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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. Trouble is it's like pulling sharks teeth. There is always another ready to take it's place.

    When you are trying to eradicate a disease it's not easy, many suffer before a total cure is found.

    A lot of truth and wisdom there. Perhaps diseases of the mind are the most dangerous and impossible to eradicate safely or without collateral damage. Sad, but realistic fact of life for centuries.

  2. Heard he was # 2 on television here in States. Something is working well now. Seems like we had a heck of a problem getting top command early on. Now they are falling pretty rapidly.

    Eventually, they will get the drift and not want to be in command lest they get a visit by Mr. Drone. Unfortunately, humans like these have to be absolutely beat into the ground. Overwhelming force is the only thing they comprehend or respect.

    They had their chance to run around in the dirty PJs preaching Allah and smoking the Afghan top commodity, opium, with impunity, but they screwed up, killed the wrong innocents and now they will pay the price.

  3. The problem with making them pay for the disruption is that they obviously have low paid jobs so it would be impossible for them to do. sad.png

    Never heard of an attachment of earnings order?

    Is that the politically correct term for jobless losers mooching off and draining society. Or perhaps the term is for mindless fools causing damage they cannot pay for.

    • Like 1
  4. These insider attacks carried out by infiltraters,will continue week in and week out.It is most effective in killing Taliban enemy along with IED's and therefore will be continually used until they win.(Drones cannot pick out or spot either)

    As per usual lack of true information with regard to the true nature of Afghani policeman,they are well known in abducting young local boy's and then use them as slaves. This information is withheld,because the good guys are on our side.

    What the F are you saying. I am trying for the life of me to understand something clearly beyond the purview of a language barrier. Yeah, congrats to Taliban for whacking some innocents at a red cross center. Lovely people. Role models for sure. Any wonder why the little baby Talibans grow up to be coward loser adult Talibans with the wonderful role models they have in life.
  5. Yup, shouldn't use those nasty drones. Should send in ground troops and then have air cover. Instead of 6 killed, it would be more like 60.

    My mother always told me to chose my friends wisely. In that part of the world, chose who you hang out with wisely as well.

    You can bet if they thought someone was HIV+ in that part of the world, they wouldn't allow him within 10 Km of anyone. People might want to use the same mindset with militants and terrorists.

    Yep, for sure, but some people want to keep their panties in a wad and complain about anything. I'd say drones 28 terrorists whackos 0 and it's only in the first quarter.

    • Like 1
  6. This guy screwed up. This is a federal offense and no nonsense since after 9/11.

    He's facing up to 20 years in federal prison and a US$250,000 fine. Link

    I wonder if he had a panic attack? Trying to open door at 10,000 feet on final approach. He apparently was in an emergency row sear. Haha, passengers took shoe strings and tied his but down and he apparently did not put up a struggle. Temporary wig out???

  7. Again, 7by7 said this,

    "Well, i for one do not think this attack had anything to do with Islam or anything else but drugs.

    Looking at the video, and his manner, i believe he was coming down off drugs either speed or ecstasy."

    So the behind the scenes morons who have also been arrested for conspiracy to murder were on drugs as well?? Or did they drug these creeps so they'd go and murder a man walking down the street??

    Do not be an apologist for these people.

    Someone who just whacked a man's head off with a butcher knife will have a lot of adrenaline flowing and may appear to be on speed. A lot of the Mecican cartel guys take meth before chopping head and limbs of torsos. Apparently, meth makes it easier to do the intended deed.

    • Like 1
  8. Have you read the Bible? There's lots of nasty bits in there too.

    Does this mean that Christians are dedicated to killing unbelievers?

    Of course it doesn't!

    Taking bits out of context to support your argument only shows your desperation.

    The old argument about violence in the bible and taking the koran out of context just will not wash. The bible does not tell followers of christ to kill unbelivers or to kill apostates, the koran does, have you actually read it??

    Kill, crucify or cut off an opposing hand and foot . . . 5:33.

  9. Are you saying that you do know what is in the hearts of British Muslims?

    Are you saying that with this special ability you are able to see that they are lying when they condemn this and other terrorist acts?

    I'm not saying they are lying, but I'm sure they are worried, which will lead them to condemn this act in public.

    You're right we don't know what's in their hearts, good or evil.

    Exactly and I don't think we are running around professing to know what Muslims think. Unfortunately, we are pretty much in the dark.

    Haha, what's this 7by7 dude trying to accomplish? People like this tend to have the reverse effect of their agenda.

    • Like 1
  10. More of Choudary here, refusing to condemn the attack and seeming to be implicated in the radicalisation of one of the attackers, Adebolajo:

    That's a very good clip, and in my opinion displays the point that 7 by 7 is trying to get across.

    The two people on the right of the screen display reasoning, normal rational thinking people who will openly condemn this recent atrocity.

    The bloke on the left hand side (I will refrain from using the term 'man') displays openly everything that is wrong with a small section of a sect.

    This is why God created drones.

    • Like 2
  11. I don't buy into the Union theory at all as makes no sense to go to Union instead of technical unit directly. Union deals with labor issues and pay issues. This more likely corresponds to new health care law and use of IRS employees. That being said, I do have quesitons about some of the entries in this time line which would call what I have read into question.

    Nevertheless, this stuff should be real easy to figure out who was involved, who knew what and who did what since it relates to interviews, emails and very specific findings.

    Timelines arts on Page 31 and is a pretty easy read. You conspiracy guys figure it out. I really gotta get to work . . . Sucks having to work for a living . . .


  12. EXCERPT of weblink below ...

    March 31, 2010.

    According to the White House Visitors Log, provided here in searchable form by U.S. News and World Report, the president of the anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union, Colleen Kelley, visited the White House at 12:30pm that Wednesday noon

    time of March 31st.

    The White House lists the IRS union leader’s visit this way: Kelley, Colleen Potus 03/31/2010 12:30 In White House language, “POTUS” stands for “President of the United States.” The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees — the same employees who belong to the NTEU — set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America.The IG report wrote it up this way:

    “April 1-2, 2010: The new Acting Manager, Technical Unit, suggested the need for a Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party cases. The Determinations Unit Program Manager Agreed.” n short: the very day after the president of the quite publicly anti-Tea Party labor union — the union for IRS employees — met with President Obama, the manager of the IRS “Determinations Unit Program agreed” to open a “Sensitive Case report on the Tea party cases.” As stated by the IG report. Read more via The American Spectator...


    Haha, I really have to laugh at your cites and what you read.

    Nevertheless, interesting, but I cannot envision why he would go to Union leader for something like this. Makes more sense he would be talking to Union leader about using IRS staff for new health care laws. I would be much more impressed if he met with Ingram, Miller, Shuler et al.

    Seriously grasping at straws now. A bit like 911 conspiracy evidence. Jeez, I gotta retire from this whatever it is and get some work done. You guys go save the world from the evil empire, our oprressive leader and his group of thugs. . . . Haha, I just hope all of this scandel stuff does not mess up the market any time soon.

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