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Posts posted by copa8

  1. Excuse my presumptions, but this is starting to smell like a Nigerian scam in progress. Initial post, then slowly building the story to gain the readers sympathy and confidence, then the request for money for a legitimate sounding reason. Only thing I haven't seen is the request for cash......(perhaps it's in the thread?)

    But OP never mentioned that he was a prince, oil tycoon or had won the lotto?

  2. sometimes i go to restaurants and have:

    1. my own COKE ZERO (they don't sell that)

    2. my own BROWN RICE (they don't sell that)

    3. my own RED WINE (they don't sell that)

    and nobody cares. i pay my bill and tip 10% (with a minimum of 30THB)....

    i don't like the chemical crap known as thai beer and never eat white rice. i'm one of the quality tourists thailand is looking for, 5555555 clap2.gif

    tipping only 10% is consider a cheap charlie.

  3. Saw a caucasian man at the food court in Central Festival in Pattaya go from table to table after the table was vacated with his own fork eating the food that was not consumed.

    That's impressive.

    Could have been more impressive, had he done so before the tables were vacated.

  4. I've found that it's the Thai Chinese that take this to extremes and they are usually well off.

    My Landlady who was a Judge and married to the Thong Lor Police Chief wore one dress and the other one was always out drying. She came to congratulate me on the birth of a daughter and put up my water bill by 500 baht as we'd be using more. She'd collect my wastepaper and sell it out on the street and she owned property worth at least 1 billion baht, probably a lot more.

    The Jews of the East, as some have often quoted.


    Flying your own country flag is an excellent way to call attention to your house as a choice target when burglars are casing the neighborhood. wink.png

    They wont  have a  clue by me what with me 12  feet high shiny gold and stainless gates complete with gold  lions and  all.

    You know Im the only 3  storey 600m2 house   for miles around.laugh.png



    There goes the neighborhood...another McMansion.

  6. The OP sounds like a cheeky young whipper snapper.

    Here's a picture of me when I first arrived into Bangkok, way back then.

    Back when only important people like me flew in planes, the riffraff were still riding in ships. Ahh the good old days.

    As for my age, I can't remember, but. you can count on one thing you little swine, you should call me 'Sir' and make way as approach as I'm occasionally known for lashing out at people tongue.png


    remember me neverdie? i'm the uniformed lad on the right in the picture greeting the disembarking passengers.

  7. These tragedies will not stop as long as the world relies on more and more consumption to keep going.

    RIP. I cannot imagine how desperate most of these people must have been.

    A direct result of those countries being unwilling to limit their overpopulation. It's long past time to limit reproduction by whatever means necessary to do the job. If governments won't, Gaia will and it won't be pleasant.

    But seems like majority of people criticize China for it's 1 child policy, which has helped immensely in alleviating overpopulation.

    Now if only countries like India, Nigeria, etc would limit their population growth...

    • Like 1
  8. I agree with nearly all the comments here. To make big money, you need to be rich before you start. (That is why banks dominate the markets.)

    But if you DO have say 100k to throw away (in other words, the stock market is like a casino...you have to be prepared to LOSE and not worry about the money you have just lost), you can make money.

    One aspect of trading might make you money on a regular basis: choose a bank or oil or gold company and follow its trading pattern for a few months. You need to find a company whose shares trade in the millions (very liquid therefore) and in a volatile situation (oil and gold, for x). Also choose a company that pays a dividend of about 5/6%, so that if your trade gets frozen at too high a price, you can still pick up a dividend until the price comes back up.

    So, say Citi Bank's shares are $100 and you have $100k. So, at 9.30 am (ET) you buy 1000 shares of Citi Bank at $100. By 11am the shares have gone up to $101 or 1%. You sell your 1000 shares at $101 and now have made a profit of $1000 in a few short hours. Hard work.

    But if Citi B has gone down to say $95, you can still hold on, confident that you will at the very least be able to pick up a dividend payment of $5000 per annum. As I say, this will not make you rich, but at least you are minimising your losses.

