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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. There is probably very few scenarios where real-estate would not go up long-term, as long as the location is right. That does not mean only beachfront, only city-centre, there are plenty of regions out of town which are very costly. I started buying my first units about 15 years ago in very good center locations and well maintained buildings. They have gone from 550K to roughly 1.7++ Mio since then. Even during Asian-crisis prices kept up, never dropped and have since added much again. I wish I would have bought more and not sold during that run, as I often thought, that it just can't go higher. I am actively buying good deals and have yet to come across 50% off in those good locations & buildings. Talking to big industry guys, hotel developers etc.; they predict much higher prices in the long-run and similar developments as in BKK. First signs are big chains developing in "terrible" areas between 3rd. and/along Bouakao, Wongamat etc.. They don't just dump their cash without at least a partially good outlook. Just my personal thoughts, based on past experience and some bad decisions selling-wise.  MS>

  2. Really need to know more about materials used. Friend just built himself a nice one from all "rubberwood" Looks great. Cost very little.

    Thai type go from 7K - 25K depending on height, materials, complexity. If you go for the cheap ply, at least treat it with Chaindrite anti-termite-paint/liquid....Helps to keep them away for about 10 years.

    I have a much better way these days. Have a wall left and right, usually 50-60 cm deep.. Install commercial alu frame/track with commercial alu sliding door frame. Before you install, you fill door-frame - alu guy does for you - not with glass, but with 5 or 6-mm cement board/smartboard. Paint or fiber-wallpaper and paint. Make shelves from rubberwood as needed. Or add a IKEA drawer unit. Cheap, bugproof and looks great and never issues with hinges, humidity etc. You can get alu in natural, white, brown or black. Looks great and indestructible. Also works great for any furniture, top/cover with wood or granite. I mail you sample picture. With a bit of phantasy can create really nice solid versions. But make sure using the wider/stronger commercial frame. If very big doors or deciding for mirrors, hang them, not slide, smaller ones are light enough to slide. Could also fill with any type plexi or colored-cracked glass Good luck.  MS>

  3. As we are having so many people on this right now, that might consider leaving or having left already; I would love to hear some ideas where to move to.

    Looking for exotic, subtropical or tropical, clean seas for boating, fishing, diving, nice people, affordable cost of living (up to 50%+ from what I spend here per month which is around 120 K with home paid), reasonable medical, retirement or similar visa, possibility to buy home etc. etc.  Carribean? Columbia? Ecuador? Panama? Paraguay? Upper NE- or Southern-Brazil?

    Any hints much appreciated. It might help me make that big decision. MS>

  4. 5 hours ago, bokningar said:

    The pink filter is no longer clouding my eye's


    Still like it here, but some stuff is probably better not knowing about if you want to stay happy.

    Ignorance is bliss.


    Maybe I have to stop reading what people post here on TV and I will be happier again :-)




    + 1 Smartly said. I am past this and know way too much. Where to go? Never owned any pink-glasses, always been very critical and informed, anywhere I lived, definitely need to start wearing them wherever I will retire again.  :-)  MS>

  5. On 10/28/2016 at 2:01 AM, JSixpack said:


    I did go w/ friends last week and it was much improved as moonseeker said. Music was still a bit too loud but tolerable, and much easier to listen to.  Adding a few more waitresses made the service was much better, though it was about 80% of where it needs to be. Our server was just friendly enough, no complaints. I won't be beating a path there every week but I've ended my boycott for now. We'll see if they keep it up. 


    Went there yesterday with a few friends for drinks only, after having dinner in Naklua and seeing almost every single restaurant empty. We then headed down to the Beach & HOOTERS around 21.30 and it was about 3/4 filled and rather busy. They might have to open that 2nd. fl. soon. Keep going.  MS>

  6. Just back from Naklua / Russian area and a coffee @ Royal. Very few people at all and still very few Russians. However I am being told by a friend who manages a large  hotel-chain, that Russian bookings are picking up and are expected to be much better, also hardly what they used to be, for next year. Still they expect total numbers even lower than this year's in their internal projection.

    Russian don't bother me. Mostly younger, mostly happy and mostly with much better looking ladies then local residents :-)

    Good night.  MS>

  7. I have now plenty of time on my hand for a while and wonder if anybody has a (preferably bigger, as I am a big guy and used to big ones ) dog that needs walking and maybe some basic education/training even, once or twice  week.

