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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. That would be because there haven't been any attacks on Arabs and Ethiopians and their homes, businesses and places of worship. Should they report non-news events on the news? Is this some new standard of whataboutism? This would literally make discourse impossible as you would not just have to talk of the news of the day, you'd have to also talk about the things that didn't happen to everyone at the same time!
  2. Holy crap! Stop the presses! You're telling me that Canadian Jews led a one-sided assault on Gaza killing thousands of Palestinians? This is incredible! How did they get there and get on the front lines? You know that the Russian soldiers who are committing war crimes in Ukraine are Christian right? So nothing wrong with spray-painting slogans on churches in Canada, no? You know that the Houthi militants who are attacking civilian shipping in the Red Sea are Muslim right? So nothing wrong with Islamaphobia in Canada, no? It's only once I've started actively engaging the Right in debate that I realized just how shallow their reasoning faculties are. Literally below Junior High School level.
  3. Huh? Why on earth would you say that? You think the woman was out of control because she could see that she had married a man who would easily turn violent as he had in the past and so tried to run away from him even if it meant leaving her child alone with him in the car? I guess seeing as how it turned out she was absolutely right to fear this monster. What sort of a person observes this story and comes to that sort of a conclusion? I am so pleased to observe that you're one of those on the opposite side of the political divide. With friends like you, who needs enemies?
  4. Look this quack up. He's a Neo-con, so of COURSE he wants more war. That's the only move in their global political playbook. Oh, and he's so busy tying himself up in knots that he's forgotten that one of his cherished principles is promotion of democracy including by imposition. I guess he's just skipping the imposition part? Incoherent ramblings of the Right, part 2,334.
  5. Sounds very familiar. "I don't get it. What was in it for them?" "Suckers. Losers." I don't think we can explain it to you in such a way that you'd understand it. It's called "sacrificing for the greater good." It's a foreign concept to yourself and the former President. There actually are people out there who do things for the benefit of others, even making the ultimate sacrifice knowing that there is that risk. For some reason, you and your ilk look askance at these heroes and choose to mock them and put them down instead because their heroism is in such stark contrast to your nihilism and egotism. You should simply answer all posts with your motto - "I'm all right Jack."
  6. They also killed the bipartisan bill that was negotiated specifically to address the immigration issues that the GOP are complaining endlessly about. The reason of course is that Diaper Donnie deemed it potentially injurious to his campaign to get away with high crimes and misdemeanors - as in actual ones that are in a court of law and which have reams of evidence to support the charges. What exactly was Secretary Mayorkas' high crime and misdemeanor here? How is the House GOP not complicit in any of these so-called charges seeing as they had a bill in place to address this that was bipartisan and which they then walked away from due to pressure from the Far Right Extremists. If you're so convinced, care to make a bet with me for real money that there will be no court cases or charges against Mayorkas?
  7. So what we're talking about are long-term climate records that relate to the period of time that modern humans have been around. What occurred previous to the modern era is less interesting because there were massive differences in the plant and animal world between those times. The main point of global warming/catastrophic climate change is that it is anthropomorphic rather than the result of natural consequences due to geology, meteorites or other causes. Statistics provide us with the tools that enable us to accurately estimate how temperatures changed globally over the last 2,000 years or longer. These statistics have been used since the 1970s to project the likely impacts on global temperatures and those projections have in most cases been demonstrated to be conservative. That means the predictions were that the warming would happen slower than it is, which is of course more alarming. And the temperature record is very clear - the planet is warming rapidly and there are major consequences as a result of this additional energy being in the atmosphere. This is why they're thinking of adding a new category to the Hurricane classes since the existing ones don't capture the strength of the newer ones. https://www.sciencealert.com/rise-in-storm-intensity-prompts-calls-for-a-whole-new-category-of-hurricane The issue is not so much that we don't have records from long ago, as it is that the records we do have paint a very clear picture since the statistical records and analyses are conclusive and match with a range of observations from many different fields. While many attempt to cherrypick data to make it appear that this is not clear science, the evidence is overwhelming and the economic consequences have demonstrated that the Climate Change Denialists are whistling Dixie. By economic consequences, I mean that anyone having conclusive evidence that global warming is either not happening or is a result of natural causes or cyclical changes outside of the impacts of humankind would be showered with so much money and given the world's largest microphone to broadcast the news everywhere. There's a reason they're on the fringe and not being taken seriously by anyone serious.
