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Everything posted by nausea

  1. Riding bikes is a young man's game, you don't bounce so well as you age; still, 66 ain't a bad age to go, you're probably avoiding a lot of age related disorders.
  2. Read the bracelet (yeah, if you expand the image you'll see some writing).
  3. I expect, and factor in, a gradual reduction of sterling's buying power v. the baht, as the UK continues its slow inevitable decline, and I'll be long gone by the time this has a real material effect on me personally, a sudden collapse in sterling would be a problem though.
  4. Good advice - most analysts seem to consider a wider regional war almost inevitable.
  5. Thailand playing its usual game of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.
  6. WTF, how awful, even by Thai standards.
  7. This type of event seems to be pretty common in some anglo-saxon societies. They passed one punch laws in Australia, which raised awareness. The problem is a lot of people still consider the odd punch as not that serious; a myth propagated to a large extent by Hollywood.
  8. That is what is known as a "Dead Cat", and its purpose is to reduce wind noise.
  9. The whole affair, especially the guy hitting his head on the ground, brings to mind Australia's one punch laws.
  10. Keeps happening. Need some canaries.
  11. At his age, and for such a miniscule amount, just sad, very sad.
  12. I'm guessing he ran out of money.
  13. US guy, figures. Psychedelics are the new thing in the USA, and legal, or decriminalised, in some US states and cities. "Turn on, tune in, drop out" 555.
  14. There's the real economy, then there's stuff like this.
  15. "Caveat emptor" and all that. To my mind such shenanigans are pretty much par for the course in Phuket, and hardly justifies the rather hyperbolic headline "rocks Phuket".
  16. I'd be lost in the UK. I'm pretty sure reverse culture shock would kick in, me not having been back for 18 years, and with all the changes that have occurred, plus me getting on in years now.
  17. Ages? Teachers are, of course, in a position of trust; this is really a lot worse than those cases we read about where peers, exes, etc., do something similar.
  18. Yeah, hope it turned out OK in the end, but no doubt about it, from an anthromorphic point of view, nature is effing cruel.
  19. Nothing really novel about Katoeys robbing guys in Pattaya, and I recall previous stories about people slashing bags to get at valuables on the Bangkok metro/ skytrain. I suppose putting the two trends together generates interest.
  20. Mostly affecting the MSM community, apparently. Cases of Mpox in children and adolescents are infrequent and generally not severe.
  21. She left him penniless should probably read she left him because he was penniless.
  22. Agree with other posters, the dog, Nhu Dam, was probably killed by the grandfather to his own guilt.
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