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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. 21 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Looks like most Thai woman that move to the west to me. Just fat ! 

    Looks like most bar girls in Pattaya. Dressed w/o taste and fat. Not even mention som-tam odor. Go to BKK to see regular girls and ladies. Plenty of smart and hard working good looking girls. We can't generalize an entire country. I am doing the same often. MS>

  2. TM30 you are referring to? Small office to left? Yeah, they are very busy with people registering. Still much uncertainty about need to register or better re-register... Seems to be handled differently in different offices. Phuket now requires re...after every 24 off the island, Southern Provinces required that for a long-time. Who knows really? Some people get fined, some not. Hopefully we can do all this online soon. Would that not make it easier for them too  then dealing with this daily often badly prepared crowds...? Regards. MS>

  3. And most owners, managers & "higher-ups show whenever they feel like......or not at all, if they have the slightest headache etc.   Welcome to Thailand. And don't forget that everybody needs to have breakfast or lunch before even considering getting into the serious task of working.....No clue about the real world in many places, but nonstop moaning and whinging about hard life & no money....MS>

  4. Looking for a recommendation for a driver/car /taxi/Grab etc. for once a week very early morning to BKK and back around noon on Sunday with little traffic.

    Had enough of semi-asleep, no-show, alcohol-smelling, late or 1 hour too early and calling 20 times, disappearing in BKK, falling asleep while waiting and phone dead,

    tailgating like a maniac, getting gas twice, asking for advance of full amount etc. etc. -drivers. Every booking is a big question-mark, what will go wrong? The last moron

    actually got lost and waited 6 miles away in the wrong hotel with almost same name, no b.s.!  Thanks for any hints.  Nice weekend.  MS

  5. http://magnacarta.co.th/

    Contact Tony, he will tell you what to do and/or resolve for you. Never used him, but hear only good. Explain in simple summary. Sorry, if someone else has already proposed this solution. And let the UK Dr.s sort it out. Medicine is no mathematics and often it is a process to get to right diagnosis. Best luck.  MS>

  6. Driving down from BKK. The closer to Pattsya the less I could see. Almost as we were approaching a brush fire. Driver Türen on lights. Buildings were completely disappeared along shoreline... Terrible and now clear why so many suffer of bronchitis and Pneumonia. Friend moves away this weekend for this reason. MS>

  7. Should have asked him.....:-) Also not my kind of lifestyle, these guys are usually very pleasant and loyal individuals and friends. Used to be friendly with several groups back in the good old days in the US. Most of them huge and well....., scary for some. All super-friendly and easygoing, always ready to help out-hands-on, do a good deed. Yeah, probably bit hot here for their way of dressing. Seen much worse crooks & characters dressed up nicely, ripping off and cheating people. Plenty here in Pattaya. MS>

  8. Wow. They should send a delegation to Singapore to learn how a city can be properly and green developed and smell clean and fresh.... Plus a few thousand other things they could learn there.... Daydreaming..... MS>

  9. Looking at my air-filters, the pollution is horrific! Confirmed by my lung-surgeon who asked me if I had been working in a coal-mine? No, non-smoker, just been living in Pattaya for 20 years :-(  MS>

  10. Air pollution in Pattaya is horrific. I got a forced ventilation system, living not even on a busy Soi, with some sea breeze. The microfilters are filthy  black with sticky coal like substance within 1 week. This is the air that we breath here. Yes, traffic one of the main causes and getting worse by the day. Black exhaust fumes darkening second road day and night with criminally polluting buses and trucks. Paradise.... MS>

  11. Anybody with correct and full nutritional info on this / these? liquid sweeteners. Am I correct 1 is STEVA-based, 1 is SUCRALOSE-based? Has anybody analyzed

    their use for KETO-Diet? Diabetes? I am sure this might interest many. On their Siam.....website, as usual no proper E-pages, productinfo and half of them seem to not open anyway. 

    I mean, how can those huge companies not provide a basic, informative website to the public? What would the best ZERO -calorie, -carbs sweetener be in TH?

    Thanks for feedback and info. Have a nice Sunday, all.   MS>

  12. Are you serious??? Sounds like some major legal implications for the TV-crowd to analyze....5555555.......

    Have a great Sunday and grab some extra beers from that fridge....:-)    MS>

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