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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. Know the problem. Friendship sells cheap ant traps with the food/poison in a little baggy. Don't use the trap, just dish out a bit of the "food" in a few strategic positions and where they usually show......Got my very clean kitchen totally free of these little "sugar-ant" monsters within a day...

    Good luck. It's the tropics.....MS>

  2. Even with just 80 units, absent or resident, this becomes quite a subject to be fully explained and discussed here. First of all study the Condo Act to understand the basics, then it is not more complicated than running and supervising a small business. Either find a JPM with some experience to set it all up or hire an outside company. No offense, but you seem to lack basic knowledge of how things work here and need someone to look at all facts and then guide you. Are you the only owner with questions? Is there an existing committee? Are basic procedures in place? Once you study the Condo Act you will start understanding the process and requirements. Good luck with your venture. I know of very few well managed and supervised condos in town. Most either have a mess or lots of infighting and wannabes in charge. Best of luck. MS>

  3. Committee and JPM should establish procedures with 100% checks in place. Would opt for payment to bank account only and expenses by check, signed by 2. Petty cash and max. 5000 allowance for spending limit JPM. Above must be authorized. Not including regular payments like salaries, electricity etc. etc. Have designated FO in committee and monthly full accounts reviewed. Have yearly detailed budget and try to stay within. Put away enough for future big items. All depends if you can find willing  and capable committe. Not easy. Most of them are either power hungry and or not qualified. Dreaming to establish 1st.  world ways.  Best of luck. MS


  4. 31 minutes ago, Charlie1 said:

    To the makers (cannot really say journalists here) of Thaivisa: If you have any respect for basic human rights (which apparently you don't have) you don't publish names as long as the two persons in this case are not proven to be pedophiles. If they are convicted in a "real" court case, they deserve their punishment, without any doubt. But as long as anybody knows if they've committed that crime and they're convicted felons, they're innocent. So, stop naming suspects with their full name please. It's not because Thai laws allow you to do so that you have to lower yourself to that level. Goodday!

    Good point, unfortunately these kind of reports (sex, violence etc.) seem to attract the most attention and the most clicks / money. Just look at the "Aussie/Brit machete-case". Just more interesting if it gets made more personal with photos, names, nationalities etc. 

    On the other side, TV still is a great help for many and for many just easy-entertainment. My personal feel is, that so many good-old guys have become less active on TV or have left and this really can be felt. Maybe it just adjusts automatically to the changing Thailand/Pattaya.   MS>

    • Like 1
  5. Interesting, reading up on this subject. It certainly pays to be very careful not just in Thailand, but anywhere in the world, if in the habit of 

    chasing younger girls. As we grow older we might just loose proper age-judgement? Lots of articles in local and international press lately about 

    countries with a raising problem in this pedo-respect. Just a few days ago in major national paper. Always asking myself,  are real pedophiles more sick or more criminal. Or are they sick until they become criminals. Not such a clear defined subject. Abuse of anybody is disgusting, abuse of a child ore helpless animal even more. If this can be strictly defined by age, I am not sure, but somehow the law needs to be written down. Certainly pimping parents are as disgusting, where does that definition start? Is poverty an excuse for prostitution? Another, much more complicated matter, if we really start thinking about it.......???  Are we helpers or are we abusers, taking advantage of poverty, lack of education and availability? etc. etc. I am generalizing, with WE I mean concerned parties :-)

    Will not comment on other local hazards, most of us know them......:-)  Personally never been interested in pay for play really. Plenty of nice "regular" girls anywhere in the world......

    Now something  always surprises me: What a big number of "informed people" have no clue about reality here, even friends who lived here for many years, still with their double-pink glasses.....Good night.  MS>







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  6. End of Soi Bouakao, North Side, just before you reach Central/Klang Rd. on the right side. I use the second last shop with the repairman sitting behind his counter at the back-wall. Been around for ages and getting old like myself...He fixed and waterproofed any watches and clocks I brought him reliably. Probably best to park just around the corner on Klang. Cant stop right in front of shop, where often Bahtbusses wait for passengers.  Good luck.  MS>

  7. 3 hours ago, The manic said:

    In nearly 20 years as a, street wise person,  I have not seen what you are describing on BR any time of day or night. 

    Are you serious? Starts at the South end and ends mostly around Soi 7. Go for a slow walk and catch the eye of the the mostly tattooed guys and see.... Nighttime... Not criticism here, just different views and perception probably. Have a nice day.  MS>

    • Like 1
  8. There are very few beautiful beaches left in Thailand. Even remote island beaches littered and worse. Who calls Thailand a tropical paradise must have very limited travel experience or a weird view of paradise. Obviously it all depends where you come from and what you are looking for, might still be a pleasant city for Indians who have disastrous living and environmental issues etc. etc. There are zillions of better places to vacation and retire, some as affordable as Thailand and with much better quality and safety in most respects. MS>

  9. Beach Rd. is full of Meth-Heads offering drugs. A wrong word at the wrong moment, especially if they are in a group can set them off. They have the iron bars from sun ☔ handy. Trust me. Many of them "take care" of some of the lower class girls nearby. Any other country we would probably avoid such an area after dark. MS>

  10. Ao Pai Beach Samet, Samed Villa. Certainly not Malibu Beach...Perfect for short trip. Don't book package. Do yourself.

