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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. And where is it you find this information about indiscriminate bombing? You are aware most of the hostages are Israeli, correct? You should read something other than Hamas propaganda.
  2. So why then weren't the committee allowed to go and confirm that the poor poor man was indeed getting treatment at the aforementioned hospital and to contrast that treatment with that of the other prisoners? Some reason you deny access to these people?
  3. Much better to pretend to do something than to actually do something serious, that's the Thai way, appearance over substance. What could they do if they were serious Oh, how about informing CP Group that they will be held responsible for any burning where the farmer is growing crops for their purchase? Until those responsible for funding the burning take responsibility for the inevitable outcome of it and provide incentives to their contracted farmers to change their practice, this is just more hot air being added to the already approaching unbearable dry season haze and heat in Chiang Mai.
  4. And the point of strategy documents and committees is...what exactly? Employment for the idle rich and connected? Why is he instructing this committee whom he will ignore and advise subsequent government to ignore to create a "framework"? What's the point?
  5. The first step in ensuring that the rich and powerful's child-criminals are able to avoid any consequences of their actions is to provide the Boys in Brown with the envelopes of encouragement to enable them to do what they do best - deliberately start stuffing things up so that by the time any "trial" comes around, the accused has already flown the coop to posh digs in foreign countries without extradition treaties and the evidence is available to dismiss the charges. Then you gauge public outrage to determine whether you can get away with it at first glance, and if not, then you add more evidence tampering and new witness testimony along with other false information to muddy the waters and extend the time since the offense. If worse comes to worse and the public still care, you simply ignore Interpol notices and the perp rides out the time until statute of limitations expire. You can also just come and face the consequences and spend the time in a luxury hospital custom-designed for your pleasure so you can live as if you were free for a few months until you are "exonerated" or "forgiven". As to the victims, they're dead and justice will be done in the next life according to karmic wheels. There is no mystery to this.
  6. "They're not sending their best."
  7. I could not care less. The extremely rich and powerful do not suffer from a lack of justice or persecution. They are in no way victims like those whom McCarthy went after. Learn your history.
  8. This should be fun! While I of course expect the list to contain the names of many on both the Republican and Democrat side of politics in the USA, I'd just like to state for the record I think each and every one of them should go to jail, Prince or King, Ex-President or current CEO, Democrat or Republican. No political favors, no immunity from prosecution, no plea bargains. Every one in jail.
  9. Because that's the way misogynists think - any woman who has power is a threat to them regardless of their point of view, skills, intelligence or other characteristics. It's indeed sad.
  10. It is, just not in the way you think. When someone with a long record of voting based on conservative principles is cast aside in favor of completely inexperienced culture warrior politicians whose "principles" consist of following whatever whim the leader gets in his scatterbrained head that day, you have today's Republican Party. This is why you have experienced politicians, they understand how to negotiate, compromise and write legislation that can pass both Houses of Congress and become enacted. Recall how Trump and your favorite "new" politicians campaigned on completely ending Obamacare and putting in a better health care bill then couldn't do that even when in control of the House, Senate and Presidency. Sort of like hiring a bunch of novices then wondering why they don't know what they're doing and are so ineffective. Not that I'm complaining, one can't imagine the damage that might be caused by these same people who don't stand for or understand anything.
  11. And this has exactly what to do with the topic? Do you think these planes are filled with immigrants leaving in large numbers?
  12. So the solution to terrorism is to reward the terrorists with international credibility. Got it. Reward terrorist groups for randomly kidnapping non-combatants working in agriculture by giving them an embassy. What could go wrong?
  13. You know it's a really bad one when there is no "the driver fled the scene." at the end.
  14. Indeed, he assumed that you speak and write English and the definition of the words you used are those written in dictionaries and used in normal speech by those who are fluent in English. Your own words are contradictory and were correctly interpreted by the poster.
  15. And still no appreciation to the Israeli government for their trading Palestinian prisoners for Thai hostages. Bit pathetic, really.
  16. LOL! Is that what you call "leadership", being completely all over the place and non-committal on a critical security and geo-political issue? As to the "no flies on The Don", perhaps you need to zoom in. The stench from his various political machinations are being released on a regular basis during his various trials, and it looks like a blue bottle convention up close.
  17. LOL! Aren't you one of the pro-gun crowd? Perhaps you should review how accurate police are when shooting at a suspect, usually they fire dozens of rounds and manage to miss the target by a mile, yet there aren't bystanders dropping like flies due to the bullets flying around. The studies on accuracy of infantry fighting in war show similarly poor accuracy and lack of massive amounts of friendly fire casualties. As to the "5,000 dead children" claims, perhaps you should not take Hamas statistics as being based on anything other than what they want you to believe. I am not taking any of the combatants' words as gospel during this conflict or others.
  18. Odd that there's no appreciation from the Thai Government to the Israeli government seeing as it is they who are releasing three Palestinian prisoners for every Thai hostage. Seems playing both sides of the fence will be order of the day here.
  19. I'd say Anutin's been a pretty mixed bag, but one thing is certain - this man likes to party!
  20. Not so simple as that. If you don't live in any individual country for 180 days, then it's basically up to the interpretation of the Tax Officials who have come across you to determine your residency. Those people have a strong interest in determining Thailand to be your primary residence, and thereby taxing you accordingly. Same would happen in other countries too.
  21. Vientiane has great Western food at ridiculously low prices. Stay a few days and feast!
  22. How does the ministry feel about the constant stream of victim videos of road accidents, shootings, etc. that are continuously published in the Thai media? Holy double standards Batman!
  23. That you seem not to indicates a profound lack of judgement and understanding of the human condition.
  24. Once again, you fail to answer the direct questions asked, and immediately deflect to some nonsense about Stalin in the 1930s. Was that a formative part of your youth or something? It's not unheard of for people to weaponize the US government - do you recall the McCarthy Era? But this fantasy you keep rabbiting on about, how nobody has ever investigated anybody for filing fraudulent financial statements with the bank not filing a complaint is clearly nonsense. Here's what the day-to-day work of investigation of white collar crime is as explained by the FBI: https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/white-collar-crime This is standard operating procedure and the sort of stuff they investigate all the time. Did you know that these investigations can be triggered by an internal whistleblower? That they could be triggered by another person (for example, Michael Cohen) who is being charged with a crime and who is turning evidence over in order to get a lower sentence? He testified in court under oath to all sorts of past and ongoing fraud within the Trump business empire, of course that's a basis for investigation. It's been in the news, didn't you hear? There's all sorts of reasons why there might be an investigation into Trump so stop pretending that this is some unprecedented event. Do the crime, do the time as you Conservatives used to say.
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