    But note, you are not going to get super rich that way. If you can make that trade just once a week, you would make about $50,000, which is not at all rich in NY, but would be super duper rich in Thailand......

    Bt1.6 mil a year is super duper rich?? Ha ha ha.

    I think he said "once a week", which would mean $50k x 52 = $2.6 million or Bht83.2 million per year. So, yeah...that's super duper rich...at least for me.

  9. Some day-traders may say yes, especially if you have a tolerance for risk,

    it's possible to get rich, but chances of that happening are like winning the lotto. there's a higher chance of making a living from trading, though. i've been trading ES full-time for about 2 years now. barely covering living expenses with what i make (still a 1 lot piker). but i'm living in one of the most expensive cities in the world. would be a different matter, if i move to a lower cost of living place like thailand or belize.

  10. I was just in Vegas in March. I went there as a stepping off point - to visiting some national parks. What can a person say about beserk shootings like this? Too many (and easy availability of) guns are just part of the equation. More relevant are the problems with managing/mismanaging big brains which all humans have. Even Norway was not spared, and it's waaaay more sane than most other countries.

    Norway has less people than most US cities. Even Hong Kong has more people.

  11. If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

    ...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

    ...it's called abortion..

    Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

    800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

    Nuff said.

    NYC, in the USA, has over 35,000 abortions of African-American babies in one year. The 800 in the well in Ireland pales in comparison to the annual extermination of New York City babies that are African-American. Racial self-genocide. Sadly, the pro-choice crowd condones this and leaders of the African-American community are mute on the matter.

    a lot of these would be welfare kids.

  12. Precious eh, Guess he will not be feeling so precious soon. It seems like only an hour ago I was reading a thread about another drug mule conned by an Nigerian, and some members were saying "don't tar everyone with the same brush" Seems to me they are spread pretty thick around these parts.coffee1.gif

    What happened to their good old fashioned Nigerian email scams? Did they abandoned it for the more lucrative drug mule bizness?

  13. @cup-O-coffee - "There are over 1.2 billion people crammed into India."

    But, there are over 1.35 billion people crammed into China. Don't hear much from the Western media (with China-bashing tendencies) about gang rapes on civilians and tourists.

    My apologies that you don't hear much from the Western media (with China-bashing tendencies) about gang rapes on civilians and tourists.

    apology accepted. now we can both move on.

  14. The thing about these Islamists nuthuggers is that they are all pussies. They need bombs because that are incapable of being men and handling themselves like men and they abuse, kidnap and kill women because no women in the right mind would want to have a smelly, hairy loser.

    agree. however, strange that the bombing that killed 31 civilians in china today, people somehow find reasons to sympathize with the perpetrators.

  15. Hi,

    Reading through many posts I see you guys are seasoned traders and wondered if anyone could advise a good course to study for a beginner interested in Forex trading.

    Being in Thailand which broker would you consider to be the best with functionality and funding via a Thai Bank account.


    That's a tough call because successful traders don't need the money so therefore they have no need to derive an income from teaching or being an author. I could certainly take a few hours of my time to show you the basics if you live around BKK but what is your general knowledge of currency markets now?

    The best broker for me is interactive brokers.com They execute perfectly every time, have offices worldwide and are one of the top brokerages for reputation. Their rates are very competitive. It may be easier to utilize a western bank and then do wire transfer to your Thai bank. I do it this way and its problem free.


    Thanks for your reply. I am afraid I have very little knowledge so need to start from the very basics. I presently live in Sattahip but do occasionally go to BKK to see my GF.

    Presently I only have Thai bank accounts apart from an inactive Halifax account which the card I have is years out of date.

    Interactive Brokers are a good broker and cover almost every market and everything you can think of trading. The problem is if you use charts their charting platform its crap and the data is bundled by taking 5 snap shots per second then feeding that data to the platform. Not the best data if you use Tick charts etc.

    agree that IB is very good. have been with them for about 13 years. however, i use a separate charting platform and data provider.

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