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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Good to see the usual suspects resorting back to branding rather than discussion. It must have taken some real independent thinking to come up with that gem of a post. You talk of enlightenment but you post aims to achieve the exact opposite; insult, discredit, detract from the actual content, the usual TV mantra.

    Does the term "usual suspects" not qualify as "branding" and leave you open to a charge of hypocrisy? I hope nobody reports you to Tarit!

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  2. You quote something with no context to make that assertion. I guess it depends on whether you are looking to air facts or simply discredit what doesn't suit your own agenda...

    "It’s no coincidence that the military budget has almost doubled since the 2006 coup and is rising faster than in other countries within the region. Abhisit’s latest budget continues the trend, despite vigorous opposition protests, and the army is now calling on the government to increase its forces in the red-shirt heartlands of the north and northeast. Abhisit is riding on the back of a very hungry tiger."


    "Abhisit's government approved military budgets of 170 billion baht in 2011 and 154 billion baht in 2010. In the 2011 appropriation, 19.5 billion baht was allocated for the purchase of six JAS 39 Gripen fighter planes, in addition to the six aircraft purchased by the military junta of Surayud Chulanont.[33] Army Commander Anupong noted that the military's budget would be increased to 2% of GDP, from about 1% of GDP prior to the 2006 coup"


    "The accusation isn’t far flung given all the benefits the military has reaped under Abhisit’s administration. Its annual budget since the 2006 coup has swelled to $5 billion, almost double its previous budget, according to a Reuters’ report."


    Do you want any more links to establish the link between military control over Dem Governments and the budgets? It may be easier to simply google the term "military budget doubled under Abhisit"... there's pages of articles with reference to it. As to the earlier statement made about the military having no hand in Thai politics well, there's a hell of lot of information on that too, read some of those links if you doubt it.

    Context: In the first budget after taking power, Abhisit slashed the military budget.

    Did you even read your links? Between 2006 and 2010, the military budget doubled. Last I checked, Abhisit wasn't in power until the end of 2008.

    Was he ever really? Follow the money as they say and it's quite clear who really holds the reigns. It is disingenuous to finger a lone budget slash within a trend that saw the budget double from the coup to the end of Abhisit's spell as the figure head.

    How extremely Freudian

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  3. One thing you have to give to the corrupt scum of the DSI. When they decide to do a hachet job, they go for broke. Scum.

    Jai yen yen buddy.

    I cannot be convinced that Abhisit the mere mortal let alone Abhisit the Prime Minister can be held accountable for anything more than farting in the bath as a pre-pubescent.

    I firmly believe that the Investigator for hire that you so eloquently describe will see his hand disappear quicker than a rice subsidy budget under the PTP and that he will end up with more egg on his face than was cooked at the London Olympics.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

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  4. >If the complaints described in this article of those who challenged the NHRC are valid, then it follows, that their actions are justified, when one sees this organization proceeding with 'business as usual'.

    >There has been a lot of disregard and 'minimizing' in action and deed by many significant political elements, for those who suffered the loss of family members for political reasons that could have been avoided, with politically mature, negotiating actions.

    >Obviously the mother of a nurse slain in a temple is most egregious in this regard.

    In a very strange coincidence, Chalerm, who has already snubbed invitations from the NHRC to attend and explain the police aggression at the Putak Siam rally, was also due to attend yesterday and snubbed the organization once again.....

    I was there yesterday after lunch. Saw the entertainment that was put on.

    I agree that it was more than just a coincidence that these disgruntled people came to protest.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  5. If people would understand dog psychology, they would know it's best to allow dogs to establish thier own pecking order. If a short physical fight occurs, the dogs will survive and they will know where thier boundaries are and will avoid future conflicts on thier own.

    Usually the dog owners are the real problem when they refuse to allow natural socialization and ordering to occur. It also reflects poorly on the owner if he or she feels they must protect thier own personal self-image by vindictive behavior after thier dog is defeated (unhealthy personal assimilation of self with thier dog). The problem is self imposed due to the owner having over-protected thier dog instead of allowing conflict to teach thier dog where it stands in the natural pecking order of dog behavior and territory.

    Whilst what you say is correct, the establishment of pecking order can result in rabies and a huge vet bill

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  6. And there was me thinking it was just Aussie's who can't handle their p1ss!!!!

