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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. When you make supposedly factual claims, then you're obligated (if you're being an honest poster) to provide some level of attribution such that we can consider whether your point was true or false. Someone who blindly states things that are challenged and then rebuts it without any facts is unlikely to gain any credibility. Not that you're much interested in credibility, I rather expect that you're just here to spread poison against whomever you dislike. But in case you're wondering why nobody will take you seriously, this is the reason.
  2. So have you been observing the conflicts in Yemen between the Saudi and the Houthis? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they're both Muslim nations and peoples for the most part. Perhaps then you might peruse the violence ongoing in Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and the Sahel? Perhaps the war in Sudan is more your flavour? Point I am making is not that Muslims are bad, nor that they are good. Similar things can be said about those of any religion. To pretend this is simply the only ongoing violence in the world is beyond absurd, so presuming you have control of your faculties, you've simply chosen to ignore things other than what Israel is doing. Why is that?
  3. In that case you've got selective vision. This is why these conflicts happen, there remain fools who believe that there are only one side who are right.
  4. Yes, precisely! Observe Europe's decline without the vital labor gaps and innovation that was brought by the British. Whereas the United Kingdom is now leading the world's economies with their innovative and vibrant economy!
  5. This method of debate is so old the Romans had a specific phrase for it - non sequitur. It means a conclusion or reply that doesn't follow logically from the previous statement. Why are you talking about this when it had nothing to do with the previous discussion? Are you so bereft of argument that reflexively braying "Biden lie" is all you can do?
  6. Oh sorry, was mid-coffee when I saw it.
  7. Thank you for your compliments on my work - if I wrote something that you agreed with, I'd have to go back and make sure I hadn't misspoken. So let's see what sort of quality response we have managed to elicit...an imaginary story about Democrats with no attribution! How unusual! No doubt you'll now have to go into the Breitbart archives to unearth some minor comments by a radical individual whom you can then state is representative of all Democrats and all of their views on Mathematics. Well, I got an idea...let's see who the people who vote Democrat are with respect to education? https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/partisanship-by-race-ethnicity-and-education/ But you probably already knew that. Insert your favourite "liberal university indoctrination" meme.
  8. Yeah? Show us the video of the Democratic assault on the Capitol with the violence, the B&E, the attempts to take over the Senate...
  9. Not sure where to start on this. Perhaps just with "there there, now put the keyboard away Mr. Riclag, it's time for your metamucil and green jello". Attacking your own pollsters is not the flex that you think it is...
  10. LOL! Yes, sure, he really "reigned in" Rocket Boy. And I know for sure that whenever a dude refers to himself or someone they admire as an "Alpha Male", they're somewhere between psi and omega. Did you manage to scare up the $18,000 to go learn how to be like your heroes? Here's a link to the rest of you Alphas or wannabe Alphas - only $18,000 and YOU TOO COULD BE AN ALPHA MALE! Always put yourself first! Never argue with a woman! You make ALL the decisions! https://mhnministries.com/pages/alpha-male-dominance-and-masculinity-boot-camp I'm just so skeered of you macho Alphamen! LOL! EDIT: Forgot the link. Get in there Future Alpha Boys!
  11. Just wanted to note that he said he "took" statistics, he never said anything about "passing" his statistics course...
  12. Yes, why discuss something that has actually happened and actually been said when the words of your idol are actually written down in front of you? Better to invent an imaginary claim that nobody has ever heard or heard said. Then let's go back to the 1900's and the Civil War because that's REALLY what this election is about. LOL. It is reminding me of a certain song from the Wizard of Oz (sung by the Straw Man, so doubly apropos). Actually, that's a good allegory for our current discussion. We have Dorothy, played by Kamala Harris, and the three MAGA representing the heartless, the brainless and the cowardly.
  13. As someone like yourself who understands mathematics, allow me to observe that this argument holds no water with those like JonnyF for whom facts are irrelevant and who basically believe that "mathematics is a lie" when it shows results they don't like. On the other hand, when the results please him, he'll be just as ready to publish his QED with the exact same margins of error. Quick JonnyF - what does QED mean? No looking it up!
