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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. It is SOP to fingerprint those that are charged in a murder case.

    According to Mr. Abhisit's cheering squad in TVF, the charges will soon be vacated.

    It is not as if the chap has not been fingerprinted before. If Mr. Abhisit has served in the military, he would have had his fingerprints taken at the time,

    It is not as if the dear fellow was stripped searched, and tossed in a cell like most people that face such charges,

    Like Thaksin?

  2. Has anyone besides me noticed that our PTP/red apologists friends are conspicuously absent on this thread? Maybe they are all taking a holiday or on a visa run. Or maybe they have finally come to realize the truth about this clone government.

    Yeah I was expecting some more of the same "coup coup" / "political context" / "electoral democracy" gibberish from previously banned CalgaryII (with new account name "righteous"). Let's wait and see.

    Maybe Friday's payday

  3. If the trouble in the south was from Pitak Siam there would be tens of thousands of police in the ground

    What a totally stupid comment!

    This has got nothing whatsoever to do with whoever runs this country.

    This "conflict" is boiling for years now, it was boiling under TRT, PT, DEM etc etc etc

    It is evidence for the total neglect of the regions of Thailand that are just not "worthy" of attention, in the eyes of those in power!

    Whoever THOSE may be!

    Stupid because you don't like it?

    Stupid because you don't agree with it?

    It's an opinion and that's what this forum is for.

    Climb back up your tree and descend the evolutionary scale if you wish but please don't try to drag me with you

  4. Quote:

    Tarit told reporters at DSI headquarters that it was "very awkward" for him to file the charges against the pair because of their position in society and since he himself had served on the official body that oversaw the crackdown in 2010.

    Lovely expression: 'very awkward'. He is the typical india-rubber man who can be made to do whatever he is told. That's the problem - he was told to do it by PTP heavies just like the defence minister's 'committee' was told what to do about the unproven forged military service documents.

    What a facade!

    Allow me to sum the treacherous reptile up.


  5. Richest stockholders linked to govt, PM



    BANGKOK: -- Politicians and their families, especially some people close to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her government after the latest reshuffle on October 28, rank among the richest stockholders in the country.

    Appearing among the 5,737 millionaires as of September, according to a survey of investors in the Stock Exchange of Thailand by Money and Banking Journal in collaboration with professors from Chulalongkorn University, are Yingluck's two nieces, who are daughters of her big brother and former prime minister Thaksin.

    The younger niece, Paethongtarn Shinawatra, was ranked 47th with her 29-per-cent holding in SC Asset worth Bt3.46 billion, while Pinthongta Shinawatra was 53rd with a 28-per-cent stake in the same real-estate company worth Bt3.35 billion.

    They benefited from the 65-per-cent surge in SC Asset's stock to Bt18 apiece as of September 30. This raised the Shinawatras to 27th among stock billionaire families from 30th in the previous year.

    Pojaman na Pombejra, Thaksin's ex-wife, fell to 502nd this year from 467th although her 2.8-per-cent stake in the family business accounted for Bt333.11 million, up 50 per cent.

    Pongthep Thepkanjana, deputy prime minister and education minister, has his wife and daughter on the list. Yapa was ranked 244th with a 2.1-per-cent interest in Kiatnakin Bank worth Bt795.50 million, while his wife Panida was 264th with a 1.9-per-cent stake worth Bt728.08 million in the bank.

    Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung has two sons on the list - Artharn at 1,811st with a 2.6-per-cent stake worth Bt58.28 million in Unimit Engineering, and Duang at 2,213rd with 1.8 per cent or Bt38.60 million in the same company.

    Heading up the stock-exchange billionaires were the same faces. Thongma Vijitpongpun, president and chief executive officer of Pruksa Real Estate, was the richest for the third straight year with equities worth Bt23.5 billion. Most of his stocks (58.6 per cent worth Bt23.31 billion) were in his company, with minor holdings of 1.1 per cent in Quality Houses and 0.7 per cent in Seafco.

    The Maleenont family was this year's champion for the 14th year in a row. With a 108-per-cent jump in BEC World this year, the family's stock wealth soared by 108 per cent, or Bt36.46 billion, to Bt70.26 billion.

    They were followed by the Chirathivats with Bt40.87 billion, up 92 per cent, and the Vijitpongpuns with Bt28.09 billion, up 27 per cent.

    Thailand's 40 richest people have a collective wealth of US$55 billion (Bt1.73 trillion), an increase of 22 per cent from $45 billion last year, according to Forbes magazine.