    Great for food, entertainment all along beach and swimming and long walks in all directions.

    Or Lamai Beach, Samui, if few extra days and cost not a factor.. Plenty hotel choices.

    Regards. MS>




  11. 51 minutes ago, wileycoyote said:


    Can you please remind the days that there is a market in soi Buakhow ?

    What time does it start and finish,stalls start packing up ?


    Thank you

    Wiley Coyote



    Tue & Fri main days.   8.00 - 17.00  

    Bunch of stalls, mostly shirts etc. arrive day early and leave day late. Bargain a bit, mostly low-end items.....MS>

  12. 4 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

    300Mbits, 600 Mbits... Seriously, who in Pattaya has such high speed ?!

    For you any download is just a few seconds, but for a guy with an average ADSL (6 Mbits?) who can move to a 30 or 50 VDSL, the difference is that he will only wait 5-10 minutes when downloading his evening movie when he used to have to wait up to 1 hour... A huge difference :sleep:

    Sure, as I mentioned, speed matters mostly for heavy down-loaders of any kind. Often companies.... But hardly anybody should be stuck with 6 MB anymore :-)  I check all promos & offers vs. my accounts every 3 months. Some providers don't adjust / amend automatically. Means going to their offices and asking to upgrade, which sometimes means, pay less and get much more speed. 

    Real high-speed only on special request and then much more money. They always have to call main office for this and and act surprised when I show them bills to prove these speeds can eb had. Some with fixed IP's only, depending on their network availability. Which is not an overly important factor. But clearly available i.e. 3BB. Expect 5-15 K. / mth. min.  Really not needed for average users. Torrents load well during sleep, for who still those torrents. I prefer NETFLIX etc.

    3BB now only offers 30 mb down / VDSL, but was successful with a friend a few weeks ago to get 50 mb plus 200.-- extra pay per month to speed up international. But this seems to be history now.

    Got AIS-Fiber for a couple of friends few weeks back,  but now they say NO HAVE in this area. Story keeps changing. Way out, if they don't want do fiber in condos, run your own fiber, easy enough to find some company or wait for the contractor of the provider to show and pay him extra to run it up to your floor.

    In case of doubt send email to BKK, most usually get answered.....  Nice Sunday.  MS>



  13. I think the obsession with speed and speed-tests is somewhat out of place. You really need very little "speed", even for 4K Netflix or YouTube for regular use. I have very high bandwidth accounts up to 600 mb, my private one 300 mb. I am surprised how little difference, if any,  with most applications I use. I have prof. monitoring software and stats on shared systems and the real bandwidth use at any given time by multiple users, incl. streaming - NO TORRENTS - is ridiculously low.

    Yes, if you download major files, torrents etc. you may have certain need for more "speed/shorter downloads". For regular use a quality 30 mb down gives me the same user experience as the  500 mb, pretty much.

    Much more important factors seem to be LAN or WiFi, newest hardware, incl. a/c, which really makes a difference etc. etc. Initially, you need good wiring for good ADSL or VDSL. Or Fiber Optic for really high bandwidth.

    I often stay in hotels in BKK  and abroad.  I see a trend to now installing AP's (a/c)in every room and have options for LAN / hardwired. I.e. Citrus 11, just redid their system very well and I can get a nice user experience with the assigned limited  speed....Not much difference from home. In Pattaya I get nice assigned 20 mb + in Diana-Estate on their dual-band system. Plenty to stream from my ROKU or Android Box.

    Great option now  by SIM providers, even the unlimited 1 month 4 mb speed of AIS is just great and consistent. Want it faster pay a bit more and get 30 mb / 4-G with data-limitations.

    The speed-test freaks usually don't have much understanding of the technicalities and factors involved. GOOGLE can help :-)   Have a great weekend.  MS>



  14. Addicts deserve help. Dealers locked up and hard labor. Seen dozens of families destroyed by a member of the family being hooked on heroin, ice etc.

    Unfortunately the subject is not as easy to resolve as some make it look, there are plenty of smart people who have been trying and will continue to. 

    My mind about drugs was made up early doing drug enforcement in my younger years and having a beautiful, smart young girl dying of a heroin overdose in a public toilet with me and my partner being helpless & unable  to save her. Got hooked by a nasty piece of shit dealer/ North-African, that back then controlled the local market.

    Still on my mind often, 40 years later. Still remember her name and the pain of her parents. MS>


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