    Rickster. as a native born Australian who is a very moderate, social drinker, I think your comments are are little bit off the mark and to some people may be offensive.

    Why not become familiar with the Forum Rules before posting?

    Forum Rules

    7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

    Since when was 'Australian' a 'Race' ? Your underline key missed the mark which should have been 'Nationality' surely.

    The 100 bottles of VB is a race

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  7. Thailand was a better place when he was in charge no matter what the smearers say.

    Methinks you need a smear test.

    And how does killing 1.500 innocent people stop the drug trade?

    How does killing 53 innocent Muslims stop the insurgency. I wasn't here either but from what I have heard that was a prime motivator for it. Yingluck recently apologized for it.

    You truly don't have a clue do you. I have a bridge in Brooklyn I could let you have pretty cheap.

    I think your numbers are considerably undercooked. The war on drugs saw the execution of more than 2,000 individuals and perhaps as many as 2,500. To the incredible shame of the Thanks in administration the dead were innumerable.

    The Tak Bai incident involved the murder of 85. Krue Se involved at least 32. Until the coup there were a further 1,400 deaths in the south.

    Some 4,000 dead under Thaksin's watch and no charges against him

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  8. The 'lower' classes are highly uneducated, and many have alcohol problems. In other words, dangrously unpredictable, and easily led.


    Automobile production requires trained and "educated" personnel. Although assembly lines are automated, the workers have to be able to read the monitors and operate complex machinery. There is a reason why they are termed skilled labour. I always have a chuckle when people ridicule skilled tradespeople. It may come as a shock, but some of these trades require people with excellent eye and hand co-ordination, advanced spatial processing skills and inherent math skills. In plain english, a good tradesman is just as intelligent as a manager, or nurse. Our lab would have been lost without the workie that would help design a specialty piece of machinery or operate some of the equipment, For all you know, it could have been the engineers that lost control. Anyone that has been in university, knows that the engineering students were abunch of social misfits with a weakness for the bottle. Or, it might have been the mid level managers. Theya re known to lose control when freebies are on offer.

    It takes some skill to build a grenade for sure.

    It takes something unprintable to take it to a company party and something altogether worse to blow it up.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  9. It is SOP to fingerprint those that are charged in a murder case.

    According to Mr. Abhisit's cheering squad in TVF, the charges will soon be vacated.

    It is not as if the chap has not been fingerprinted before. If Mr. Abhisit has served in the military, he would have had his fingerprints taken at the time,

    It is not as if the dear fellow was stripped searched, and tossed in a cell like most people that face such charges,

    Like Thaksin?

    Thaksin would have had his fingerprints taken but they couldn't get them out of the till.


  10. Is anything political in Thailand NOT a political ploy? I do love how Abhisit responded, especially his interview with the BBC. He manned up, unlike Thaksin, who runs from his problems like a weak, wimpy, pink-panty wearing sissy ladyboy wus that he is. Abhisit stood up, faced the music, knowing these charges are trumped up and won't hold water, but willing to face the music and consequences that may come from them, even to the point of facing death. That's a real man. Thaksin, you should take lessons on manhood from Abhisit. Seems you favor the weak sissy way, instead. Hope you and your underlings read this, as I'm sure, at least, that your weak pawns read and survey everything written about you here.

    One of the key problems holding Thailand back is the nonsense political situation. Instead of raising the country and its people up, all you (read Thaksin and his people) do is tear down, hold down and keep your country in its "third world" rating. You don't care about the people of the country, and would rather enrich yourselves only. If you only had a brain, you'd realize that by raising others up, you yourselves would be raised. A rising tide raises all ships. Sadly, the country of Thailand sits, immobilized, on a sandbar, not able to mobilize itself because of fools.The Thais I've met who live in other countries have done well for themselves. Had they the opportunity to do so in Thailand, they would have done well for themselves there, and in turn the country would have been better off. Sadly, they left Thailand and found better opportunities where they could actually apply their skills and talents and prosper, enriching the countries they moved to instead of their homeland. Thailand loses in that regard. That's too bad. But I'm sure Thaksin and his sister and their clan don't give a rip.

    Lets see what the real man does if he gets found guilty.. and the loses his appeal. Bit of globe trotting is definately on the cards

    Don't judge Abhisit by Thaksin's morals or your own will be in question

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