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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. I think it was Christopher Hitchens that pointed out that to label Bush as "stupid" is pretty much itself an indication of stupidity.

    I always did like Christopher Hitchens.thumbsup.gif

    I'm a bit worried that I'm starting to agree with you and Chuckd a little bit too much. This is making me uncomfortable....

    Can we start a gun thread or something? It will be cathartic for all of us. Promise.


    Good to see you escaping the dark side. thumbsup.gif

    Back on topic...

    I notice Obama's approval rating is now down to 47% with Gallup. Disapprovals at 45%.

    Bush's approval rating is now 49%, with a 46% disapproval rating.



    Nice, except you compare apples to oranges by somehow missing the intent of the analysis. The poll reveals a trend that public generally becomes more accepting of presidents the longer they have been out of office because they are then viewed as a human or individual as opposesed to the commander in chief and their policies in place.

    " Instead, its a reflection of something thats been true of former Presidents since the beginning of the modern political era. After the passage of time, the public seems to separate their opinion of these men, and so far theyve all been men, from their opinions about the policies that were enacted while they were in office."


    To be accurate, if that is what you are seeking, you would have to compare Obama's ratings 5 years after he left office to GW's new gallop numbers to obtain a reflection of public perception of the person as opposed to the policies of that person.

    GW's numbers in office reached lows of 25 approval on several occasions and GW is way down on post office Gallups of former Presidents.

    Bush Jr. 49%

    Clinton 69%

    Bush St. 62%

    Reagan 72%

    Carter 69%


  2. *Deleted post edited out*

    The Tepito kidnappings really typifies the new policies on reporting.

    12 people kidnapped from a bar including a 16 year old son of El Tanque. One guy escaped and reported incident to authorities who still just call it a "disappearance" and no evidence of kidnapping.

    Two days prior, 2 were killed in same neighborhood that were Templar Knights so they apparently got permission to kidnap everyone in that bar as a retaliation. In response to kidnapping and in same neighborhood, two masked gun men walk into a local gym and kill two brothers in retaliation for kidnappings and owner of gym and guy with brothers are also hit and killed.

    The 12 kidnapped include to teenagers and several young mothers.

  3. Not a single comment on this barbarity. But five pages (and growing) of comments on the shooting in Santa Monica, across the border. Wonder why?

    This is a daily occurrence in Mexico at the present. The day this was posted, 12 were kidnapped in Tepito from a bar, 6 bodies with signs of torture found in Sinola and CDG and Zetas were realeasing daily retaliation videos including 5 women being beheaded at one time, a 17 year old female alleged to be a Zeta cook with her head ripped off after deep cuts and a 15 year old boy from Guatamala who was a coyote allegedly working with the Zetas.

    I have in the past posted news of mass killings. No one responds, cares or tries to say bs like it really ain't that bad and violence is limited cartels and people involved in drugs.

    The new administration in Mexico has silenced all press and forbids reporting of cartel activity or use of cartel names in the press. New President is trying to make it appear as if his first 100 campaign promise is materializing, but it has gotten much worse.

    In March and April Reynosa and several other locations turned into war zones. One day, shooting and grenades in the streets of Reynosa left an estimated 50 dead. Cartier are putting dead in trucks and taking them away so if and when authorities arrive, just blood and shot up vehicles are present.

    Mexico is living up to the most dangerous place in would for journalist. Newspapers are being shot up, journalist and their families continue to be targeted, kidnapped and tortured.

    The net effect is you guys get vanilla posts like these that do not even touch the surface of conveying what is happening in Mexico.

  4. California. Assault type weapons with high capacity (more than ten rounds) magazines are already illegal there. Of course laws don't stop criminals.

    The police believe more than one person was involved. A rifle and a shotgun were heard. One is dead, another in custody.

    Two guys plan this? I'll wait until I hear what their backgrounds are. At the least if they have a criminal history they aren't allowed to own guns. At the worst they could wind up with strange last names and associates.

    I want the rest of the story.

    California - the state with the "toughest" gun control laws in the US, where you actually have to RELOAD after shooting 10 people with an assault rifle.

