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Posts posted by animalmagic

  1. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    Yes and they also likely fear leaving it behind in their hotel... room safes don't have a good reputation. There has been a lot of mention of likely insurance scams though, and I would hope the police try to get video recordings of him on his way out of his hotel, bedecked in his finery. Just to be sure....

    You want them to investigate?!

  2. 1 hour ago, connda said:

    They are real.  They are called "snap caps."  You can use them for dry firing, or they can be useful when working with a student to get them use to clearing an unexpected misfire. 


    Very valid points, but the snapcaps would be easily identified as being such.  I have used and taught with dummy rounds that, apart from weight and absence of a primer, do resemble a normal round to a greater extent than snapcaps.  However, both snapcaps and dummy rounds are only used when teaching practical courses to advanced students to simulate a stoppage and the student needs to react and clear quickly and efficiently.  

    The original story says it was a beginner area/course and there would be no justification in using them even if the range had them.  She sounds a bit more advanced than a beginner as she obviously knows how to load a magazine, fit it in the weapon and then cock it to facilitate firing.

    Her story sounds a little dodgy to me.  Perhaps a check on how well she knew the instructor would be informative.  Instructors and students do get in close proximity when teaching, and afterwards on occasions. 

    Either the range ignored or did not enforce all reasonable safety precautions (this is Thailand) and left live rounds lying on the ground, or the woman found what she thought was a foolproof way to commit murder.

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  3. If the usual methods of bank statement and utility bill are difficult try using the 90 day report? I seem to remember that you get confirmation of report that may give enough details on name, PP number and address. Alternatively I think the Immigration gives a letter on proof of address when renewing driving license.

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  4. 4 hours ago, TooMuchTime said:

    What moral dilemma?


    People actually think Ukraine is some innocent country?  I guess those who only watch TV and follow the latest trends do.  Two corrupt countries at war is nothing to be involved with.  Let God sort those two out.

    Countries are not immoral, corrupt or guilty; neither are their entire populations.  Immorality, corruption and guilt start at the top when Governments abuse the people's love of their country for their own particular agenda.  Often stoked by lies and propaganda to trick their own people.  Countries do not start wars or invade other countries people do.

    As for letting God sort it out it seems strange that this all powerful and omniscient being always seems powerless and ignorant of all the immorality, corruption and guilt in the world.  To the best of my knowledge the people of both countries worship at the same church!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

    I see no reason why russians who support this horrific invasion, whether they be diplomats or private citizens, should feel safe anywhere. They are enemy combatants and should be dealt with as such. Folks can go to Ukraine to face the invaders there, or deal with any russian anywhere who supports the psychopath putin. No refuge for the guilty.

    In the past I have read your erudite and well thought out posts and generally agreed with them.  In this instance I think you are totally wrong to suggest people should attack Russians wherever they are.  Even if they support the invasion it is still unsure if that support is based on  full understanding of the facts of what is happening or simply due to the propaganda that has been their only information source.  You are trying to incite hatred towards a group of people who may only be guilty by association or where they were born. 

    An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth only results in everybody becoming blind and starving.

    I do agree that Putin may resort to a nuclear strike when cornered but it would seem highly illogical to attack the US in the knowledge that they have almost parity in number of nukes but probably greater effectiveness in terms of accuracy and delivery.  Poland is possible but his rhetoric so far has been to blame the British Foreign Secretary and PM for their actions in support of Ukraine and the imposition of sanctions; which he has already claimed is a declaration of war.

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