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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. Genocide? Even if we accept Hamas casualty figures (and why you would do that for an organization who have been found to lie repeatedly and habitually and who are actively spamming misinformation worldwide in an operation supported by the Russians and Chinese) of around 35,000 people killed, there were approximately 2,000,000 people in Gaza. So that's around 1.75% of the population. Jews in WWII? There were 6,000,000 out of a pre-war Jewish population in Europe of around 9,000,000 so around 2/3 of the people. Armenia? Anywhere from 660,000 to 1,200,000 out of around 1.5 million total. Rwanda's massacre of the Tutsi took out around 75% of the population and was about 500,000 to 800,000 people. Cambodia's Khmer Rouge killed around 2,000,000 out of 6,000,000. You see where I'm going with this. I find it astonishing that this is even considered as a marginal case of genocide. The IDF have protocols in place that go well beyond most armies in terms of avoiding civilian casualties, they're not gathering up survivors and shooting them dead, there are no death camps, incidences of soldiers behaving badly are investigated. The emphasis on "genocide" is simply a part of the propaganda and is designed not only to give people the impression of things being far worse than they are, but also serves to minimize the impact of the previous genocides, pretty much every one of which exceeds what is happening to the Palestinian people by several orders of magnitude and in practically every other aspect. This is not to say that Netanyahu and the Israeli Right don't have a lot to answer for, and I'm all for they and the Hamas leadership being strung up. But to downplay the deliberate brutality of 7 July which was specifically done to ensure a particularly violent response from the Israelis is downright bizarre. You're really going to do whataboutism with Hamas, who don't act in any way like an army in a direct comparison with national militaries? How far down the rabbit hole did you have to go to get to that place as a self-proclaimed Jew?
  2. So, where are all the Hamas dupes to recant their numerous previous statements that there was no proof of sexual violence, that the events of 7 July were exaggerated or a false flag, that this was a justifiable act of resistance? Come on, show us your integrity and how you're actually NOT anti-semites who actively are promoting the propaganda of the death cultists.
  3. Yes, indeed. And there's the rub - Thaksin was popular because of his policies which basically spread the money from the public purse around via the Tambon Councils and other means. This is why he was a threat to the powers-that-be and had to be turned into the Thai Beelzebub and exiled so that things could return to business as usual. Now, after his exile, he's returned to become just another one of the dinosaurs, and the fact that he's joined with his persecutors leaves nobody in doubt as to where his fealty lies and what his objectives are. Purely tawdry. They always knew he was a liar - but who cares when he was doing things that were wildly popular to the majority of the people who happen to live in the Northeast and North of the country. Now he's just another piggy at the trough. On top of that, the Thai people have found a couple of much younger politicians who appear to be much more serious about change. It's no wonder they both won the election and were both subsequently dispossessed of power through dubious means and the entrenched senate and other old power structures. There's only one way this system ends, and that's with fresh young blood in the streets, but this time none of that country plonk, let's get some fine Bangkok claret if we wish to see real change.
  4. How about the current mob of unelected power-hungry elite who spent much of their time in power blaming everything on the evil one right up until they welcomed him back in the country to "serve his time", if by serving his time you mean lounging in luxury outside of the purview of the commoners. He's now free and clear, and if you don't think he's joined up with the current elite who now realize there's a much larger threat on the horizon - young people who aren't tied to or interested in perpetuating the old system whereby the same dinosaurs pass the public purse around to pilfer. This is just a more subtle version of Trumpism - don't mind me, BUT LOOK OVER THERE!!!! THERE'S THE BAD GUY!!! NO NOT THAT ONE, THAT WAS LAST YEARS' BAD GUY!!!
  5. This was in response to Ultrathai's claim that "Biden is sick 😫 with dementia and can't put two sentences together. Is that the idiot that you are talking about?" Check out this link in comparison - https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/trumps-35-second-long-freeze-during-speech-sparks-concerns-rebuke-netizens-debate-long-glitch-or-unfit-to-serve-101716200059982.html Trump has a brain freeze that lasts 35 seconds! Now it's probably just that the teleprompter broke or the guy operating it fell asleep or something, but regardless, Trump couldn't ad-lib a word, just stood there staring and waiting for whatever he was supposed to say. Remember when he always claimed Obama would be lost without his teleprompter? Every accusation is a confession. Every. Single. One.
  6. First sensible thing I've seen you post. Although of course your basic anti-semitism shines through eventually, as if Israel has a greater voice in world media than the USA...
  7. This is an excellent example. You castigated another poster for a spelling error, and IN THAT ACTUAL POST, there's a spelling error ("thats"). Every accusation is a confession. You literally can't even correctly spell a riposte about another person's poor spelling! Now you come back and tell me that you misspelled "ecocholic" and expected me to accept your misspelling since "echocholic" is a real word and to hit up Google. So I did. I presume you were meaning "echolalia"? That means "the uncontrollable and immediate repetition of words spoken by another person". This is too easy. Are you day-drinking? Do send us the link to the definition of "echocholic" won't you? LOLOLOL!
  8. Did you spell "ecocholic" correctly in your last post? How about "that's" in this post? The hypocrisy is mind-boggling! LOL!
  9. How about making up words from thin air? Like "ecocholic", or "stollen" or "smocking" or "hamberders" or "covfefe". How about calling your wife Melania "Melanie" (I mean I may have to give Incontinent Don a break on that one, I only have to remember one not three). Every accusation a confession, every post a demonstration. I would start researching ways to slow dementia if I were you guys, seems quite advanced.
