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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. At Oasis in Khon Kaen they've been having a housing sale promotion this week and the finale was a rather raunchy show by these two girls who call themselves "Sexy Bathing Angels"

    This show was something to be seen. Imagine water and white swimming costumes and broad daylight.

    Were the Angels wearing water wings? :o

  2. its the "govrement saving bank" .

    Is it risky?? Could it be (in reality not theoreticly) like more 3-5% extra?.....

    we r talking about 5 years period loan.

    amount of 300K baht .

    Unfortunately no one can safely predict what interest rates will do in the future.

    On variable rate loans and loans which are linked to Bank Base rates this is a chance that you have to take.

    Taking out a low fixed rate loan if the period of the loan is long is the best way to go if you can find one, unfortunately the banks and financial institutions do like to offer variable rate loans for longer loan periods as this protects them from volatile movements in the financial markets.

  3. Hi, Can somebody here can explain me the meaning of changing MLR...

    me and my wife went to the bank to check for loan and in the bank they offered us a loan for 7%/year intrest but they mantion that this 7%/year could be change and its depand on the country MLR.

    what is that means?

    I have to say that its only 7% and no addition intrest/extra mention ..

    + if we want to pay and finish the loan before the time so have fee of 2% from the last money we pay to close the loan (example: 40K left and we pay 40K so it will be 800 baht fee)...

    Can somebody here clear this thing as its my first loan I will take.

    I will read carefully the contract but I dont know this basic thing..about the MLR..

    :o kabkun krap.

    The MLR (Minimum Lending Rate ) is the rate of interest charged by the Central Bank of a Country when lending to Financial Institutions in the money market. It is also known as the Bank Base Rate. The rate can move up or down.

    If your loan is attached to a Central Bank`s Minimum Lending Rate then the rate of interest which you are charged may rise or fall depending on the terms of your contract.

  4. Well here we have another Weho topic which has degenerated into the pros and cons of Weho`s artistic posting abilities and very little to do with the original topic subject.

    Weho has requested that the topic should be closed and usual TV format is to respect the OP`s wishes when a request to close a topic is made.

    So I am closing this topic but I would like to add a side note and request that posters try to understand that each poster has his/her own posting style and tolerance of different styles even if at times they may seem trollish would be greatly appreciated.


  5. I went to my usual procurer of meter taxis to Bangkok. I have always paid 800 Baht plus tolls. Today, I was told that the fare would be 1100 Baht, tolls included. When I asked why the price had gone up, the woman said that petrol is more expensive. I finally bargained down to 1000 Baht. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I still see 800 Baht signs all over Pattaya. Are we getting baited and switched?

    800 baht plus tolls seems to be the going rate.

    Shop around if your usual supplier is charging you more and you don`t wish to pay it.

  6. I think that libya has done a great job here in reporting Pattaya`s diverse news stories.

    He has dedicated many hours in order to ensure that we have had the fullest coverage of news reported on TV that I can remember.

    His efforts are very much appreciated and I look forward to seeing his next news report soon. :o

  7. Enjoyment of a meal for me encompasses tasty and well cooked food and good attentive service.

    So if I enjoy the meal I will leave a tip.

    If I don`t enjoy the meal I will not leave a tip even though the service was good.

    If the service was bad and the food good I will not leave a tip.

    If the meal was excellent and the service excellent and there is no service charge + then I will leave a good tip.

    If the meal was excellent and the service excellent and there is service charge + then the tip I leave will be much smaller........after all they have already included an amount to cover the good service.

    In my opinion at the end of the day tipping should be proportionate to the overall enjoyment of the meal and take into account whether taxes have been added. :o

  8. SOURCE: Pattaya City News: May 29th 2007

    Honest Baht Bus Driver returns nearly 900 US Dollars left on his Bus to Turkish Tourist.

    This story comes from Pattaya Police Station where Khun Somnook aged 51, the driver of Baht Bus number 351, arrived with a wallet belonging to a Turkish National which was left in the back of his Bus.

    Inside the wallet was 891 US Dollars, 3 credit cards and other personal items. Police Lieutenant Colonel Prichar assisted the driver who wanted Police to help him track down the Turkish Man, Mr. Harun Emir Seyit aged 45.

    The man was taken to Soi Post Office in South Pattaya and after a check of the street he was located and brought to the station to receive back his wallet from the kind-hearted and honest Baht Bus Driver.

    Well done to the baht bus driver :o

  9. Are you guys aware that drinking ice-cold 'anything' is not good for the system? The Chinese know this well.

    The problem as I see it is that most beer just doesn't taste too good. It's just something to wet your throat. The coldness of the beer tends to disguise its lack of taste. Try red wine instead :o .

    .and that brings me to another point of discussion which I had recently in Pattaya about red wine.

    As we all know red wine is always said to taste at its best if served at room temperature.

    The strange thing is I have found that some red wines taste better in hot climates if they have been chilled.

    So should red wine be served chilled or at room temperature in Pattaya?

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