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Posts posted by MadMac

  1. Mine never came back ... wife phoned and they said posted and gave her the new 90day report date

    I do have the copy of receipt of my EMS to them.

    They told my wife that as I don't have the slip that I can't 90day by post next time.

    Annual extension next week ... will try and get a 90day slip or do a 90 day report.

    If you have a copy of ems receipt no worries.

    I will ask if Nonthaburi allow 90day on the internet yet

    They will have it in their database, if you/your wife were told a new date that time.

    Similar thing happened to a couple of people in Chiang Mai in January, overload something, they said they did not have enough people to put it back in the envelopes. I believe it was caused by the office renovation and they messed it up.

    Anyway, data was in the computer and I was also told a new date, but they refused to print the slip. Went back a week later with a student on the machine and she just got it printed for me. My only explanation is the old guy did not know how to print the slip and said it could not be done to not lose face..

  2. Since when did Germany become a Totalitarian government. I didn't get the memo.

    Next elections coming, probably we get a Sultan. Which is actually cool....can fly on carpets and all these magical things....

  3. I always get a receipt from the local Post Office, when I post my 90 day report, stating that the report has been posted, in case of any problems.

    They messed up in January after the high season. You can read multiple reports here if you browse back. But that should have all been mitigated by now.

    Send my 90 days yesterday, I'm quite sure it will come back in time as always before.

    • Like 1
  4. I correct myself, was not the DOL but the immigration. At least what was made available online.


    I don't know the Thai wording, so please excuse me for that :).

    It would however not matter, if there is online work done for a, in this example, HK company and payment to a SG account.

  5. by the way, Hong Kong is as tax free as Singapore when it concerns offshore companies.

    It is not, if you work in Singapore and get paid in Singapore, your income will be taxed. If you work in Hongkong and you will be paid into a Singapore account, it is foreign sourced income and tax free. Not sure if it works the other way around, but that was just an example.

    If you get paid into a Thai account tax man will come regardless.

  6. Today was in two bars that had police come in. Both bars with a party going on. Music off, some negotiations, then they were on their way again and things got going again.

    Utter low-lifes.

    That's why your wife drives the car :)

  7. OP is freelancer/IT consultant/digital nomad. It was clearly said by department of labor that these people can work here without WP (unless they changed that statement of course).

    The only question here is tax liability. If OP works in or for HK and gets paid in SG, it will be tax free unless he transfers the money into the kingdom. That's an example, different constructs exist. Get yourself educated if you want to save some money :)

  8. If you work as a consultant/freelancer you can always travel to let's say Hongkong and do a project there. Does not matter if a week or a year, you do not work in Thailand, thus you don't need a work permit here. The income will not go to your Thai account but a Hongkong one, or perhaps better to Singapore, where foreign sourced income such as from Hongkong is tax exempted.

    You don't need an offshore company, just use existing laws and regulations. It's fairly easy in Asia.

  9. If you do not have a work permit in Thailand you are not allowed to work in Thailand, that includes working for companies in outher countries. However, they have no prove of your work hours. Digi nomads stay under the radar as long they do not rent offices to work from.

    That's not exactly correct. You can work abroad and receive money abroad. It becomes only taxable if you bring the foreign sourced income into Thailand. How to prove or disprove this is a different question.

    • Like 1
  10. Germany will calculate your last tax liability based on your worldwide income. That's meant to equalize the income you had for the lets say first 6 months in Germany and not to fall under a threshold that you could eventually safe some money.

    They did this to me when I moved to Singapore in 2001. Mistake was I arrived at 8 July, that was shortly after passing the 180 days within you would become a foreign tax resident.

    So it all depends on the tax year, you said you moved end of last year, that would make 2015 taxable in Germany, but not 2016.

  11. Not really necessary, you can just check when they received the letter. It will be entered into their system this day. Should you not receive a slip back, there is a 30 days window to check. But I guess the problems from January are resolved now and mailing will go smooth again.

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