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Posts posted by copa8

  1. What the country had better start "addressing", as local law enforcement put it, is this (al.com - What we know so far about David Daniels):

    "Daniels was never particularly violent, according to Sharon Daniels, his mother. "I've never known him to be violent towards anybody," she said. He was one of her 14 children and grew up in the Alabama Village community in Prichard. But he did become more difficult over the years, she said."

    (emphasis mine)

    Without being ethnicist (aka racist), I would bet there were multiple fathers and none of them resident (on paper, at least) in order to ensure maximum welfare payments.

    "Without being ethnicist (aka racist), "

    That's exactly what you AND your "likers" are.

    One look at the photo...he's black, therefore his mother has multiple fathers of her children and for the reason of getting welfare.

    Maybe some of your likers didn't even see the photo but made anOTHER assumption.

    In the instance, it's more of an educated guess than an assumption.

  2. Is this a joke or have the Greeks gone completely insane?! If its true, wait till Iraq sends Greece the bill for what Alexander the Great stole from Mesopotamia (including 2500years interest)....

    Or China sends Britain and France the bill for looting the Old Summer Palace during the Opium War. Not to mention for damages left by the forced purchase of opium. Or send Japan the bill for WW2 damages, especially the gruesome Rape of Nanking.

  3. If you think the US will not give up the Marine for the Philippine agreements to stop the aggression of China you are wrong. Remember he is a lowly Pfc, E2, an officer would be different. The days are well past when the US "protected" its own. I'd say, a sentence to a Philippine prison would be a death sentence for him so I would not discount the possibility of a "plea bargain" still. From what I've read, it appears he is guilty. BTW, under the "new" military rules, even if he is somehow freed by plea agreement he will face courts martial for being with a prostitute. Stupid do-gooders got to the military also. A far cry from the Marine Corps I was in. And this whole incident sure makes me have 2nd thoughts about returning to Subic, which I liked. I thought one way or the other the Navy/Marines on liberty there would screw it up.

    Looks like more Filipinos have actually died in the hands of US troops than Chinese ones. whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  4. Remember, the US has not only military ties with many SE Asian/Asian countries, but also important economic ties as well. This would bring all in. While this topic is mainly about economics, it is important to remember that when dealing with China, their economic and military clout have to be considered together. They work hand and fist.

    Just curious, but I wonder how does the Chinese diaspora come into play, if any? Many ethnic Chinese in SE/E Asian countries.

  5. So china's ghost cities and unmanageable air quality is going to lead the way.

    One ? What will china do if the US no longer buy's, MADE IN CHINA !!!!!!

    What the US will resell if cannot make its goods in China? No average American can afford MADE IN USA anymore.

    My camera bags and Leatherman multi-tools are made in the USA.

    So is my Stetson.

    Yes, camera bags and Stetson are all essential/priority items. coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  6. Forget the apologetic excuses. This guy is a disgrace and needs a <deleted> good slapping. The good side is the composure ridden by the Thais who know he's out of his face. Any guy there could have knocked him out in half a sec with a quick bang. If he stopped my car in the street, I sure would have got out and laid him flat, probably at the applause of the Thais watching. I hope, who ever he is, gets sent home very quickly..... a disgrace to all our reputations, despite Thai tolerance of idiots.

    Agree. He would've been shot had he done this in some of the hoods in NYC.

  7. Some of us already don't buy "MADE IN CHINA". Whether in my home country or in Thailand, I try to look at the label carefully. If it's made in China, I look for another product. That's not always possible, but I have had very, very bad luck with things made in China. Absolutely atrocious workmanship.

    Didn't they say the same thing about "Made in Japan/Korea/Taiwan" back in the day? Shoot, some of the crap coming out of Italy ain't all that either, e.g. FIAT (Fix It Again Tony).

  8. Within twenty years India will have a bigger population than China, China has problems with it one child policy, just as Britain has a problem with older people.China will have its own Big problem without trying to rule the world.

    Bigger population does not necessarily mean better. It's how productive they are that matters. Otherwise, it's just a liability.

