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Posts posted by Kerryd

  1. Pattaya, like any place, would be a great place to live if you got rid of all the people who just dont know how to be good citizens.

    Those who only want to harm others, who have no idea of whats right and wrong, basically people who have no morals. Get rid of that lot and i'll come on down. In the mean time, i'll just pop down when I have to for social events and for the rest of the time i'll view from around 50 km away, which suits me better.

    So you've managed to purge all the people "who only want to harm others, who have no idea of whats right and wrong, basically people who have no morals" from the place you live now ?

    Any place would be a great place to live, if only we could get rid of all those annoying people that don't think the same way we (I) do, don't act the same way we (I) do, and don't do things the way we (I) do.

    And guess who sets the standards for what is right, wrong and immoral ? We (I) Do !!

    Someone else tried that approach about 70 years ago. Didn't work then, won't work now.

  2. I'd say BKK can be dangerous in the wrong areas, but it does seem like Pattaya is just one bad area sometimes, or at least thats the impression I get from Brit's news clippings.

    I find it hard to believe that it is just all biased news reports, the Phuket forum, Koh Samui forum and Bangkok forum fall far behind the Pattaya forum when it comes to news on violence happenings towards or from farangs.

    u may now all flame me. :D

    No smiley with a flame gun handy :D

    But actually. I don't look at the other subforums (Bangkok, Phuket, Krabi, ect). Do they have someone like Brit posting news articles relevant to thier areas, in those forums ?

    We all know (well, most of us do) that Brit has a secret agenda when it comes to posting bad news about Pattaya. Perhaps if someone were to take a page from his book, and start posting mostly "doom and gloom" stories that feature farangs, in the Chang Mai or Phuket forums, then soon those places would sound like they too are out of control.

    Then again, we don't want to scare people away from those areas now, do we ? :o

  3. Day 9 on the Zyban program, and 3rd day since I quit.

    The first day was rough. I broke down at 1 pm and had one cigarette, then another at 8 pm. (Having gone in less than 2 weeks from 50+/day, down to 18-20, down to 2).

    Yesterday went pretty good though. No cigarettes at all ! Had some cravings, but not as bad as the previous day. Even went out and had 2 drinks at a certain "establishment" (then got the hel_l out when all the tour groups arrived).

    Today seems pretty good as well. Been up for a little over an hour, had my 1st cuppa coffee and hardly any craving at all (it'll probably hit me after I eat).

    Got enough Zyban to last another 20 days. Will that be enough, or should I get another month's supply ? Maybe play it safe and get another month's worth. Funny how a month's supply of Zyban costs almost the same as a month's worth of cigarettes (at the discounted price my neighbour got for me, for the Zyban, not the smokes, that was a different neighbour :o )

  4. The resolution on the webcam is so bad, it's impossible to make out any facial features. This is good because I may have to walk down that Soi again in search of the library.

    That cam is annoying. You get the pic for 2-3 seconds, but it takes 10+ seconds to refresh (maybe there was just a lot of people viewing it at the same time). :o

    (note: that must have been the case, because it's streaming in real-time now, no problem. You can even see the waves moving in the puddles. Of course, there's nothing much to look at either right now.)

  5. Grey .. miserable ..wet...

    totster :o

    Pouring RAIN here in Pattaya (again, almost exactly like it did yesterday).

    Started around 05:00 (at least it was going on when I woke up). Steady downpour with alternating bursts of really heavy stuff.

    Sanuk Mak Mak !! :D

  6. I'm a bit surprised at your post. Are you trying to say that you are dissapointed that they did not choose a beer-guzzling drunk... perhaps you?

    I think he was referring to the fact the Thai company hired a Canadian and an Indian (is Vijay Indian or American now ?), and 1 Thai. Why not 3 Thais ?

    Singha should take a look at how beer is marketed in N.A.. They should have hired 3 nubile young lasses, put them in cut-offs and tube tops and show them partying in different places.

  7. I am sure that I went to that border point with the teachers from our school in March. There was nothing there but a line of trucks preparing to cross the border, some tacky souvenir shops and a few odds and ends being sold on the ground. If this was indeed the place being proposed for an unseen beauty spot then I pity the investors for their stupidity.

    Well, they did say that the beauty was unseen. :o

    Well, I guess I should be running over there ASAP and opening up a beer bar, before the real estate prices skyrocket !

  8. Ok Thanks for that ,I will pass on all this useful info to my travel co,s

    Good to see so many people interested in a simple post :D

    Not much else of interest to us low life expats :D

    Yeah. Try starting a topic on some other aspect of life here and see how far it goes. :o

    It'll get bashed, hijacked and/or simply ignored.

  9. As I have mentioned in other threads, a few times, one of the reasons things appear to be so bad in Pattaya is the narrow focus of the media, and how it generally concerns itself with matters involving farangs.

