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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. Dear all:


    Could anybody give me an idea of sqm/cost for complete ceiling renewal, need about 2'500 sqm  (yes) old ceiling removed and renewed. Aluminum structure  can stay just gypsum totally re-done and painted.

    Also new light fittings installed...., which will probably go by piece. Thank you for any advise. This job happens in Pattaya, location probably makes a difference. Thanks all.  MS>

  2. 11 hours ago, Nice Boyd said:

    Reasons Mex. didn't work out, thx

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    +1, very interested to hear from somebody who has actually tried alternatives. Been here 20+ very active years and just wished I find the strength to move to another country and last adventure of my life. Have a nice day. MS>

  3. Part 2: Walking Street between P21.00 - 22.30 etc. :


    - Sois Yamato & Post-Office. Same sad streets as for many years. Even worse so, with no or very low music from the mostly open bars.


    - Pattayaland  1 & 2, or what's left of them -  parts have been dark and for sale many months already. The few bars left, were mostly open, 3 of the 5 ? Gogos open, seemed dead, with music. Gay district (from far :smile:) seemed all open and quite busy. 


    - Did not check Beer-Garden , but seemed lights on and open. So was the beer-baar complex just before W. Str. with some reduced music, quite busy and no much different than other days.


    - Walking Str. All Gogos seemed open. Most, if not all seemed to play music as usual. Some door-girls were dressed more decent, some in their regular "uniform". All neons on. A couple life-music open-venues dark/closed, but most open with DJ and NO live-music. None of the bars, enclosed or open seemed very busy. Traffic was quite OK, a good low-season night. ZERO CHINESE GROUPS!!!! WOW, felt weird, never seen that in years, no busses in the area, neither. Many Indians, fewer Europeans and even fewer Russians, some Koreans, Malays and a few Japs in the Gogos.

    Beach Rd. was rather quiet with the usual mix of coconut-ladies, slow traffic and mostly Indians and a bit of the usual mix. Dark, smelly dirty & depressing beachfront, what a pity!  

    Overall we could say a first-timer might not even realize things are a bit different. Just like the "last-few year-comers" will never realize how much fun it used to be here 8-20 years ago. But I guess my father & grandfather said the "same-same"....Good night all.  MS>



  4. On 10/14/2016 at 3:19 PM, thaibeachlovers said:
    52 minutes ago, topt said:

    You obviously have not been out and about in the last couple of evenings have you? As tropo says most beer bars never closed.



    Status-Report / Nightlife as of right now 20.00 Tue evening, Walking Str. will be reported on later tonight :-)


    I did a drive by on most entertainment areas the last hour. Did not go into any venues, here the results:


    1) Soi 7 & Soi 8:  98% of bars open, incl. couple Gogos. Most, but not all bars with  dimmed lights and no music. Most bars show sports on TV's, very few show Thai news. Most bars had regular staff numbers, it seems, a few obviously still reduced or just getting back to normal. Relatively few guests, but Soi 7 has been like this for years.

    Life music venues were open, with exception of the Rock-Place opp. Eastiny-Inn, but NO music played!


    2) Across from Soi 8 on 2nd. Rd. bar complex all the way to Bouakao. All open. Overall similar as above. medium busy.


    3) Bouakao, all open, quite busy, some even played quiet music. Many with sports on TV. NO music with cocktail buses and outside

     venues near Diana/Estate etc.


    4) LK Metro. All beer bars seemed open, still few guests, as early evening. With exception of 2 or 3 dark Gogos, all en-closed Gogos & bars  seemed open with plenty of door & animation girls outside. Could hear music/bass behind closed doors from several. Almost all lights in general dimmed and neon off, so pretty dark and weird. Some of you might check the inside and report, I won't :-)


    5) Soi Diana-Inn, all seems open and description similar to 1), also some bars playing low-volume music.


    2) Naklua areas similar to Soi 7), seemed very quiet....


    Will go for a walk and an ice-cream down South and post around 23.00, what the situation on W. Str. is. Another interesting point. This is usually rush hour for hundreds of busses and total chaos.. Seen only 4 buses all the way to roundabout and very reasonable traffic.


