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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. You're correct that I don't know you, and doubt I ever would have - self-righteous narcissists aren't my cup of tea. Look at you proudly marching yourself to the camps with the Jews you hate! How precious, I can already see you making your noble last speech to the evil Nazis as you condemn everyone you're supposedly dying for. You're a threat to nobody of consequence. And yeah, there's your proof, your "progressive Jewish friends" have told you about the Right-Wing scumbag lawyer Trump named as Ambassador who thinks Liberal Jews are "kapos"? LOL. That's one instance by the sort of person who knows Donnie Diapers well enough to be named Ambassador to Israel and nothing at all like you said in your original post. Just to check your statement, I put your name as the author in the search function and checked whether there had been any posts about Sudan, Myanmar, Nagorno-Karabakh, Eritrea, Syria, Nigeria. Nope! Israel though gets 34 posts. Save your BS for your lentil-weaving "friends". Ever wonder why they're all so temporary? It's because you eventually find something incriminating from their background and that's it, they're off the list.
  2. Says the guy who thinks Zionism is a Far Right movement. Surprised you're still here after the whooping you've been getting on this thread for your fact- and logic-free assertions of racism.
  3. BTW, if you want to understand why people keep insulting you and calling you out, one of the reasons is that you make assertions, we challenge them with well-referenced posts that carefully point out the facts of the matter and how you're wrong, and you then IGNORE EVERYTHING THAT IS WRITTEN AND POST SOME OTHER STUFF THAT IS COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT TO THE DISCUSSION. I notice that you complain about the same things to the Right-wing posters on other threads, but can't stop yourself from doing it. Just a reminder - I called you a liar, and specifically pointed out 3 lies to you. You responded by attempting to claim one of the lies as truth. I pointed out that this was not a rebuttal and was incorrect, and that you had just made yet another assertion that was a lie. Your response to that is "yeah, I despise zionists and Zionism is not a religious sect". Who was talking about that? Nobody. And it by the way contains YET ANOTHER LIE! Zionism was NOT a far right political movement, it was apolitical and included Jews who were Right, Left and everywhere in-between. Can you not write a single sentence that is correct? Why don't you read some factual references before you splatter your nonsense all over TV? My response to you is that you are a liar, as proven by the three lies you wrote that you have not refuted, and you are continuing to do so.
  4. It's always heartwarming to observe non-Jews telling us what we think about our fellow Jews. You thought maybe we were all waking up to our morning coffee and instructions from Big Zion about what we were supposed to think and do today? GFY with your "kapos". I refer to my previous posts about the clear anti-semitism that is displayed by the egregious conflation of Jews and Nazis. Congrats, you're joining some fine company on this site. You know nothing about what we think. Perhaps you're surprised that I too despise Netanyahu and his Far Right minions? Religious nuts like Hamas. And I wouldn't put anything past those people in terms of doing illegal things or committing war crimes. And I'm all for there being a process by which they and Sinwar and his minions all go up for trial and face the consequences including hanging. Hell, I'll pull the lever. But that doesn't mean that Israel doesn't have the right to defend their country and people from the attempts of their neighbours to kill them. Israel IS a democracy unlike most of their neighbours and unlike the Palestinians. There are many Israelis opposed to what's happening in Gaza and if a different government had been voted in, I don't think this would have happened at all. I also know that if Russia and Ukraine weren't in a war, this also wouldn't have happened. Probably the thing that frustrates me the most about this conflict is that there's so so much stooopid going on in the commentary that it's maddening to even begin discussing it. And of course, it brings all the blatant and many of the casual anti-semites out of the woodwork. If I had observed a similar fervor for justice from so many of these anti-Israeli keyboard warriors when it came to the dozens of coincident other international conflicts and inter-religious/inter-cultural wars and violence I might have more sympathy. But they only care about Israel for some reason. Just can't put my finger on what it is about Israel that makes them so different.