  10. So did you watch the State of the Union? That was a powerful speech and it lasted one hour and seven minutes! That sure is a long time to drag out two sentences. Here's the link so you can observe within seconds that he's got quite the ability to speechify. https://www.whitehouse.gov/state-of-the-union-2024/ As with the drug testing, every accusation is a confession with you people. You are seriously trying to make a cognitive impairment argument with the guy who bicycles around and gives polished hours-long speeches with detailed policy and nuanced understanding and the guy who wears diapers and falls asleep at his own trial and who STILL keeps referring to Barack Obama when he means his actual political opponent who beat him in the last election and who has been president these last four years. Why do you have to lie and state obvious mistruths? Just because your hero does it and you accept it doesn't mean that you can emulate him and have us slavering over your blatant untruths.
  11. Every accusation is a confession. Ever wonder why Diaper Donnie is the Incontinent Imbecile that he is? A LOT of it has to do with a lifetime of cocaine and adderall use. Addiction is not just a bad thing for one's mind, but it really messes with the body.
  12. You could post with more brevity by eliminating the part from "who" to "issue".
  13. I believe that to protect the herd, you put the cattle in squeeze cages and drench them or inject them with the vaccines needed to protect both them and the other cattle from the known dangerous diseases that are killing them. I'm okay with that for other outbreaks when the herd members are already showing signs of mental deterioration similar to "Mad Cow" disease that prevents them from understanding the importance. It's the same reason you were vaccinated when you were young. I also note that there is a Venn diagram that shows people who don't believe the COVID-19 vaccines were needed or efficacious and the people who have zero problems with taking complete body autonomy from women when it comes to their pregnancies. That Venn diagram is a circle.
  14. It may damage the population in the future although despite hundreds of millions of vaccines being given to a very diverse set of populations there haven't been any evidence of such occurrence. What IS known is that there were, in the USA, over one million excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is not under dispute and the evidence is overwhelming. And it's likely grossly under-estimated as well. https://www.bu.edu/sph/news/articles/2024/new-analysis-reveals-many-excess-deaths-attributed-to-natural-causes-are-actually-uncounted-covid-19-deaths/ What is also understood is that the poor leadership of President Trump with the disinformation, promotion of quackery and refusal to fund the mitigation efforts when needed, that there were likely 40% of those deaths that DIDN'T NEED TO OCCUR! That individual directly contributed to the deaths of approximately 500,000 Americans or more. That the same group of people who have no issues screaming in women's faces that "abortion is murder" also slavishly worship the man who directly caused the deaths of so many of their compatriots, but specifically among those, their fellow travelers, is something that future generations will look upon with astonishment. SAD! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/trumps-policy-failures-have-exacted-a-heavy-toll-on-public-health1/ https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study
  15. Well, as a seeker of truth and justice you already know what to do! Time for you to pack up your beach clothes and send 'em off to Goodwill, won't be needing those in Vladivostok! Be a true man showing the courage of your convictions and get thee to Mother Russia's warm embrace. I'm sure you'll find it exactly to your liking, very religious and anti-woke beyond compare, very limited diversity of people and certainly of opinion.
  16. So what if the research was pretty much unanimous - easier access to birth control and abortion means LESS ABORTIONS NOT MORE!!!!! So in fact, those like yourself who support restricting the rights of women who are specifically supporting the abortion/unsafe abortion of MORE FOETUSES! YOU ARE THE MURDERER! Except of course that you didn't kill anything, you just aborted the foetus before it became viable. https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/induced-abortion-worldwide
  17. Except that the opposite is happening. In fact, the blowback from the vicious anti-abortion legislation is already causing shortage of health care staff in Red states.
  18. Oh, you know where I am? And it's the USA? At least you're consistent - consistently wrong and by quite a lot. Sorry Elmer, I live in Laos. Used to live in Cambodia (I also speak Khmer, so I look forward to hearing about the wealth and breadth of your knowledge based on whoring your way around Cambodia). That you see this as a badge of honor tells us more than you think about your character and understanding. At least there's a sound reason why you're a fan of Diaper Donnie, you're one of the few who share his predilections. Sadly, for you anyway, you don't even have a pitiful fraction of his wealth hence you're reduced to playing a cartoon character on ASEAN Now.
  19. Your posting can't help but remind me of another historical figure - Elmer J. Fudd. Let me guess - "I own a mansion and a yacht!"
  20. Again, I defer to your experience and expertise in this matter, having been happily and exclusively married for almost three decades to the same woman (no, she's not Thai).
  21. That was a pretty specific example of what he can do, why would he bother to make it up when he can simply reach into his memories and speak from genuine experience? And we already have numerous examples of women corroborating that he does this. This would be what you would normally call an "open and shut case", but you're again allowing yourself to invent different and special circumstances for the perp. And make no mistake, that's all this grifter is at this point.
  22. He'd have rather been drawn and quartered. For a narcissist to admit that they've got a small member would be a far greater humiliation than going to jail for sexual assault.
  23. Sounds like you speak from experience. Seems the details are what caused most of the strife then?
  24. So you don't give credence to the numerous examples of Trump sexually assaulting women, bragging about "grab them by the <kitty>. You can do anything", the "catch and kill" scheme for Stormy and Karen McDougal that the Publisher of the National Enquirer has already testified to in court under oath, the E. Jean Carroll civil trial where it is no longer even allowed for Trump to testify that he didn't sexually assault her because it's now a matter of record within the courts...let's face it, you wouldn't accept the reality of Diaper Donnie being a sexual predator if he was in the middle of your living room doing it to your wife.
  25. You expect there to be evidence from a third party to a two-party horizontal tango? But I reckon there would be hotel rooms being booked by said person, evidence that they were in the same town at the same time etc. So we'll just wait for the devastating evidence to be presented by the Trump Defense lawyers to disprove it. After all, he can easily disprove these intimate details, right?
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