    I have lots of dog experience and used to train dogs when I was younger. I live in a condo, so not allowed to keep dogs. I love dogs and all animals and am 100% reliable and responsible. I  very much miss having my own dogs and would love to help out, if anybody is in a bind, needs to travel or whatever situation. I am aware of Soi dogs problems, but time will tell how to deal with it, I know many of them personally 55555......, so maybe they give me a break. I would like to limit the area from Pratumnak to Wongamat and not across 3rd. Rd., if possible, as I don't drive cars. Just send me a short message and I will let you know if I am still available. Absolutely NO financial interest or expectations. Make my day!   Regards.  MS>



  8. Good morning. Good friend just got hit with a price hike of 50% for his comprehensive international insurance plan. 18'000 Euros/yr!!! He lives now full-time in Thailand and is of excellent health with no prior issues at all. Any chance to find a plan that covers him in/out-patient for around 12'000 Euros/month at this stage of his life? Does not need to be international plan, but must be incl. of the many illnesses that get excluded by many providers. Difficult subject, I know. But there is TV and there is hope :-)   Thank you all. MS>

  9. Nooooo.......55555....

    For cleaning purposes go to Friendship, don't buy the medical stuff..... Next to HAITER/Bleach you will see yellow plastic bottles, bit smaller and imprinted with colored shirts etc. They call it color-proof bleach. But it is Peroxide. The one with the orange cap is 7.5%, you can read on bottle small print all the way down in the Thai stuff.  Very cheap. It will not hurt your skin, nose & lung and NOT destroy fabrics or anything usually. Have cleaned pretty much everything with this stuff in many years. Removes also mold, but takes a bit longer than Bleach. Do not dilute. It also smells pleasant as some perfume added. Once cleaned an entire studio with blood  on walls, floor, mattresses, lamp-shades etc. etc. after a bad accident of the tenant with this product. Apply with sponge, often stains just disappear. Or repeat and leave it on. I also do the shower once a week, just apply and leave until next shower....Will try to post picture later....now....This is the big bottle, there is a smaller one for about 45 baht!  Good luck cleaning.  MS>



  10. 32 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

    I am an ex-expat who returned to live in Australia where I am much happier.

    I do not think that I whine about TH in my posts, but I do find many of the stories on TVF to be highly amusing, and post accordingly. When I lived there I did not find these things to be so amusing.


    :clap2::clap2::clap2:  Could not agree more and hope I can make the big step and move to different shores soon, too. "Always smarter in hindsight". Let' see what this discussion provides & has coming...  & Good night! MS>

  11. Good day all:


    Anybody could advise me about cost and best affordable insulin "pens' etc. in Thailand. Need to help out a friend who is now at the point where oral treatment does not get him below

    A1C (6-7) anymore and he has reached max. doses. He is not in good shape financially. Any hints what products and approx. monthly cost very much appreciated. Also possibly any other details very welcome. Location BKK & Pattaya.

    Thank you all.  MS>

  12. On 7/25/2015 at 9:06 AM, KittenKong said:


    What a nightmare condo management is here, especially considering how small the budgets usually are. It's hard to comprehend how so little money can generate so many problems. My building's yearly budget is less than my yearly revenue used to be when I worked for myself. And I had no staff and even found time to do my own accounts. Yet our building needs 3 people to run the office, plus an external management company for the accounts and general legal work, and still they cant get the most basic things right.

    I'm often tempted to sack our management company and employ a competent manager. I think that if this was done the important thing would be to have good outside accountants who report weekly to the committee and to never let the manager ever have any access to bank accounts or chequebooks or cash, apart from paying in the daily takings.

    There are dozens of cases here of badly controlled managers walking off with millions of Baht, though this often happens even when a management company is employed also as many of them seem to have no idea how to monitor staff.

    But another problem I find in our building is the very high level of apathy and general stupidity of the co-owners. Few seem to be interested in the way the building is run, none of them seems to know how to read a spreadsheet or understand a cash-flow report, and in fact hardly any of them ever look at any building documents at all. If they do think about the building it only seems to involve stabbing other people in the back and generally complaining without offering any useful input. We also have more than our fair share of retired people who will happily tell you that they used to do this and that important job, and used to chair this and that committee, and then five minutes later they will tell you exactly the same thing, and again a half hour later. I would be unhappy about having such people on a committee that had to directly oversee a manager and all the finances. In fact I would be unhappy about having such people oversee a family picnic on the beach.


    Super write-up!!!! :clap2:   Been involved in this for many years. Major mistake! Love the part about owners.  Could write books and make movies! Pattaya really attracts the creme de la creme.....MS>

  13. Thank you EYECATCHER very much. That confirms my thoughts. Total per sqm all done and painted could be anywhere from 300.-- -450.-- + new lights @ around 150.--/piece? So far not been lucky to find a contractor in/around Pattaya, that does ONLy ceilings. Gave 2 allrounders a try, they did a lousy job.  Thanks again.  MS>

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