    Why do Americans not understand that this isn't what the rest of the planet regards as "tough" gun controls...?

    How about Americans do understand, and really don't care what the rest of the planet thinks?

    America is the way Americans want it, as are other countries they way they want theirs. You really don't ever have to step foot in the US you know, if it's that important to you.

    Americans are thinking long term. Hundreds of years. As for what one country thinks of another, I still believe I'll see the day when some Europeans will rue the day they gave up their guns as they allow terrorists to immigrate and out breed them like flies. I really do.

    I believe the thrust of this subject could change mightily in my lifetime as I watch Europe.

    Sad way to live . . . alarms, dogs, flood lights and arsenal. I never lock my doors and feel at ease.

    I, however, feel sorry for people just driving down the road getting picked off by spray from an AR15 owner hiding behind some perceived right to be a maladjusted, paranoid maniac.

    Paranoids cannot reason. Gorgeous day in Destin so I leave the gun stuff to you guys. Exercise in futility fostering negative emotions. Life too short. Too much to enjoy. Prefer to live happy than plan for the take over or Alien invasion.

    • Like 1
  5. I am wondering what OTHER factors are involved in places with a high rate of gun deaths. I would guess that there are a whole host of variables beside just the laws. I grew up in an area with very high ownership of guns and as I recall gun deaths were relatively low and certainly murder was low. There was the occasional hunting accident and suicides with guns were a favored method.

    Since it is the cities that seem to have the most problem, what other factors figure into the murder rate? What is the ethnic make up of these areas? What is the average age? What is the unemployment rate? Is there a correlation with other types of crimes, such as burglary, rape, robbery, auto theft etc?

    In this case, it sounds like a crazed person and like a few of the others who make the news, I don't know if there is much that can be done to identify them or stop them.

    It's just speculation, but I am wondering if there is much research on the different variables involved in gun homicides.

    Exactly, everyone in Tennessee carries guns and look at crime in homicide rate in Memphis. Place is a <deleted> war zone. But, no one wants to look at underlying factors and common sense that might be inconsistent with intellectually dishonest postures.

    In my area of Florida, no one has guns and no one carries guns. The murder rate is, I cannot even recall the last murder. I think we two or three one year and the only I remember was a sexual abuse beating death of a young female tourist by a horny teen boy loser. Never hear of anyone getting shot.

    • Like 1
  6. I kinda like Holland. Are the Chinese somehow better? Haha, what is their contribution? Over population, communism, cheap products that break and IP theft. They also treat their population great! Has China provided the world anything better than Heniken beer?

    Japan has reason to be annoyed, but China should be flattered.

    Seriously, who f cares.

    ??? rolleyes.gif

    Oh my! Haha, this is what happens when wife leaves country and I post between bars. Could have sworn it had something to do with Holland and people from Holland being Muppets or something or another . . . At least the French gave us Steak Au Poivre. Henis go great with that!

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  7. But it happened in CALIFORNIA, which has some of the toughest gun laws in the entire United States! Can't keep a quitter from quitting, a loser from losing, or a madman from doing harm.

    Until they tighten up gun show loop holes, I guess we will never know. BTW, those loopholes put assault weapons and guns in the hands of criminals in case you didn't know. I mean xxxx, does common sense and people brains just blow out the window when guns are discussed. I wish we could IQ test all members of the NRA to fully appreciate the . . .

    Let's at least get our facts straight, OK? California doesn't have a gun show loophole. Background checks are required. California doesn't allow high capacity "assault" type weapons.

    Laws bind only the law abiding. Let's wait and see what the facts are, OK? Apparently there were two guys and who knows what motivated this?

    But they can buy in Arizona, Texas or where ever at gun show and take it back to Cali. Correct. Haha, take the Otis test and let's put my theory to test!!!

  8. the point is, Hollande is a total muppet.

    They are all muppets
    I kinda like Holland. Are the Chinese somehow better? Haha, what is their contribution? Over population, communism, cheap products that break and IP theft. They also treat their population great! Has China provided the world anything better than Heniken beer?

    Japan has reason to be annoyed, but China should be flattered.