    Enjoy the quiet, while it lasts. MS>





  5. You are certainly right. The way it is /was described on the big board it sounded quite funny. They will probably have to-refill the beach every couple of years. Amazing the waste of money. Why not get some Pros from abroad to plan & execute properly? Beyond Western comprehension. Anyway, sadly what is happening on every corner to the once beautiful nature here in Thailand. Just back from a extended "sailing-trip" all along/across the entire  Gulf. While Malay & Singapore marinas and coasts/waters are almost spotless, the moment you cross into Thailand there is rubbish everywhere, onshore & offshore & around islands. Sadly.  MS>

  6. Was told, they sucking- /digging- up sand out there and bring it to beach. Seen it done in US and Australia with huge pipelines. Same is done in many places all around the world, but proper planning includes seawalls at specific angles to change currents that wash out sand. Aussies are specialists in this type of projects, also seen it on Canary Islands. BTW, this project started a long time back and the work-barges have been anchored and doing what they are doing in various locations already. MS>

  7. Beach-"reconstitution". There was / is? a big sign up at the walled up construction area beachside before you get to WStr. announcing the project in detail at minimal cost of, I believe it was something like 750 Mio???..... Bringing sand from offshore, re-enforcing beach area with sandbags etc. etc. I am sure it will be done perfect and we will have a beautiful beach very soon.......55555 MS>

  8. They could add strategically a few nice potted palm-trees and it would look so much better. It is just too plain. But overall good steps have been taken and I am sure it will get better, after all most places are still empty, not so HOOTERS. Have a nice day. MS>

  9. According to my surgeon & pathologist (Top University Hospital in Europe / lobectomy/lung-removal) I must have lived in a horribly polluted area of the world or been a coalminer for the last 20 years. I am a non-smoker and have lived here for roughly 20 years. Enough said. I have now joined the few wearing a facemask when on the bike, even so it is a bit late.  MS>

  10. Update after a few months break with HOOTERS.

    Visited twice last few days. Both times around 21.-22.30 Both times quite busy, lower floor about 3/4 full and good clientele. Good atmosphere. 


    Some positive changes done:

    Extra monitors with sports on terrace. Big stage gone, so is the horrible band. Very good mixed music & great sound-system at just about reasonable volume.

    The BULL was moved to the back and extra tables are now in the stage & ex-bull area.

    Staff was friendly, spoke good E and was much better than the initial staff. Still relatively few girls, but service was as good and friendly as in the US. Seems there is new manager, things have obviously improved.

    Negative point was, that one of my friends, we were a large group, got his "VIP-card" withdrawn as he paid. A girl came over and explained they no longer honor this time-limited card (well before expiry!) in the future and he would have to apply for a new one on their website. We could not find any info about this on their site.

    And a real negative point:  PLEASE get a recipe for the "NEW" Clam Chowder! No comments on details, but this soup has NOTHING to do with a clam chowder, the semi-raw potato-cubes don't make a chowder. Happy to pay 220 ++ Baht for a good chowder, but not for what was served. Did not complain and hope they will change this asap, so I finally can eat a good chowder nearby.  THX. & Good night.  MS>

    • Like 2
  11. I wanna pay a few kids, around 14 yrs. old, 20 or 30 hours of E lessons in a small group of 3 or 4, during their vacation. Does anybody have a name/phone of a 

    private or semi-private teacher with affordable rates. I have location to do this, not need be official school. Or maybe one of the places along Soi Post office?  Thank you kindly.  MS>

  12. I was told by a Thai, that a detailed map had been published in Thai media recently,  which buildings on Walking Str. would have to go. He could not give me more info yet  but promised to. It would not surprise me, seeing all these demolitions in various regions going on. Interesting years ahead....for sure...MS>

  13. Looking for specialized ceiling-installer for commercial project. Need specialized company, as others, that do other jobs too,  can hardly match speed, quality & price of a contractor that does ONLY ceilings. Any idea how much sqm all installed and painted goes for these days? Talking few thousand sqm's.

    Unfortunately my old contact has moved away.  Thank you kindly.  MS>

  14. Would be interesting to know what they plan. Everything they started the last 15 years failed in no-time. Already 8 of the sales-tents and a fast-food joint cum pick-up truck, in front of the property along Bouakao,  closed after just a few weeks. Rents said to be just below 15 K. for a few sqm / size of tent. Now a new hot-dog "palace and beer complex / pub has been opened. Gotta sell tons of hot dogs or 50 Baht beers.....55555....Anybody knows what else they plan?  Who would sit and eat along the polluted Bouakao in the middle of diesel fumes? Must be nuts these old guys, coughing their lungs out already.....The only places doing business are the ones who sell beer & Songserm at ridiculous prices to the local drunkards, it seems. During high season it will pick up for a few months. Why would anybody open a business in an area where turnover is huge. Plenty of suckers ready to loose their savings to impress their ladies or friends? Only the old pros keep doing just OK. But there seem to be  MS>

  15. A friend is looking for an  open air restaurant with stage / live music. Supposedly with a sign reading  RED above stage. There seems to be a set-up with bamboo huts and seating areas with good

    food service and small pond to fish, but NOT 1 of the known fishing parks. He looked at all these he could find. As he keeps bugging me :-), I was hoping any of our local experts might know what he is looking for. Says they play great music on weekends and are mainly catering to Thais, with few Farangs. But is also not 100% sure it is on the darkside, possibly near the highway. Thanks to all.  MS>

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