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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. If the Thai Police had been a professional outfit and had sealed the crime scene correctly and retrieved bullets for forensic examination then set about gathering army and red shirt weapons for comparison then maybe we would know for a fact what happened as well as identifying the likely culprit .....

    why would the Thai police be doing that when it was a military operation?

    Well, to be honest, the militants were gone so the police could have come back. The army is not really setup to do forensic examinations, mostly just check if a suspect is really dead or no longer a threat.

    The real question would be why did PM Abhisit feel the need to call in the army way back begin of April 2010? Why did the police with their special trained crowd control units and their deep understanding of how to protect a crime scene, why did the police not do what they were trained for? Maybe we should ask Dept. PM Pol Captain Chalerm for his insight?

    Chalerm has it all sewn up right?

    The police killed She Daeng

  2. Other countries don't have armed protesters shooting back, so it's a bit hard to compare to other countries.

    They have them but they call them what they are: armed insurgents.

    No, in Thailand armed insurgents are based in the south and specialise in terrorising the local populace by shooting teachers, blowing up soldiers and decapitating innocents.

    What are the key differences?

    Topologically they appear to me to Be the same

  3. You know guys I really do not understand what you are about, bored, need an outlet for your anger, I really cannot see why you keep on and on, there were peaceful demonstrators, there was an armed faction of extremists, I do not condone the violence and have said so.........

    And now amid 3 replies we finaly have the admission that the majority of red shirts were not violent......which is what I said all along and was accused of telling half truths......but unfortunately the action of the government sending in the army caught innocent people.....but you guys cannot handle that....as they say up to you....

    Oh and we have one person who thinks blowing innocent people up in one country is just fine but not in another.....and he questions my intelligence!!!

    The "innocent people" that the army "caught" weren't the ones that were using hand clappers at Ratchaprasong. They were the ones outside the barricades attacking the army.

    or seeking refuge in a temple, or being medically trained staff helping the injured in a temple, or being a photographer or a journalist, or even being one of their own rank whilst going to help them on Viphawadi Road managed to get one soldier shot and killed by another soldier, who just happened to be totally in control and fully aware of what was going on and not just shooting at random people not presenting any immediate danger whistling.gif

    If the Thai Police had been a professional outfit and had sealed the crime scene correctly and retrieved bullets for forensic examination then set about gathering army and red shirt weapons for comparison then maybe we would know for a fact what happened as well as identifying the likely culprit .....

  4. So, you would agree that in Holland it would be ok, quite acceptable, for the Dutch army to use snipers for crowd control and shoot unarmed people in the head, on the grounds that the guy 9 people to the left of the person shot, may have had a hand held catapult or firework ???

    Acceptable in Amsterdam to shoot a nurse in a church ???

    I would expect any nation's forces to have several snipers in place when dealing with dangerous, heavily armed people. It would be negligent not to do so in order to minimise the potential loss of life.

  5. The balance of payments will take a real hit. Domestic spending on imports and items produced domestically by foreign companies such as car manufacturers will see a larger outflow whilst exports drop.

    Being a simple layman I find it difficult to understand your post.

    But yes I also see automobile manufacturing as doing well in both the domestic and export areas. The saving grace for the economy will be rice exports.Yes rice.In the not too distant future Thailand will be back on top of rice sales and will get their price. There is going to be a shortage of rice on the market and buyers will either have to stop buying and leave the market place or they will have to pay the Thai price asked. Which do you think will happen?

    I see the government having such success with exporting the mountains that they currently hold that Iran is now a key potential customer........

  6. HD.

    As far as answers, how about if PAD had not pulled their BS in 2008 to get Abhisit in office, then we would not have had 2010 riots to get Abihist out who as illegitimate as anyone to have ever held office in Thailand. Should have stepped down before things got out of hand or never taken office to begin with because he is not nor ever was the people's choice.

    The problem is you focus on what should have done other than opening fire with live ammunition after things escalated out of hand. A good leader would gave not let things reach that point.

    So you think Abhisit should have clamped down on the red shirts way before he did?

    I think most would agree.

    • Like 2
  7. Well put.

    That is exactly what a lot of people want.

    The Army and government of the time to take responsibility for their actions, including the murder of unarmed civilians.

    Will the red shirts take responsibility for their actions, including the murder of unarmed civilians?

    Sent from my HTC phone.

    When and if they are found guilty of the murder of unarmed civilians they will have little choice and quite rightly so.

    Several hundred Red Sirts have already spent up to 2 years in jail, some just waiting to get bail, some being freed after being found innocent at trial so a great deal of them have already taken responsibility for their actions - or did you forget they weren't yellow shirts.

    The military on the other hand along with the government have the protection of the Emergency Decree............

    Its very duplicitous of the Red Shirt leaders to push for the prosecution of the leaders of the government whilst at the same time never showing an iota of contrition for their own barbarity

  8. "Yingluck appears to be more confident in running the country" and there's nothing scarier than a confident incompetent.

    Sentence of the week.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Funny but deep down scary.

    The comment would more applicable to a party leader who had failed to win an election would it not?

    I believe Yingluck has never stood for election let alone won one!

  9. Conducting tests in real time conditions, with high tides and some rain, is a more realistic test than waiting for the best possible scenario.

    OTOH given their propensity for monumental mismanagement, I can understand why some are little hesitant to accept the necessity.

    Either Plodprasop is too stubborn to listen or he's a follower of Leibniz

  10. The longer he is out of the country.........the tighter the grip the courtiers will have on power.......and you'll find an internal coup will emanate from the most unexpected source.

    Is there a feminine form of Dictator..............


    Pussytator ? (or its shorter anglo-saxon derived equivalent)

    I believe it is Latin

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