  5. You're correct, my calling you a racist is simply the opinion of one person. The EC on the other hand making official statements on its website about what constitutes anti-semitism is the opinion of a large body of serious people including lawyers from a number of different countries and backgrounds and who take these things very seriously. THEY are the ones who think what you wrote is Anti-Semitic and have published explicitly on their website why that's the case. That you have read it and continue to hold that opinion tells everyone that you, in fact, are an Anti-Semite. So if you sleep happily with that, it just tells us that you're deeply flawed and should seek therapy. I do hope that one day you and your ilk are exposed for your hate and that you experience a reasonably degree of personal discomfort and consequence as a result.
  6. You wish to debate that you wrote "refusing to recognize or be held accountable by a world court"? If that was so, why did they send a team to the World Court to testify in the case? Would you send a team to present a case to a court you don't recognize? Have you presented any evidence that "Israel does not accept that the court has jurisdiction over its control of the West Bank." I didn't see it. As far as I can tell, the ICJ is NOT deciding whether Israel can have control over the West Bank. So how could Israel "not accept that"? You don't seem to understand that when you write things down and present them as fact, that people will check those statements out and if they were simply made up on the spot by you making a reference-free assertion, we're going to find that out and point out that you're lying. As I did. As you've once again FAILED to provide any evidence against. If you're not a liar, then why have you only provided an attempt to explain one of the three lies I pointed out? Do you think that only having 2 lies in a 3-sentence post makes you something less of a liar? And your attempt to rebut the lie was a failure too. You're just spouting hate while pounding the keyboard angrily. You still are conflating non-Israeli Jews with Israelis. None of the people in this news story were identified as an Israeli.
  7. You can't write a single post without errors or lies. The person putting up the hostage posters was not an Israeli. Israel attended the World Court hearing and made their case. The case has not been decided yet. Israel have never declared that they don't recognize the World Court. These are lies. You can't even write a 3 sentence post without 3 lies. You are unsurprised that a woman stapling posters to a wall about innocents being kidnapped is assaulted by a man for that and that others find this to be, well, assault, and anti-semitic?
  8. Are you able to comprehend English? Did you click on the EC link? Do you understand whom the EC represents? To be perfectly clear, you can declare whatever belief you wish to, within the confines of the Forum rules. This obviously includes making racist or anti-semitic statements, although sometimes they're also removed by the moderators if they're considered too over-the-top. As to you being called out for it, when you make reprehensible statements that are racist, you should always be called out on it. It doesn't matter whether you're being offensive to Jews, Muslims, women, or whomever else you are trying to beat down. So fill your boots! You must be very proud to hold such antediluvian opinions, there's clearly a cabal of other like-minded individuals here for you to make congress with. Y'all should go to a Beer Hall together.
  9. So when someone points out that the EC specifically defines comparisons of Israel and Nazi Germany as anti-semitic, and you then make a post afterwards on the same page that makes that comparison, what does that make you? No need to respond, I personally like it when racists out themselves as the internet is a marvelous thing when it comes to recording regretful commentary. I think anonymity may not be guaranteed forever, so it's always my hope that these things come back to bite the people who write them.
  10. Yes, when multi-lateral organizations who carefully consider these issues and officially and explicitly state what constitutes racism, it DOES TAKE AWAY FROM YOUR POINT. It essentially says "RuamRudy, you're actually saying reprehensible stuff that is racist and so common amongst racists that we had to publish this sort of thing just so that you would be able to see that what you're saying is racist and unacceptable." So okay, you accept that you're a racist. Perhaps you should dress accordingly as per this discussion, I'd suggest Hugo Boss as your design beacon.
  11. Who was carrying out overtly activist Zionist activities? The ones putting up posters about innocent kidnapped civilians? Those people? You're not allowed to do that? I can't wait to hear your opinion about the hostages. They're guilty I guess of being both Israelis AND Jews. So they're not really hostages, they're prisoners of war, amirite? Even the kids. Now tell me again about the people on the train. They were Jewish in a foreign country? They weren't JEWISH BRITS? They were "overtly activist zioniist (sic)"? You are just itching to get excuses so that you can go and dish out some violence on them horrible Jews, aren't you? What a despicable individual you are.
