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market trader

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Posts posted by market trader

  1. I'd sugest the accident insurance from Bangkok Bank, it's under 1500 baht per year.

    And you don't need to reimburse from comapny coz no need to pay the bill to the hospitals (includes Chiangmai Ram).

    A 1500 THB per year policy won't cover very much...

    Note that Virginia said accident insurance not general health insurance.
  2. Chainat June 13, PM Yingluck promised no flooding in Thailand in 2012.

    Was this one more white lie?

    To you and all the other idiots who continue to post what you did... There is no government in this world that can prevent flooding caused by torrential and unusual quantities of rain. Maybe your time would be better spent by going to a temple and praying that your house is saved from the muddy gooey mess that flooding causes here. Further maybe you could also pray that no loss of life occurs.
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  3. I've had good luck with the green ant killer traps. A Friend recommended the green ant poison traps - Put a few out, 2 days later no more ants.

    The actual make and shop where you can get them would be helpful. There are so many varieties around.

    The one I have used with good success for many years is ARS Ant Killer. It is a green plastic box about 4.5x7x1cm with clipped corners. The bait is in a foil bag and you only need a little each time. It is sold on a mostly yellow and red 10x16cm card. Close the foil bag tightly after opening to avoid moisture which will cause the bait to get sticky and limit its effectiveness, hard for ants to move a large gooey piece. The ants take the bait back to their nest to store and share. Sometimes I do not bother with the plastic box if I see active ants and just pour a little where they are, then watch them mess around and finally start hauling it off.

    Where to get them is a bit difficult because I have found them out of stock often but Tops @ airport plaza has had them and I think Rimping may have stocked them in the past. Sorry no upto date info on where as I stocked up last time and have not looked recently.

    I have not had luck with it for the very big black ants and as mentioned above sometimes the ants learn to avoid it but they also forget that lesson.

    I use these traps also and they have proven very effective for the small ants in my house. I buy them at Big C and Tesco/ Lotus.
  4. "I wouldn't say there is "a good chance of getting bombed" in Hat Yai. No more so than in London, Madrid, new York, etc. It could happen anywhere"

    There was a major bombing incident in Hat Yai just a few months ago; the biggest shopping center in the city was blown up. The whole area is a center of unrrest so there is definitely more of a chance there of getting injured or killed than getting hurt in any of the cities named above. Most tourist guides indicate this too and do not recommend travel there for a reason.

    Also, Hat Yai is pricey by Thai standards because it is a place Malaysians go to for sex trips. Hotels are more much more expensive than they are in CM and you get less. It is possible to fly directly from CM to KL on Air Asia for a cheap price. Why take the extra risk?

    Good advice.
  5. With quality fresh pork and chicken so cheap at Makro, beef no longer holds the same appeal. I did notice a strip-loin of NZ beef in the freezer at 880 bt/kg which I thought reasonable.

    I have yet to taste hi-quality Thai beef and curious to know how it compares with equivalent NZ/Aus cuts. Bob, what cut did you sample and how cooked?

    Your mention of striploin at Makro reminds me how spoiled I became in North America. Many years ago I read a newspaper article about Henry Ford jr. ( Ford Auto Co.) He used to like his hamburgers made with striploin beef. So I figured if he can eat it so can I. Well it ruined me for life. From that time on any hamburger I had made with regular ground beef tasted like dog food. You should all do yourselves a favour once in your lifetime and make a hamburger with ground striploin.
  6. Have you checked out Expat Auto Chiang Mai. The owners speak both Thai and English fluently and their cars come with a guarantee. Haven't bought one from them yet, but will eventually. After doing some looking decided to go with a moto a few months back.

    The OP appeared to be looking for a new car. Expat auto is in the used car business. Most cars on their web site are around 10 years old. But I do know that they have an excellent reputation.
  7. It was just last week that I read an article issued by the centre for disease control (CDC) in the USA. They were recommending that people refrain from using net pots after 2 recent deaths and multiple infections caused by neti pot use.. Maybe if you google neti pots you may find some information on this.

