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Everything posted by nausea

  1. Last time I was at Cha-Am beach I noticed there was a designated area for camping. Of course, Patong beach caters to a totally different market. This guy may have been acting quite innocently, but I can understand why the locals wouldn't want it to become a thing.
  2. If wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets.
  3. No, it ain't. Pure nonsense. Maybe, if you eat it in industrial quantities, or it's adulterated.
  4. As always, need the other side to this story. It's a worrying precedent if guys are just lashing out for no reason (however meagre that reason might be). It's something I've witnessed in the UK, but not here.
  5. Females. There's a whole Tom/Femme scene here. Femmes are feminine women who are attracted to masculine presenting Toms. Having said that, I know of at least one Tom, a former motorcycle taxi driver (they do tend to go for masculine type occupations), who decided to work a bar in a tourist area. She presented, more or less, as female, and would screw foreign guys for money. How common that is, I don't know. I do know she remained a Tom at heart.
  6. Panic is in the air, I see.
  7. I'm guessing Germany has laws governing extraterritorial jurisdiction on child sex offences committed in Thailand, so once this guy was outed in such a public manner he was scr**ed.
  8. Too clean cut and sculptured for my liking, when I think Hell's Angel I'm thinking long hair, beard, thick body, something like this:
  9. Strange how birth rates are usually high where's there's squalid poverty, if it's an economic thing.
  10. Take market share from 7-11? Nah, won't happen, 7-11 is just too dominant and has too much brand recognition. It'll just be a brawl in the other 30% of the market.
  11. Well at least he wasn't stupid, and he wasn't mad.
  12. Somebody's read The Beach.
  13. Unless it's ridiculously low or ridiculously high, I don't think IQ has much relevance, given its problematic nature as a test of intelligence. In any case, even if it is a valid benchmark, myth has it that 83 was the floor for the US army, so 89 wouldn't be that bad, I suppose. Anyway, I knew a Mensa guy and he seemed pretty average to me, I always beat him at chess (he got quite upset about it), and I'm an average Joe, well, maybe a little above average, certainly not top 2% level.
  14. It's high, relatively speaking, but I wonder how much of that has to do with property mortgages; the UK has a similarly high level, but we're mortgage obsessed.
  15. A million baht sounds about right.
  16. So bread and Styrofoam are both bad, oh well, back to the drawing board; I guess we could try doing something with slices of a banana tree trunk, and banana leaves.
  17. The more complex things become, the more there is to go wrong, and the harder it is to fix. I pretty much understood the basics (of cars) in my youth, nowadays ... .
  18. Boys will be boys, especially where drink is concerned, and bruises and broken noses are to be expected; but add knives to that mix, or, God forbid, guns; yeah, it's not good.
  19. True enough, but I I am a lot more worried about knives than guns, to be honest. Knives are ubiquitous here, every second person seems to carry a knife, women included, and more often than not you won't see it coming. "Jai Yen" is the best defence, in my opinion, it's also a useful phrase for de-escalation.
  20. I stay away from attractions of this sort, health and safety isn't Thailand's strong point, and at 68 I'm risk averse.
  21. Says it all, really, if you buy from a random stranger then you take your chances. Incidentally, there are many informal lotteries, but these are guys with established customer bases, you are unlikely to get scammed cos they depend on their reputation to operate.
  22. This non-alignment policy always worked for Thailand in the past and, as they say - "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
  23. Thailand has nothing on the UK, energy and food there are through the roof; I'm not really into this doom monger YouTuber Joe Blogs, but he did do a video recently which pretty much nails it.
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