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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. Good evening


    My regular 2 companies are telling me no more trips to Utapao for reasons of check-points etc., no details provided.

    Anybody has a reliable  driver, company I could call for my next trip this coming Friday.  Thank you kindly.  MS>

  2. Hi there


    Yes, 2 good recommendations. Very familiar with those infections and so far in many, many years only once failed to clear with the right drops. Dozens of people here and in Brazil were helped. Seems to be going around, know 3 people affected right now. Often mixed type viral/bacterial.

    Firstly, this infection is usually very!!! contagious. People re-infect themselves over and over.

    No touching. No towel to the face. Use Kleenex to carefully dry, avoid eyeball. Wash hands.

    These drops I actually sent to a German Tropical Institute to clear an infection of a guest parted from Thailand and almost denied boarding the plane. They could not cure for 2 weeks and he called me to express him.

    These are basic and dirt-cheap drops, with similar ingredients as most. For some reason they work better than anything much more expensive and better known.

    Hard to find, Pharmacy on 2nd. Rd. just right exiting Soi Diamond usually has them, at 45  Baht piece.

    CADEXCin N.    https://www.amazon.ca/CadexCin-N-treatment-periocular-inflammation-infectious/dp/B00EGJ05L0


    2 drops each eye to begin, slight burn. Then 1 drop every 4-6 hours until cleared. Don't do more than 3 days, if not massively better within 36 hours.



    See Dr. if you suspect more serious underlying problems. I write this just in case you wanna try yourself. They work great with ear-infections, too!!!! Usually within hours!


    Good luck and get well.  MS>

  3. I got 3BB- Fiber ( 1000 mb, 600mb & 250mb-accounts); TOT-Fiber; CAT ADSL Premium LIne? &  3-BB VDSL 900 Baht account.

    To be honest, unless used for network/Wifi system or specific applications, I recommend all my friends to go with the VDSL + 200.--

    version for international access, total 900.-- + VAT - some discount for yearly payment, router fast and good, cost extra 800.--

    I am just installing one  as back-up for one of my networks, after testing for a few weeks. Important, VDSL is quite line sensitive, 3BB run new cable from their box to your property, you should consider running new outdoor ADSL line (with steel leader, 300 m price 1'250), directly to your router. Zero problems and consistent 45-65 mb international, depending on website obviously. CAT's Premium lines are VERY good too, but not cheap. Go talk to them at South Pattaya office.

    3BB -service has gotten a bit slow lately, TOT I am not impressed speed-wise, but I use as back up second in load-balance, hardly ever

    offline, good & fast service. Good luck!  MS>

  4. Been around the world in many Gov. offices and must say a thank you to Pattaya Immigration, who are always - even with the office packed with often pushy and unprepared foreigners- friendly, efficient and fast. This goes for every counter.

    Today @ counter 4, what a lovely, caring lady, always smiling and superfriendly. You good people make all the difference and make me smile again for a few hours. Thank you very much from all of us.  MS>

  5. I know pretty much every model of Wifi adapters and extenders. This Alfa is still the one we get best performance and hardly any issues for the non-expert. You can buy a longer cable and move it to idea location.

    For windows 10 need download proper driver from their Taiwan website, make sure pick the right one that matches exactly the specs 

    on back of device.

    But I suspect it might be a problem not related to your adapter at all. Grab your laptop and go next to the access-point and check speed and quality there. There is sooooooo many factors and reasons why internet might be slow or buffering. Really need to eliminate step by step.

    I just installed a WiFi extender/repeater with dual-band - requires dual band wfi-card/adapter (Alfa is not!) -  and it is amazing. Whatever setup I am getting at least 5x more speed via a/c (5 Ghz.) than with the 2.4 Ghz in identical situation. I am actually getting much better speed/quality via the repeater, than connecting directly to my 600mb-Fiber Home router. Does not make sense, but a real expert would probably know the reason behind it :-)

    Most phones now dualband and you can find cheap versions also on Lazada. Really can use generic, all the same electronics in the box.   Good luck!  MS>

  6. Hi there

    Anybody happens to know and E speaking architect, draftsman etc. who could draw up a simple addition I wanna build on one of my properties/house. 

