments. My wife a Thai developed breast cancer 18 months ago. At the time we were living in Phitsanulok. She found a lump in her breast then went to a private hospital for a mammogram. She then had a consultation with an oncologist at the private hospital. He told her that it was very likely she had breast cancer but a biopsy would confirm if his thoughts were correct. Now here is the interesting part.He told her to go to the public hospital and he would look after her there. He said if she remained a patient at the private hospital the final cost could be extremely high. She went to the public hospital had the operation to remove her breast. We opted for a private room for her at a cost of 2000 bahts a day. That was the only out of pocket expense we have incurred. She had 8 rounds of chemotherapy, 22 radiation treatments and goodness knows how many different types of drugs taken orally. Many appointments with various types of doctors. She has never had to wait extremely long for any of her doctors appointments. Today she appears to be cancer free. As a former member of the medical profession I would like to say quality of care here is on par with the majority of hospitals in the U.S.A. and Canada.
    • Like 1
  15. I've seen people do some pretty strange things to get high, but drinking DEET was not one of them. That crap in banned in the US because it is so toxic. The girls probably never knew what they were drinking. So sad.

    I presume that you are saying that Deet is banned in the USA... Well I am sorry to inform you that you are wrong... I have with me here in Thailand Deep woods off - sportsman. Which contains 30% deet. I purchased it in New York in May of this year.
  16. You don't mention is you are coming here as a tourist with no visa required for 30 days or if you are coming with a visa valid for 60 plus days depending on the type of visa. Legally you cannot drive here unless you have an international drivers license or a Thai license. The problem with an international drivers license if you have an accident the police may or may not say it is your fault even if your are not at fault. If you are coming to Thailand for an extended period of time it is easy to obtain a Thai driving license. Providing that you have a valid license from your home country the following is required. Letter from immigration to verify your address in Thailand cost 500 bahts..Health certificate from doctor or hospital cost 30 - 100 bahts. Cost of license is 200 bahts. At the license bureau you take 2 tests one to test your reflexes when braking. The other to test your perception of colour, red-yellow-green..All of this can be done within a half day.

  17. All this good reporting about meals on wheels. How about a website or phone number for those of us who do not know how to contact them.

    Let me Google that for you:


    Very first link:


    Was that so hard?


    People just want everything handed to them on a plate...hmm

    Not hard at all when you know that the business is actually called meals on wheels4u. Sure no shortage of smart asses on this site.
  18. If you don't mind me asking how hot is that red sauce? My wife who I think is a great cook, when making her favourite dishes actually cooks 2 meals one for me and one for her. The one for her is so hot that I have actually seen her gasping for air. I often ask her why do you torture yourself like that. Of course I get the standard answer. Because I like it.

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