  12. Oh, I see, you expected that there would have been witnesses to the London train incident here on ThaiVisa and were just asking for clarification since this was such an implausible event? Oh, well, silly me! I thought you were just spouting made-up stories that happened to be anti-semitic like pretty much any post of yours that mentions anything to do with Israel.
  13. Here's another one - if you're Jewish, you're partially responsible for Israel and therefore anything Israel does means it's fair game to go after Jews. This is a definition of racism. By the way, refer to my post above which has a link to the definitions of what constitutes Anti-Semtism. You'll be interested to see that you have achieved it in your post! Must be a very proud day for you.
  14. https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/combatting-discrimination/racism-and-xenophobia/combating-antisemitism/definition-antisemitism_en It's actually a recognized definition of anti-semitism according to the European Commission.
  15. Read what people are writing and get your head out of your dog-eared copy of Mein Kampf. You made a post of complete conjecture about what happened on the train because you couldn't imagine how someone would be able to spot a Jew. I posted two different ways in which one could easily spot someone as a Jew - they could have been wearing a yarmulke or a Star of David. There's lots of other signs if you know them. You now post "my question to that poster about how the person knew his victim was a Jew remained unanswered." I answered it. Your entire hypothetical rested on this idea that Jews are invisible and indistinguishable. This is obviously not true. The other part of your hypothetical rests on your odd idea that Jews who aren't Israeli have some sort of responsibility or shadow-citizenship to Israel and therefore can be directly confronted about what "they" have done by supporting Israel. This is utter nonsense. You still keep arguing as if it is an established fact despite several posts pointing out how this is completely wrong. You're not debating, you're simply spouting hatred against Jews because you're a raving Anti-Semite.
  16. You really are a piece of work. You failed utterly to answer a single point of my post except to attempt to paint yourself as some wonderful anti-nationalist who therefore hates Zionism. What a crock. Answer the point - is there a reason that non-Israeli Jews should be accosted on the street in the UK because they have been identified as Jews? Do they have some sort of guilt that has earned them this behaviour simply by virtue of their religion? Is this something that only applies to Jews, or does this apply to every person? Do you as a Christian/Atheist/Muslim/Hindu person or whatever other religion or culture you were raised in have an in-built obligation to address something that others of your religious persuasion or culture do? If you do, then you best let us know what team you're on and what you do to combat the horrors that YOU PERSONALLY are responsible for, wherever they may be. Do you understand yet how mind-bogglingly dumb what you say is? Or are you just what you appear, simply a hateful anti-semite?
  17. Here we have someone who is PUTTING UP POSTERS OF KIDNAPPING VICTIMS and gets attacked for it, beaten and their phone taken and smashed, and here's the resident Anti-Semite saying in essence, she deserved it for being an activist because she TRIGGERED SOMEONE BY PUTTING UP POSTERS OF KIDNAPPING VICTIMS. You need therapy.
  18. Even though you have zero evidence whatsoever that this is what happened. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Complete conjecture.
  19. This thread is a real doozy, amazing how a post about anti-semitism brings them flocking to it to openly profess their sentiments. Just a hint to those people who are about to get offended about being called anti-semitic: when you keep using "they" and professing wisdom about what "they" do, and "they" think, and "they" act, it really doesn't matter who the "they" are, it's going to be racist. You don't understand that there are many Jews who wear yarmulke or a Star of David necklace and that's easily identifiable? No, couldn't be that, must have been those loudmouth Jews yapping away during a time when the sentiment is strongly anti-Israel! And then the chef's kiss - "that what's (sic) you get when you aren't openly protesting the actions of your own war criminal leader." So Binyamin Netanyahu is the leader of the Jews? Why didn't we get a vote then? Do so many Israelis live in the UK? Here's another clue for you. Israel is a country that is 80% or so Jewish in its populace. It's 20% Arab Christian/Muslim. It's a separate country of around 9.5 million people. There are another 6 million or so Jews who live outside of Israel who are citizens of other countries. Their "leaders" are the ones they elect in the countries that they live in. Tell me, if you're a Christian, are you protesting the actions of your Christian leader Vladimir Putin? Or perhaps you're an Atheist, are you putting Kim Jong Un on blast for the terrible things he's done? No, you're not because that's absurd, isn't it? But you will do this with Jews. This is why you are an Anti-Semite. Clear?