    I need that office to get proper approval at City Hall, as one of the neighbors is not a very friendly chap, so better do it 100% correct & official, even so most

    other house just go and do all kinds of changes to the buildings. Possibly somebody already attached to City Hall to simplify the process. Thanks for any hints & help.

    Regards.  MS>

  7. O yes, the air-con on 18-C and windows and doors open, because it gets to cold, is another super annoyance. No matter how many times the office is asked to leave it on 25 C, the next day it is down to18 C.

    But a friend who owns a few hotels, tells me the same about his guests. Many of them leaving air  running, even if out of the room. Until units freeze up  and windows are wet with condensation water.

    Ignorance & lack of caring for others and nature....??? Sad world. MS>

  8. Is it just me that experiences this? Any staff -  in-house or external - like internet guys, contractors, maint. guys etc. on most my properties never ever close gates or doors, even so there are signs 

    in Thai etc. etc.

    Is it just ignorance or ignorance combined with arrogance. Or plein "I don't give a sh.... stupid, rich falang!" ? 

    I treat all these people nice, tip them well, get them cold drinks & fruit etc. when I am around. I ask them friendly to close the doors or access after leaving, 9 out of 10 don't!........

    But I am slowly feeling I should change and be like most my friends. Tell them off and make complaints with admin office, where available. It is slowly but surely pissing me off.

    I just consider it unfair and can not imagine why these people act like this.Treating people nicely seems to have more and more a negative effect, especially with young Thais. I don't even get 

    into the quality of work or mess they leave every single time. Ore do we find  a similar excuse, like:  "they dump garbage everywhere, because they are used to bio-disposable banana-leafs, these

    poor, underprivileged people?

    Pretty lame, ne? Rant over.....Going out to close the gate the third time today!:post-4641-1156693976: MS>

  9. Thank you all. Had a quick checkup with Dr. Pornchai / Chief-Urologist. Absolutely perfect from A-Z.

    Friendly, patient, caring and obviously very qualified..... Have lots of own experience and friends & other I take care of and bring to BPH-Group. Next cardio.

    Can only make very  positive statements about the level & quality of service in Pattaya and BKK-General incl. Watthanasot. 

    Regards & stay healthy.   MS>

  10. And.....This from a leading University dermatologist in Europe, who treated me last year. Keep using 50+ Sunblock, while it will not fix the damaged cells or heal melanoma , it will protect you and can possibly even heal low grade (basal cell carcinoma etc.) according to new studies. Good night & Good health.  MS>

  11. A reminder to check your skin for suspicious lesions, moles, not healing wounds etc. Most of us are at an age where not only our skin shows wear and tear. 

    Many of us have had plenty of sun & outdoors, already during younger years. Even so I have been aware of the dangers and had some check-ups during younger

    years, I got the shock of my life 2 years ago with a bad melanoma on my back and subsequent major medical stuff, that is still ongoing.

    Dr. Anna, who treated me and did immediate surgery and started all necessary action, is certainly a big factor, that I am still around. She even delayed her vacation

    to start move  my complicated case!

    Melanoma is very aggressive, spreads very fast and kills within months once it got into your organs. The last 2 years I have sent a bunch of people for a skin-checkup

    and 3 close friends had low to mid-grade melanomas.  All were removed successfully and they should be OK. There are other,  lower grade skin cancers, very common with 

    old folks. I highly recommend to anybody with sun damaged skin or multiple moles etc. etc. to do a check-up. Dr. Anna is  a clinical/disease oriented dermatologist

    with tons of experience and she CARES!!!. The cost for a potential life-saving check-up is about 1/5 - 1/10 of a similar one in the USA or let's say Switzerland or Downunder.

    Say Hello from the grateful "Paraganglioma" .....No need to be shy or afraid, she makes the check-up an easy and fast matter and will inform you in detail how to 

    proceed with anything she finds. Lower grade skin cancers often get removed the same day. I must have tried and done every possible method and I am still 

    able to go out without a mask still. Got a load of scares from various cancer surgeries so :-) Don't let just any Dr. or surgeon cut out your cancer. Melanoma is a very difficult

    matter and few Dr.'s here have much experience with it. Hopefully this post helps a few, not to get to the point that I arrived at 2 years ago. Please don't make this into another

    cost discussing rant, reality is different.......I write this to help some people hopefully avoiding the big, life-changing word of CANCER!  Best of luck.  MS>

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