    Add to that that farangs are generally only interested in news that involve other farangs.

    seeing that the pattaya news and newspaper are in english, they are reporting news that expats and tourist want to here about. not table tennis,are you going to buy the paper with real news in it or the one with the ping pong scores on the front

    That was my point. The focus of the (english language) media is so narrow, it makes the situation in Pattaya seem much worse than it is. That is why people are starting to think crime in Pattaya is running rampant.

    If the news here was reported in a similar fashion to the way it is done in most Western cities, the situation wouldn't seem so dramatic.

    There is other stuff happening here all the time, including crimes that don't involve farangs. Many of the papers print those other events, some of it gets a little TV time, and most of it never makes it to Thai Visa, leaving a distorted impression of life here.

  10. I'll still go see the movie, even if the last 10 minutes are cut, for two reasons.

    1) I want to see how the movie compares to the book (it rarely is as good as the book).

    2) I don't want the Religious Right to win. A number of people have commented that they won't go see the movie now, if the ending is cut. Well, that is a victory for the religious censors. If they can't get the movie banned, perhaps they can reduce the number of people that see it by screwing with the ending.

  11. Perhaps The Skipper needs to get back to his lost island where he can bum around with his best mate Gilligan. ....or if you prefer, mate with Gilligan's bum :o

    Hmmm, that makes sense now that you mention it.

    Mr Howe (the rich guy) had Mrs Howe. He would most likely also have Ginger as his mistress (she seemed the type that would be attracted to wealth).

    The Professor, being the smart guy that he was, would have gone for Mary-Ann :D

    (with a little Ginger on the side when she needed a little more "umph" in her life). :D

    That leaves Gilligan and The Skipper. :D


  12. Kerryd,

    you should get yourself down to the end of South Pattaya road ( no not the Walking Street end :D )

    the other end on the left just past the traffic lights for 3rd road , ask them in the CAT office as to the whereabouts of your bill ..and pay the outstanding balance....otherwise you might not have internet service for much longer. :D

    I'm playing things the way my landlords do. Wait until they come to cut off the service, then run down ("leo leo") to the office to pay the bill.

    I know where the CAT office is. :D What is this "Walking Street" you referred to ? :o

    I set everything up through ToT, shouldn't they be billing me for the service ?

  13. Well, today I decided to go for it. With the Zyban program, I'm supposed to quit cold-turkey tomorrow, or within the next 3 days at the most.

    But I smoked the last of my cigarettes last night, so why not start now ? I started to clean the ashtray, intending to store it, but then I thought, why ? Deep down am I expecting to fail, and holding on to the ashtray knowing I'll need it again ?

    Threw out the ashtray with the mornings garbage !

    I actually had a hard time getting to sleep last night, as I was having cravings already. This morning ? Well, so far so good. Got a pack of gum and a couple of thingies of those Mentos chewy mints.

    Got a notepad next to the keyboard, right where I used to keep my cigarettes. The reasons I want to quit are listed on it. A constant reminder of the various reasons I thought of, while still smoking.

    Now it's going to be a test of will-power. ######, has it only been 9 hours ? Every hour is a victory at this point.

  14. Tuky, not. A verb is a 'doing' word! Let's DO love just doesn't seem to fit....... :o

    So then, what do you say to "Let's MAKE love" or "I want to MAKE love with you" ?

    Or, "I'd LOVE to Love you" ?

    I'll stop there before my imagination gets the better of me. :D

  15. Loss of followers? Probably closer to the truth.

    Exactly. Loss of followers = loss of power and money.

    Funny how these people believe in stories written in a book, and now want to ban a movie based on............a story in a book !

    Maybe the established hierarchy is afraid they might have competition soon ?

    I don't expect to see mass riots by Christians in the streets though, with crowds attacking MacDonalds restaurants and other "Western" businesses, unlike some other religions. :o

  16. Anybody heard the rumour Tony was shot on saturday?

    Well, it's Monday now and there's been no news about it that I've seen/heard. It appears to be just a rumour.

    :o (just a suggestion) :D

  17. So, let's see if I get this right. When I walk into the go-go bar, I should pick which ever peach happens to be right in front, instead of wandering through the orchard checking out all the sweet, ripe fruit ? :D

    (Wouldn't work in the place I normally go to, as the best looking peaches are usually at the back of the orchard) :o

    Not to mention that a certain someone would be a little upset if I ignored her in favour of a "riper" peach :D

  18. The price varies from ISP to ISP and from package to package. It is also contingent on your phone company to a certain extent. Are you using TOT or TT&T?

    I am with True. I have 1 MB package and through my condo who have a special arrangement with True and a Server provided by True in the reception pay ฿2000 per month. I am very happy with the both the connection and download speeds I receive. (Even if it is not exactly 1 MB). Therein lies another thread...

    I'm with ToT in South Pattaya. I have their 1024/512 set-up for 1,000 baht/month.

    The best thing about it so far is, they haven't sent me a bill for the service since it was set up (over 3 months ago) !! :D

    (they do send my my phone bill though, all 107 baht/month) :o

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