    Seriously, who f cares.

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  9. But it happened in CALIFORNIA, which has some of the toughest gun laws in the entire United States! Can't keep a quitter from quitting, a loser from losing, or a madman from doing harm.

    Until they tighten up gun show loop holes, I guess we will never know. BTW, those loopholes put assault weapons and guns in the hands of criminals in case you didn't know. I mean xxxx, does common sense and people brains just blow out the window when guns are discussed. I wish we could IQ test all members of the NRA to fully appreciate the . . .

    • Like 2
  10. I think this is typical Michelle Obama. I remember seeing her on one of the late night talk shows (I don't remember which one), but she was asked if she would consider running for public office. She was very clear that she would not and she would not make a good politician. She said one of the differences between her and her husband is that he had almost infinite patiences. She said she didn't and wouldn't take any lip from people. Not a good trait for a politician.

    I think this is an example of what she was talking about.

    Very true about her personality. Refreshing to see people in political limelight not just sucking up and kissing ass.

  11. Unless I am mistaken, it sounds like she had been unable to find transport back and that is why she was hitchhiking. It might have been a case of no place to stay there and no way to get back. Either way, she was in a very vulnerable situation.

    Sickening that people prey on the vulnerable rather than help them.

  12. decided to hitchhike her way back to Manali at 01:00, say mo more.

    Are you saying not suprising based on the savages and perverts in India or that she deserved it at 1:00 a.m. trying to get a lift?

    What is with the gang rape thing. Sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths and on and on is just gross not to mention what kind of person is turned in by forcing a women to have sex that has no desire to be with them.

  13. The issue is not this case. This dude needs to get locked up, have his ass beat and perhaps casterated.

    The problem is the slippery slope and ignoring stare decisis or prior 4th amendment decisions. Prior 4th Amendment decisions permit police to search arrested persons for weapons and for evidence relevant to the crime of arrest. DNA is being utilized to solve other crimes or cold cases.

    Fingerprints are taken for processing and intake identification. DNA swabs are not being taken for processing or intake identification. Obtain consent or get a court order while dude is being held if he is suspected of other crimes.

    Whether the logic offends or is your preference is of no consequence. Justices need to adhere to prior 4th Amendment cases and constitutional interpretations regardless as to whether they personally agree or disagree. Justices are not there to rewrite the Constutition to make it conform to their own particular belief system. Unfortunately, this is all too prevelant at the present time.

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  14. Yeah, it's the implications, the slippery slope and a great indication of what happens when a power hungry little man, GW, with a small mentality cuts deals with Christian right and Evangelics to appoint activist judge's willing to erode stare decisis of Roe v. Wade for votes in 2004 election. GW had promised to put one of theirs, Harriet Miers, on court even though she had zero experience and the Evangelicals carried him in 2004. Even Rublicans nixed her and were shocked by this selection.

    Bush's appointments will be around for a while. Goodbye 4th and a lot changes in areas of personal feedoms. Afterall, Christian right knows how everyone should live, what they should do with their bodies and will save us from ourselves.

    More of: Blame Bush! Blame Bush! Blame Bush! And throw in the "Christian right and Evangelics" for extra kicks! crazy.gif

    Sorry, your attempt to blame this on President Bush and Christians is ridiculous and way, way out in left field.

    Justice Anthony M. Kennedy and Justice Stephen G. Breyer, certainly no conservatives, were part of the majority is making this decision. Justice Antonin Scalia, the usual scary "boogeyman" for the far left, was one of the dissenting justices.

    Nothing left field about it. If offended, you do not appreciate the dynamics. The law is my life and I am very conservative on legal issues. I have to be as I defend (civil) large corporations and I also I clerked for a conservative State Supreme Court Justice.

    Appointment of Justices is perhaps the biggest, most powerful decision a President can make as they quietly shape policies, our rights and the way we live. They are appointed for life and the youngens last a looonnnggg time.

    Breyer is a centrist and a bit unpredictable. Kennedy is conservative, but shows brief moments of progressivism on dignity issues.