  8. Actually, the insurance companies have fallen out of the protection of the beachfront property market, making them now far more risky. "Recently, insurance companies have stopped offering coverage in states like Florida, California, and Louisiana, which are susceptible to natural disasters and high reconstruction costs. In July 2023, Farmers Insurance went so far as to inform the state of Florida of its decision to exit the state entirely. This reduction in insurance options has limited choices for homeowners and businesses in these areas." https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/us/news/catastrophe/coastal-properties-at-risk-of-becoming-uninsurable--report-464532.aspx Do you know who else understands that anthropomorphic climate change is already here and are already undertaking the changes within their structure and planning as a result? That would be the US military. "The planet's changing climate has a significant effect on Defense Department missions, plans and installations. DOD is elevating climate change as a national security priority, integrating climate considerations into policies, strategies and partner engagements." https://www.defense.gov/spotlights/tackling-the-climate-crisis/ And of course, you understand that the oil companies were aware of anthropomorphic climate change as early as the 1970s, right? https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/ So any further questions?
  9. Basic fact - when we take deep ice cores, study very old tree rings and examine sea and lake sediments we're able to understand thousands of years of climate change. IMHO - this is not an area of opinion, this is an area of fact. These are not even disputed by the conspiracy-addled (once you explain it to them with pictures).
  10. Or, and this could be a possibility too, Biden complied when he was informed that he had classified documents, handed them over and allowed the DOJ to inspect his premises and ensure there wasn't anything missing. Also the documents are pretty important here - what were the clearance levels and security levels for Biden's versus Trump's documents? This is why you have laws and Departments of Justice. Remember, the Republicans were completely in charge of the DOJ for four years and couldn't find anything to pin on any of their opponents. Why is that? Could it be that they follow the law? The Republican Party used to be a party supporting Rule of Law and a bulwark against communism and the post-communist gangster-cronyism of the Russians. Now they're co-opted by Putin and putting a bunch of criminals up for office while being unable to govern (again) despite a majority in the House. Pretty pathetic the depths to which the GOP has sunk. What a shame it will be when they're destroyed in the coming election after staking their platform on Donnie Diapers and abortion bans.
  11. Somehow everyone has missed the most important part of this story. It didn't end with "the driver fled the scene"; this is genuine change!
  12. There has been a massive increase in population during those centuries, and the people who are mostly rotational agriculturalists whose modus operandi is to get away from the lowlanders and just live their lives in peace have been pushed and pushed and pushed into smaller and smaller spaces mainly by plantation agro-industry. This is also the case in Thailand, where CP Group are the primary cause of the annual burning because of their support to farmers to grow corn for their livestock business. There has always been such air pollution, it varies according to different factors. For example, in the 1990s there were massive fires in Malaysia and Indonesia where they were clearing land for oil palm plantations and that massive amount of smoke ended up in mainland Southeast Asia in Thailand, Cambodia etc. Some years are worse than others. If you want to know what's driving this year's from outside of Thailand, just look at export figures for agricultural products like corn, cassava, bananas, sugar cane and watermelons from the countries in the region. If you want to know what's driving it inside Thailand, just read CP Groups' annual report.
  13. Justin Bieber is Canadian so that ain't gonna work...
  14. “We don’t have Taylor Swift on our side, but you know who we have?” Posobiec said. “We have Kid Rock. We have Ted Nugent. We have influencers. We have all these people ― Jon Voight" ROLFMAO! Jon Voight! Kid Rock! Ted Nugent! That's some star power. Why didn't he mention Scott Baio? Has Chachi fallen so far?
  15. The "peanut farmer" was a Nuclear Engineer who was an officer in the Navy and a successful farmer and businessman. He was elected to the State Senate and became Governor before being elected President. He has written 32 books. He should never be put in the same sentence as the two clowns you also mentioned.
  16. Yet you couldn't provide a reference? Sigh.
  17. You don't think that sports is entertainment at its core? I do.
  18. It doesn't take much effort to find if you wanted to, but you never did, you're just trolling. Every so often one of you is serious and interested in engaging in debate. But seldom is it you. Whatever.
  19. You asked a direct question for which I gave you a plausible answer. Research is clear that children are more inspired by role models who look like they do or come from the same backgrounds that they do. Why is everything about sex to you guys?