  14. How'd you feel about them polls when they showed Trump winning? That was DIFFERENT! Right?
  15. If only she had the caliber of Jenna Ellis, or Alina Habba, or Lara Trump! Those be some smart wimmens! And they know their place too! Why Trump not have smart wimmins as running mate? Why only dumb wimmens in Republican Party? And I know you won't count Caitlyn Jenner, one of the leading intellectual lights of the MAGA movement since she ain't "real". How about MTG? Bo-bo? Is there a single woman with a brain in the Republican Party?
  16. This evidence-free post with zero attribution brought to you by...MAGA! We're deluded, we don't care about facts, we just want to hurt other people who aren't like us.
  17. There's far far far too many, including on these pages. However, fortunately, there's far far far too few to win an election.
  18. Wow! Yellowtail certainly has some scoops! I had no idea that either Mitch McConnell or Joe Biden were Persons of Color! Must admit, they do hide it very well.
  19. Drifter, Grifter, Skirt-lifter. All applicable.
  20. He's a Far Right nutter - par for the course to blame the victim. Only surprise is that he wants the German aggressor deported - he's generally a fan of German aggressors, at least those from the past.
  21. What a nice person you are. Unless you have some insider knowledge, and that would of course require that you have a friend, something you likely have never had, there is nothing whatsoever in that report that indicates the Belgian guy did the slightest thing wrong. In the land of Karma, let's hope some comes your way soon!
  22. So having been called out for your gross mischaracterizations and making up straw men, your followup is...more gross mischaracterizations and strawmen! You finally admit your wording about reproductive health services and gender affirming care is incorrect. But instead of walking back your mischaracterization you double down and once again put up something nobody has been talking about - free late-term or partial-birth abortions. This is not a norm. This is the far radical position, and nothing whatsoever about what we've been discussing. I noted in the far more nuanced discussion with Hanaguma that I would support 26 weeks as that being the point of viability, but that there are numerous exceptions that are possible and they only need to be determined by the woman and her physician. Then of course you rabbit on about how the article doesn't show any hard data - instead it links to the article that has the hard data and summarizes the findings. Another mischaracterization, but that's par for the course with sophists like yourself. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/article-abstract/2813212 Your imagination about how kids would think is revealing, but completely irrelevant. Here's a clue - freedom means individuals being able to do what the <deleted> they want so long as they're not harming others. Get it? Now stop projecting YOUR morals, YOUR ideas and YOUR views onto other people. You hate it when people do it to you, so leave everyone else alone and they'll leave you to your little world. I don't care that you're a bigot, and you can scream at the monitor to your heart's content. If you write your bigotry out so we can comment, then you're going to get the approbation you richly deserve. Then of course you find an example so absurd and atypical it is utterly meaningless and disproves the very point you're making. An actual serial killer who was a doctor! Yep, happens all the time! Guess what? The existing laws were perfectly sufficient to stop that guy and put him in prison. That's why we have laws and why those who break them go to jail. You support that, right? Finally, having splattered your nonsense all over the screen you pluck 12 weeks out of the air without any justification or discussion and then completely eviscerate your own argument by saying you support unlimited abortions if the mother's physical life is at significant risk. WHICH MEANS INCLUDING PARTIAL BIRTH AND LATE-TERM ABORTIONS! My goodness, the cognitive dissonance must be debilitating. No wonder you can't make any logical arguments.
  23. There's some classic Right-wing tactics. Let's invent something out of thin air, then pretend that what we invented is true, then draw conclusions from the invention that we made up out of thin air. Reproductive health services cover a range of different things from birth control to various aspects of women's health relating to the uterus, ovaries, etc. Gender health care includes counseling and other support services. Did you know that less than 1% of people who underwent transgender surgery regret that choice afterwards? For similar surgeries that are NOT for trans people, the regret ranges from 5-14%. https://theconversation.com/transgender-regret-research-challenges-narratives-about-gender-affirming-surgeries-220642 Nobody has postulated that a woman who is over-stressed can use that as an excuse for aborting a full-term baby. In fact, nobody is talking about aborting full-term babies except people like Trump who say this without the slightest bit of evidence of it happening. I don't suppose you have any examples of this? Of course you don't.
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