    If Scalia joins the liberals and writes a scathing dissent on a 4th amendment protection issue, be concerned. We have been on a slipperly slope since 911 regarding privacy rights and 4th Amendment protections.

    I have always liked Scalia. He is conservative, but he follows the Consitution and applies the law.

    Unfortunately, policies go astray when law is shaped by personal values or belief systems as opposed to stare decisis and the Constitution.

    Scalia's rare verbalization should resonate in all of us (provided you live in the US):

    "It may be wise, as the court obviously believes, to make the Leviathan all-seeing, so that he may protect us all the better. But the proud men who wrote the charter of our liberties would not have been so eager to open their mouths for royal inspection. I dissent."

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  15. Yeah, it's the implications, the slippery slope and a great indication of what happens when a power hungry little man, GW, with a small mentality cuts deals with Christian right and Evangelics to appoint activist judge's willing to erode stare decisis of Roe v. Wade for votes in 2004 election. GW had promised to put one of theirs, Harriet Miers, on court even though she had zero experience and the Evangelicals carried him in 2004. Even Rublicans nixed her and were shocked by this selection.

    Bush's appointments will be around for a while. Goodbye 4th and a lot changes in areas of personal feedoms. Afterall, Christian right knows how everyone should live, what they should do with their bodies and will save us from ourselves.

  16. I'd say the vision didn't work out as initially planned. Time to exit stage left and let the country find a harmony not ever going to be present while we are there. Interesting how this country has responded compared to say a Japan, Germany or even Russia after being decimated by war. Looks like too much of the population has no interest in anything but killing and terrorizing. Not going change under present leadership there.

    I'd like to see some sense in your post . . . but can't

    I'd say the vision didn't work out as initially planned. Time to exit stage left

    They already have.

    31 December 2011 U.S. forces complete their withdrawal from Iraq. No U.S. troops in Iraq. All security responsibilities assumed by the Iraqi Armed Forces and other security agencies, including the Ministry of Interior (Iraq).

    Iraq withdrawl

    My bad, I thought we still had some security forces assisting theirs.

    Okay, so is it a complete failure and no solution in sight? If so, we pretty much decimated and ruined a country all to take out a leader? Nice?

    Nice? Indeed. Nice.

    Haha, picking on my posts. I think I was typing this on my iPhone at gym in between sets. I have no idea why I used a ? after nice. Trying to say sucks what we did to that country.

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  17. Here is some of the quote. Masterful!

    "Fame can become very addictive. And Ive had all the fame a man could want, he said.

    Ive come to realize that power can be corrosive if youve had it for too long, Bush said. It can dim your vision. And so I came to the conclusion that, you know, I dont long for fame. And really, gonna shy away from it. Not shy away from it. Avoid it. Im not very shy. Avoid it."

  18. It is probably noteworthy that Bush use the word Corrosive rather than corrupt. I am not sure what the difference is but it's rather interesting that he choose that word.

    It's actually far more appropriate than the original cliche, when you think about it, given that abuse of power is likely to escalate gradually.

    Only if he was trying to say being president slowly melted his 3 brain cells. Are there any clips of this. I wonder if he stammered around looking for a word because he screwed up the lead in.

  19. One of the very few truly insightful remarks ever made by the man.

    Long before him it was said: "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely".

    G.W. Bush was never a thinker, a philosopher or just a clever man. No credit from me for these words to GWB.

    He emptied a Pandora's box into a cooking pot and American people still eat the sh*t he cooked. Sorry for the undeserving.

    The most insightful, candid and clever book by an American politician I find to be "The Real War" by R. Nixon.

    God and American Democracy work in mysterious ways. Given a choice, American people seem to almost always pick the wrong Candidate.

    On those rare occasions when their choice (by mistake) is good - they assassinate or impeach him. Look back at the 200 years of their history.


    It is probably noteworthy that Bush use the word Corrosive rather than corrupt. I am not sure what the difference is but it's rather interesting that he choose that word.

    Haha, that is funny. I didn't even think about it, but even in his philosophical moments of great epiphanies, he . . . butchers the English language. Love it. That 126 IQ at work.

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