  20. At least she inspires young black women. Who does Meathead Ron inspire? Guys who like to wear high heels?
  21. No need. Have you ever seen a less inspiring politician?
  22. Yes, there are some factions who want that, they are the extreme Right and religious parties. Israel is a democracy with dozens of factions. Those factions are fringe parties although they have managed to attain some power within this awful far-Right Israeli government of Netanyahu. However they will be voted out in the next election for the mess they made. They have been trying to co-opt the judiciary's power as well, but hundreds of thousands went into the street to stop it. Israel is a democracy. Arab Israelis vote and their representatives sit in the Knesset (their Parliament). Hamas last held a vote in 2005 and executed much of their PLO opposition in Gaza. They are the ones in control and have been since that time. Their policy is unequivocal and they have never recanted it despite numerous opportunities to do so. There is a difference, can you see that?
  23. I feel for both sides as well, as should any empathetic person. But there's fundamental differences. Yes, you got the original problem correct, but you diverged somewhere in paragraph 2 before going off the rails in para 3. I don't even know who Douglas Murray or what Talk TV is. The history of the establishment of Israel and pre-Israeli Palestinian history is complex and controversial. Because it offers avenues for different sides to "claim" things, it is going to be forever fought over and never agreed upon. I don't think a topic exists that is more suited to "whataboutism" and two people can just trade those from now until entropic death. While there were Arabs displaced in Israel, it seems seldom mentioned how the Jews were pretty much all expelled from their homes in the surrounding lands where they'd also lived for centuries. The difference being that of course they could go to Israel whereas the Arabs aren't keen on accepting their fellow displaced Muslims. I don't think there was some magical solution out there to make this all Kumbaya, but there were considerable efforts made to try to get peace to occur. The Oslo Accords, etc. They were rejected unfortunately, and while the deal would have been skewed towards the Israeli interest as they held the upper hand in terms of power at the time, by summarily rejecting it and not trying to develop their own areas in favour of continuous conflict, they have ended up in this place. Extremists on both sides have been delighted to maintain this unhappy status quo and whenever there seems to be a chance for it to stop they make damn sure things ramp up again. Recall that Hamas leadership stated very clearly just before and after this kicked off that the driving impetus behind these attacks was the potential peace deal between the Saudis and the Israelis, something they simply would not accept and would do anything to scuttle. So they have. Remember what happened to Yitzhak Rabin when he tried to play peacemaker - a fanatic from the Israeli Right murdered him. Hamas have never changed their charter or policy which is to drive every Israeli into the sea. They reject any peace talks, they inculcate hatred into their children from an early age, they broke the ceasefire and attacked civilian populations without attempting to attack any military installations. They have used the billions in aid they receive to build tunnels and buy weapons and pay terrorists who successfully murder Jews. Until Hamas is crippled and their leadership is eliminated this will not change. As to journalism and coverage, how is it that nobody is talking about the geo-political roots of this current conflict and how it is obviously tied to the Russia-Ukraine War. Putin is clearly the winner in the Israel-Hamas conflict and they've thrown the weight of the Russian disinformation machine behind Hamas. It's how so many of the "enlightened" on the Left in the West have been happily re-broadcasting the Hamas propaganda. So the idea that this is all "one-way journalism" is absurd to me, it's just that "journalism" is so different than what we had before it's not being recognized. It's information and culture war without reliable sources who are dispassionate and objective.
  24. The Israelis are also investigating as this was the actual topic of the article that you posted - the Police were asking for witnesses as they were having trouble finding them in their ongoing investigation. Whether they have "international approval", whatever that means, is not something that either was discussed or mentioned. So you are once again deliberately obfuscating in your response; nobody said anything about "international approval", YOU posted that the Israelis have not allowed "ANY" investigations. This is clearly not true. If you wish to be seen as someone with integrity and credibility, then you need to proofread your posts and remove language that is incorrect or unclear or deliberately emotive. Your errors in this regard all changed the sentences to make things look far far worse for the Israelis than if you had been careful and used the correct terminology. This points to a bias, whether conscious or unconscious. You are claiming that this is unconscious, and as you're not the usual sort of poster who immediately starts into whataboutism or name-calling, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. But it would behoove you to carefully check your posts when they're about such an emotive and controversial topic.
  25. I guess you don't understand how fora work? When you respond to me, I receive a notification of said response. I then can review it and respond back to you. This is how it works. Just answer the question and I'll stop pointing out your hypocrisy and innate racism.
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