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Everything posted by Lazybones

  1. Queen Mary of Denmark, now there's sexy! https://images.app.goo.gl/NS4AtcfE7qHkNgVQA https://images.app.goo.gl/cPBTJvQqa2AgE8in6
  2. I know it doesn't sound good but just run some mosquito repellent on your face and it keeps them off. Also to stop them getting on skin abrasions
  3. The call regular bus services tour buses in Thailand.
  4. I don't know where this person is from but it's certainly the case in Melbourne
  5. Someone earlier hit the nail on the head. It was the Queen Mother's birthday here so banks were closed
  6. About $A1,000 per month should cover it. Do not under pay one month and over pay the next. That doesn't work
  7. The report I read on MSN said it was Singapore Airlines?
  8. There's always the go to beer VB but I prefer Melbourne Bitter providing it's not out of date.
  9. We got about 1 hour of good rain here in Phetchabun this morning
  10. As I understand it they are still in Myanmar at the Mae Sot border
  11. Not far away of course are the Map Da Put oil terminals in Rayong which have been known in the past to have leaked in to the sea.
  12. Would any of you moaners have liked to fly on a plane with leaking hydraulics? I think I would rather stay in the hotel and use the food vouchers offered. I have flown Jetstar many times Bangkok to Melbourne and back, mostly without any problems except during the epidemic where, once, was delayed 8 hours and was provided accommodation and food. As I say, better safe than sorry.
  13. So, no blame to the sugar cane driver pulling out across the lanes in front of the bus?
  14. .... except for my Thai 11yo grandson who managed to slip through the auto gates unimpeded yesterday. I didn't know where he had gone! Fortunately there was a manned gate next to the auto gates with nobody there that they let me through avoiding the hugh queues. Found him inside the terminal.
  15. I have, on many occasions, brought my step son's son, who lives with my wife and I in Thailand, to Australia to visit with his dad. Most times I have his dad sign a letter, plus a signed copy of his passport, giving his permission for this to occur. Only one time have I ever needed to use the letter. Just today, armed with the letter, my grandson, now 11 years old, took it into his head to go through the automatic check-in by himself. Nobody stopped him. I questioned the immigration officer present who replied that if the boy is tall enough then that's OK. TIT
  16. Did you scroll up to the top and read the error message?
  17. Same with me in Phetchabun. They tell me that it is not required.
  18. And I don't know why atrain would be going through Khon Kaen to Chiang Mai?
  19. Up here in the mid north things are different. That vehicle would be a song taew. A tuk tuk here is an old single cylinder flat bed that makes a noise like it's name. The three wheel things are called Sam laws, I.e. three wheels, not tuk tuks
  20. It seems that not many read the follow up where it stated that a skull and pelvic bone were also found
  21. At Tha Li, The border to Loas, they had a form which they attached to my passport which was full. This enabled me to do the border hop and then apply for a new passport. Vientiane denied that they had a form so I went to Tha Li who had told me about the form on a previous occasion.
  22. Said he came in on a charted flight. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
  23. You need to deposit an advance of say $20 which can have auto top up. You dial any number direct and the charge is very very little. If the recipient has Skype, which most businesses have? Then the call is free.
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