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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. What do all these posts have to do with quads?

    Shouldn't a moderator split this off to a "helmet or not" thread and clean it up?

    Mark, you seem to have a chip on your shoulder (you want to moderate here?) We all know you're a journalist from another Island, but you rush in here and it seems (I might be wrong) as you want to change this forums set-up, is this the case?-Good journalists don't flame others with "dingus" words. :D:o

    This and my post are off topic and should have been removed.

    No, I could never pass muster as a mod here. I am too open minded.

    Please don`t try to tell the moderators how to do their job Mark Wolfe. We have very good eye sight.

    Moderating decisions are for the Moderators and for Admin.

    I look forward to seeing more of your `open minded` posts.

  2. Just give them away to someone who wants them you tight get!

    I hope holidaymakers read this before carting suitcases full of corned beef/tea bags etc 6000 miles to a"mate" and him selling them on.

    Poor show.

    p.s Tetley is crap anyway,ask for yorkshire tea next time.

    Yorkshire tea is good strong tea..........infact you can get at least three cuppas out of one teabag and it`s still flavoursome.........I`m not saying us Yorkshire folk are mean.......but we do like good value for money :o

  3. I always thought that Patters had Sonkran for 1 day, a week later than the rest of Thailand. Has

    this changed. :D

    yes it starts earlier than anywhere else it seems and finishes on the 19th

    From past experiences I would say that it will still be going on the 20th and with Saturday being the 21st it could be a wet weekend :o

  4. Well
    On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

    They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

    Its well known that BGs perfer LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS with older guys because they know the younger guys are more likely to run off with other women, because they can while the older guy is more likely to be more faithfull because he has not as many options.

    Well thats straigtened me out,. i thought it was because an old guy wouldnt live as long and access to the inheritance is closer !

    Hey!....some old guys are in their 90`s........and still hanging on to their wallet :o

    What would you rather have a full wallet and a full sack ,or an empty wallet and an empty sack ? and no fun or an empty one and lots of stories to tell, Iwant to be the poorest corpse in the graveyard,. In fact on my tombstone i want ' he died owing millions " or " I told you i was ill '

    Looks as though you`d have to borrow even more to afford a tombstone :D

  5. Well
    On the old vs young thing. I have friends who are BGs & I've talked to them about this. I also believe they would tell me the truth (being a woman) as they have nothing to gain by lying to me (I don't care, one way or another).

    They prefer older guys,in general, but it's not really for the reasons any of you have stated. I don't think I can put the reason on the forum though, without breaking rules.

    Its well known that BGs perfer LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS with older guys because they know the younger guys are more likely to run off with other women, because they can while the older guy is more likely to be more faithfull because he has not as many options.

    Well thats straigtened me out,. i thought it was because an old guy wouldnt live as long and access to the inheritance is closer !

    Hey!....some old guys are in their 90`s........and still hanging on to their wallet :o

  6. My favourite Italian Pizza is Pizza Quattro Stagione which is Pizza four seasons.

    I tried this a few weeks back in an Italian restaurant in Pattaya and it was rather good. It had a well made hand thrown base and generous helpings of the four different toppings. The cheese tasted fresh (which is a bonus for Pattaya pizza restaurants) and all was washed down with a few glasses of Italian red. :o

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