    Forbes noted that many of Thailand’s wealthiest are looking to take on international rivals, on the strength of an expected 6-per-cent growth in the Thai economy this year. For a country that some outsiders see as beset by political turmoil and rural insurgency - never mind last year’s calamitous flooding - Thailand has done remarkably well by its richest.


    -- The Nation 2012-12-13

    praise ye defenders of the poor

    Praise ye defenders of the law

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  6. We're straying off topic here but I'd like to point out that not only did the protesters, bystanders and journalists have a choice to be there, they had a RIGHT to be there. Similarly they had a RIGHT to protection from the authorities and not aggression. They had a right to be protected from any violent elements not simply branded as terrorists because a minority were acting like them.

    Elections hadn't been promised prior to the protests and a late change of heart by Abhisit, only when faced with a mass occupation of the city, to grant the citizens their democratic right to vote (but only at a time of his choosing) didn't appease the situation.... perhaps too little, too late?

    I'd also like to point out that I made a single post that actually addressed the topic at hand and gave my thoughts on Abhisit's interview with the BBC. Please don't disingenuously suggest that I'm repeating myself. This is the first time that I have written about Abhisit's show of mock bravado during the BBC interview being in bad taste given the deaths of so many in 2010 who didn't have the luxury of a trial or a platform to explain their motivation or actions.

    How does anyone have the "right" to be at an illegal assembly?

  7. The logic of PT is bizarre: if you do your job and investigate our corrupt practices you must be our enemy and therefore are not fit to investigate us. They have lost all contact with reality. If they ever had any that is.

    wonder what PTP is afraId about? Loose faces?

    Think you missed an "e" of your last word................

    Whereas you missed a ship's mooring device.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  8. In the PT mind, the NACC investigation on the rice scam creates a dispute with the government. Therefore it is unconstitutional? Really? Oh how this boggles my mind.

    If the PT have nothing to hide, they should welcome this investigation.

    BTW I see so many pics, including the one in this article, of how this rice is being stored. I cant imagine rice can stay this way for more than a couple of months, before it cannot even be fed to animals.

    From the article.

    "...........Mr Panthep said the NACC is in the process of setting up a fact-finding sub-committee involving the allegations and the Pheu Thai’s move will have no impact on its work.

    On Transparency International’s ranking Thailand at 88th for corruption, he admitted he felt sad with the result. He called on Thai people to jointly reduce, and eventually eliminate, corruption in the country.

    The government has at least signalled its cooperation in eradicating corruption, he said, adding that corruption charges under the NACC’s investigation mostly involve politicians, state and provincial officials. (MCOT online news)

    Just to counter the instant neg on here.

    Not withstanding the assumption on TV that the Yingluck government is more corrupt than the Vatican over the centuries, it would be quite amusing if, over the next term or two of this Government, Thailand were to improve it's corruption ratings and generally start to move away from the chronic corruption that has afflicted this country for the last 60+ years.

    Who of you know ????

    She might actually be slowly but gently moving in the right direction. ( nothwithstanding of course the family benefits that are endemic in Asia.........)

    Hook, line and sinker

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  9. "........2010, when the red shirts held protests against the Democrat-led government of Abhisit Vejjajiva".........Uh, not exactly. Their principle demand was for elections, not the ouster of Abhisit and Co.

    It was anti-coup and pro-electoral, not anti-Abhisit.

    How would you explain the mobs that stormed to his house to pour infected blood and throw bags of human faeces?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Protesters and demonstrators by definition need to "act out" to get attention. Placidity gets them nowhere. Abhisit needed to dissolve Parliament presaging elections, the aim of the whole exercise.

    Elections were the issue. Not Abhisit. He was a focus only insofar as he could facilitate them.

    I'm too long in the tooth to have smoke blown up my back passage without the use of a lot more stealth than that.

    I suppose the attack on AV's car was to give him a box of Euro Custard Cakes too.

    What the reds were pushing for was a hypocritical coup d'étât and I have no doubt in my mind that the attacks on AV were not only extremely personal but with malice aforethought

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  10. "........2010, when the red shirts held protests against the Democrat-led government of Abhisit Vejjajiva".........Uh, not exactly. Their principle demand was for elections, not the ouster of Abhisit and Co.

    It was anti-coup and pro-electoral, not anti-Abhisit.

    How would you explain the mobs that stormed to his house to pour infected blood and throw bags of human faeces?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

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