  20. Yes, yes, as per usual, it's NOT the enormous and profit-driven CP Group's lust for corn to feed their livestock business that is causing this, it's those pesky villagers hunting for mushrooms! When will they stop putting their selfish lust for vegetables and medicinal herbs ahead of the health and welfare of the Thai people? When will they behave responsibly like the CP Group who buy all the corn that will be produced from all of these burned plots and whose bored communications officers recycle the same talking points every year while "those irresponsible farmers" cop the blame yet again? But never fear, they'll be mobilizing soon with brown envelopes to put out the bureaucratic fires and ensure their willing stooges are back in the Guv'nor's seat to enable yet another year of burning and haze and the compliant civil service and journalists will just keep spouting and printing the "truth" - "weren't us mate, were them poor folks over there what dun it!".
  21. Okay, let's do a 2 second search. https://fortune.com/2017/06/09/white-men-senior-executives-fortune-500-companies-diversity-data/ "White Men Account for 72% of Corporate Leadership at 16 of the Fortune 500 Companies" (In case you were wondering, only 16 of the 500 companies provided information for Forbes) https://www.businessinsider.com/wall-street-bank-diversity-2015-8 "More than 80% of executives at Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley are white. More than two-thirds of executives at the same firms are male." https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-21/america-s-c-suites-keep-getting-whiter-and-more-male-too "America’s C-Suites Keep Getting Whiter (and More Male, Too) - Diversity stops here." https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/diversity-inclusion/555503-new-study-finds-white-male-minority-rule/ "A new study found that white men hold 62 percent of all elected offices despite being just 30 percent of the population." So do you have any evidence that White CIS Men are under-represented at any elite level of anything other than women's athletics or women's-only competitions? Especially any evidence that points to those people being 0.1% of the elite of ANYTHING AT ALL? Or are you simply referring to countries where there are very few White people where of course they wouldn't be represented since they're not in existence? If you could point to a single place perhaps where the White Straight Male is both a significant part of the population and is under-represented then you might have some credibility. As it stands, you're just like debating with a toddler - you make up facts as you go along and refuse to address that when it's pointed out to you. You don't find that embarrassing as an adult?
  22. So how is it then that the White Straight Man ended up dominating the highest levels of banks, universities, businesses, politics, etc.? Was it completely based on merit? How could one scientifically explain this phenomenon? What's different about them? Are they smarter than non-White people or women or gay folks? The policies that provide more opportunities for the people who have been systematically discriminated against for centuries are based on megatons of documents of research documenting this discrimination and proving how it has artificially propped up the White Straight Men of the world. Now that there are systematic means available to correct the blatant and unfair lack of opportunity, there is a backlash by the people who have been reaping the benefits for their entire lives because they can't bear the thought of competing on a level playing field - they know they're going to lose. Sound familiar? Luckily for many of the misogynistic hate-mongers, most of them were able to feather their nests with the ill-gotten benefits before the world started catching on and catching up with removing their privilege. Hearing the whining of these losers is music to my ears!
  23. Oh, well, QED then! I am sure that two research positions at a university that are being denied to the White Straight Male people who otherwise dominate every other facet of Canada's elite are much more discrimination that people of colour and LGBTQ+ experience. There's like, only one instance of those people being denied jobs, right? Are you that un-self-aware? Or just trolling? Or is that the entirety of your existence? Are you the actual model for "The Male Online"? It's Viz magazine, perhaps biographical?
  24. Oh you poor poor thing! The suffering and discrimination that you've been exposed to! How shocking and difficult your life as a straight white male must be. I'm just sobbing thinking about it. The idiocy one is exposed to on TV is rather astonishing sometimes.
  25. That whooshing sound you hear...
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