  8. Last Saturday night, I went to the RAM EMERGENCY ROOM due to unbearable stomach pain (a day later diagnosed as acute appendicitis). The emergency room doctor did a quick 30 second evaluation, injected a pain medication and told me that I could go home now! I stayed as at this point I couldn't only roll up in pain. While I was rolled up in pain on the bed in the emergency room, the emergency room doctor sat at his desk doing paperwork without paying the slightest bit of attention to me, his patient!! Two hours later they gave me enough morphine so that I could sleep.

    The next morning a surgeon (apparently from Suan Dok) came, diagnosed acute appendicitis and performed surgery to remove the swollen and infected appendix. All went well, the operating room looked surprisingly modern, and the doctor did a great job.

    Two days later I was ready to go home after the surgeon did a final evaluation. Then I waited, and waited, and waited... No, I was not allowed to leave till my insurance company gave the okay. Eventually it turned out that RAM had messed up the paperwork and not sent a medical report, I and I could convince them to let me go after I gave them my credit card as security.

    When I returned to RAM to sign the paperwork, I discovered something interesting:

    - total bill was THB 100,000

    - fee of surgeon was THB 15,000

    - and then there was a line item "2.6.44 Oversea Claim Service (Other Hospital Charge) -- THB 20,000"

    When I asked about this charge, I was told that it was their service fee for contacting an overseas insurance company and receiving payment. Wow!!

    Now I too agree with the majority opinion in this forum: Don't go to Ram. Go to Sripat instead.

    There's a formal procedure in order to be admitted at Ram. If the doctor said you could go home, how could you be admitted for the night? It doesn't make sense.

    And you say while at Ram a doctor came from a different hospital, examined you and ordered Ram to organize a surgical procedure. It doesn't make sense.

    They then wouldn't allow you to leave until they knew you would be able to pay for the operation. At last, something that makes sense.

    Where did justamember state that the doctor from a different hospital ORDERED Ram to organize a surgical proceedure? In my experiences I have seen the same doctor at different hospitals.
  9. I have been able to get prices on line on the Thai websites for the following. Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda. You can find a price for any model you are interested in. Don't speak Thai. No problem. They all have a box in a corner for english.

  10. My first Visa they checked and talked with every one around, all 89 people

    Waste of a day, and after 88 I wonder what they would have done if the 89th said otherwise

    Now I am on a Non Imm O M with only 100,000 baht, letter from the wife, no 90 day check ins, no re entry permits

    And no inspections or dealing with Immigration Very happy with this option for a married visa

    Am I correct in thinking that with the visa you have there is a visa run every 90 days.
  11. Why don't you just go to the Thai embassy in Portugal and get a double entry visa. Then get your flight without an outbound ticket. It seems that you have at least a 50% chance of immigration not questioning no outbound ticket. The reason I say double entry tourist visa is that it gives you some wiggle room if you have to explain why no outbound ticket. Worst case scenario they take you aside when you arrive in Bangkok and make you buy an out bound ticket to some country.

  12. If you have a Tourist Visa in your passport there is no need for an outbound ticket. I came here on a dual entry tourist visa last year ago August with no outbound ticket, it's not necessary.

    Maybe you were lucky.. This past May when I was returning from a trip overseas the english speaking fellow in front of me at immigration was having a very animated and loud discussion with the immigration officer. It appears that he was entering the country with a double entry tourist visa but did not have an outbound ticket for when his second entry was finished. This discussion went on for over 15 minutes. Finally 2 other immigration officers appeared and escorted him away. Of course I don't know what the outcome was. But the moral of the story is what is okay today, may not be okay tomorrow.
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  13. You go to the Arcade bus station in Chiang Mai. Go to green bus counter for bus to Maesai on the Myanmar border. However I am 99% sure you cannot book on line. Your best bet for a departure ticket to show immigration is book a flight on Air Asia to KL in Malayasia. You don't say how long you are intending to stay in Chiang Mai. The 60 day tourist visa you can get a 30 day extension by going to immigration in Chiang Mai. You then have a total of 90 days before you must leave the country.

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