    I find it ironic that people bitch & moan about China's large population, but give praise to India's large and growing one.

    • Like 1
  9. Adul said police suspected that the man might suffer from depression because he had chronic illness.

    This is always what the police say, even before any autopsy.

    More like he had no home to return to, was broke, and started "teaching" to put food on the table.

    Sure would be nice if some organization could become a TV "sponsor," and make TV members aware of a number for a help line.

    I, for one, would contribute to the cost of repatriating guys like this. The incidents are getting closer and closer.

    Me too. And I can offer short term accommodation. and even contribute to a ticket home.

    Nothing is worth killing yourself.

    I'm assuming this good will is for everyone and not just those from Europe, US, Canada, Australia, etc who are down on their luck?

  10. Firstly RIP to the victims.

    Next, isn't it amazing on this wonderful Thai Visa forum that the a.holes that flock to the place only have negative comments to make when Thai people are involved.

    If this had been a Thai bus accident this thread would be at page 37 with endless negative comments towards Thai people ...... There would be 99 to 1 comments about how bad Thailand is.

    Here we have a Brazillian crash and only 1 RIP comment by about the only guy on the forum with any decency.

    How bout those retarded Brazillians hey, so much brazillianess.

    This forum is full of dead set arsewipes...... Talk about farangness.

    Hypocracy, yes indeed.

    Pity we can't fill a bus up with racist tvf members and plunge it into a ravine 5555

    That's true. But had this been a Chinese bus accident, this thread would be at page 57 with endless negative comments towards Chinese people. Thai, Chinese and Russian bashing are a sport here at TVF. You have another gang rape in India (this time victim is an elderly nun) and nothing about it is posted here. Had the rape occurred in Thailand, China or Russia, articles about it would be plastered all over TVF. Go figure.

    • Like 1
  11. I hope the EU are happy about their partner.

    I wonder if they also join the Nazi parade.

    People seem to forget very easy, about the millions killed during WWII and the Holocaust.

    I don't, and I will never forget as long as I live and made sure my kids will never forget either.

    Yet, you have a country like Japan, that wants to make revisions to history. http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-publisher-rejects-japan-over-textbook-on-comfort-women-1421299438

    Also, many still in denial of atrocities committed during WW2 in Asia, particularly in China (e.g. Rape of Nanking).

  12. Gosh we are all judges, aren't we.

    Is this because he is a white man in Asia? What about all the Asians who facilitate the abuse of children? There are a damned sight more than there are white people doing that.

    As usual, though, all Thai Visa users are so vocal about the white man.

    How about all this bile towards the vast, vast majority of child sex abusers here, who, like in our own countries, are the indigenous population?


    Why so defensive (nervous)? ohmy.png

    Anyway, it's "so vocal" b/c it's a white perp committing this heinous acts in Asia. You would see the same had (not likely) an East Asian man done this in Europe.

  13. I wonder if people realise how significant this man's death will be in the coming months.

    No matter how much Putin denies he had anything to do with it the world will not believe him.

    The thing that scares me is this may well bring us closer to an all out war with Russia.

    I can hear the hawks sabres rattling louder every day in the US and Europe.

    " this may well bring us closer to an all out war with Russia."

    Yeah well just as long as USA factors in that it will also be taking on China at the same time before making any stupid movesrolleyes.gif

    China just sided with Russia over the Ukraine conflict


    You mean that fine, upstanding country that's aggressively grabbing land from other countries???? Seems China and Russia are doing the same thing:


    from other countries? that's implying there are no disputes.

    might be wrong, but don't recall any recent invasion or "aggressively grabbing land" from another sovereign state by china.

  14. I just don't believe that so many farang commit suicides, and so many of them are with these circumstances of a recent fight with their Thai girl or wife. I could nominally expect the guy might be mad and shoot the girl for pestering him. But so many stories of the farang jumping out of a 36 floor balcony or shooting or hanging himself. I just think it is statistically unlike anything experienced in other countries. But I have no data to support that.

    Well, the quality of these foreigners are not the same as those going to, say, Hong Kong, Switzerland or even the US.

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