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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. The government [...] also approved Bt300 million to support flood-prevention facilities, including pumps to push water out to sea in Nonthaburi province’s Bang Kruay district.

    When you have a stupid idea you should stick to it at all costs. Thailand - the hub of water management idiots.

    If they carry on like this we may have Nonthaburi-by-the-sea.


    • Like 2
  2. "Please do not refer to Dusadee Arayawuth as being removed," she said after chairing the Cabinet meeting to approve the Justice Ministry line-up.

    So please explain why the post will not be filled for now and why the gentleman is moved to an inactive post?

    I suspect a "nationism" at work

    nationism: (n) the result of a badly trained "journalist" with barely adequate english skills being let loose on a laptop

    In the other paper Jingluck says that Dusadee would continue to oversee the Public Sector Anti Corruption Commission and that the investigation into the alleged graft in flood compensation will continue.

    So nothing to see here - the story really is what the headline says;

    Justice official not removed for finding graft: PM

    Hook, line and sinker.

  3. Plodprasob, start packing now... You have now made enough damage. Or did you forget to switch on the propellers from the long tail boats in the canals?

    Time for a change. Yingluck, what are big brother's comments?

    There's water, in the paddy fields, in the rainy season.

    FK me, we're doomed.........

    Doomed, I tell you.

    Plodprasop is a chump among chumps.

    If his remarkable ability to screw everything up were unique in this cabinet, they could replace him with someone more suitable.

    Unfortunately he couldn't run a bath without calamitous results and he, along with his colleagues, are the creme de la creme of the PTP.

    Doomed is ahead

    But, he earns more than you?

    Define "earns"!

    • Like 1
  4. Plodprasob, start packing now... You have now made enough damage. Or did you forget to switch on the propellers from the long tail boats in the canals?

    Time for a change. Yingluck, what are big brother's comments?

    There's water, in the paddy fields, in the rainy season.

    FK me, we're doomed.........

    Doomed, I tell you.

    Plodprasop is a chump among chumps.

    If his remarkable ability to screw everything up were unique in this cabinet, they could replace him with someone more suitable.

    Unfortunately he couldn't run a bath without calamitous results and he, along with his colleagues, are the creme de la creme of the PTP.

    Doomed is ahead

    • Like 1
  5. She urged people to change their attitude on the issue, and to not see violence against women as just a family matter.

    Does this mean she'll really do something with/against her fellow Pheu Thai MP Sunai Julphongsathorn who suggested something like 'studying vertically' to poor Thai women? I mean in some countries the chap would be charged with at least assault and maybe rape if only verbally.

    or even wife beaters like Karun
  6. All Thai governments ( and I shall leave unsaid that which cannot be said ) have behaved shamelessly with respect to law and order.

    Why single out one ??

    We are talking about the latest Thaksin reincarnation.

    Your attempts to pour scorn on that by weakly blaming history are very poor form.

    The law is the law and should apply equally to all.

  7. Perhaps history will record that the current government chose to waste money on populist policies rather than invest a relatively small amount into the future of the country.

    I rather doubt that the hundreds of billions (or is it trillions over the next five years?) thrown at "flood control" will have the desired effect. Throwing money at a project does not ensure its success. With the sort of leaders such as the Science Minister who thought 1,000 boats pushing water downstream would speed up the removal of the flood waters...it's a sad time for Thailand.

    He's done away with the boats this week. Just the engines are required!

    They are today being referred to as "water pushing devices".

  8. Not too dissimilar to Anfield ( on a rainy day-- hard to keep warm ), Toxteth and the poll tax riots.

    I suppose you would have had snipers on the roofs of Liverpool, given the chance.

    Can't you find more graphic images ?

    I hope this is not deemed too gruesome

    Same soldier hit by grenade scrapnel, not sure left arm will ever be right again. Of course I have to post Jatuporn again as well, for contrast



    Army grenade perchance ??

    Sad picture and horrible event, but who ???............etc.

    And your reason for posting the picture is to make what point ??

    I'm afraid your comments are almost as sick as the crime.

  9. Too general and applicable to many armies around the world. I don't want to start an Irish Situation discussion, but was that the army in Northern Ireland ?

    Try to stick to the last 10 years, much safer for all wai.gif

    In your attempt to provoke with your reference to the Northern Ireland Conflict, in 1972 alone over 100 soldiers were killed, 500 injured and there were 1300 bombings (bombs, not grenades). Not quite the same is it?

    How many armies do you know, and not some ragtag christian fellowship orange order boy soldier outfit, professional armies, that have regularly shot and killed their fellow countrymen since 1900?

    Despot regimes excepted - despite some opinions on here, Thailand still runs under the vestiges of tattered democracy.

    Let's do history then Donny - how many peaceful protests have caused the death of 5 security personnel and injured many others (April 10th), and still been allowed to continue weeks later?

    I don't suppose you've ever heard of one of the most useful facts of life - never answer a question with a question.................

    and its PhiPhiDon to my friends, Mr.PhiPhiDon to you.

    I don't believe that's a fact.

  10. Perhaps history will record that the current government chose to waste money on populist policies rather than invest a relatively small amount into the future of the country.

    I rather doubt that the hundreds of billions (or is it trillions over the next five years?) thrown at "flood control" will have the desired effect. Throwing money at a project does not ensure its success. With the sort of leaders such as the Science Minister who thought 1,000 boats pushing water downstream would speed up the removal of the flood waters...it's a sad time for Thailand.

    He's done away with the boats this week. Just the engines are required!

    • Like 1
  11. Another unanswered question, with a slimy disparagement. Do you now concede that Thailand has very liberal bail laws? Can you tell me of any other death row convicts granted bail anywhere?

    No I do not. Thailand has very liberal bail laws for certain people.

    And that would have to include red shirts who had their bail posted by the government. Some of whom were clearly identified and convicted as arsonists carrying out the orders of persons now serving as MPs in the same government. Now is that liberal, or just plain old corruption and perverting the course of justice?

    The government has behaved shamelessly with respect to law and order. A despicable example to be setting this generation.

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