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Posts posted by copa8

  1. i do not understand all the posts on here condoning their impending execution, it is very clear that these 2 were seasoned drug mules, they kneW the risks involved and were willing to do the jobs. They got caught in a country where they knew the penalty, it does not matter one jot that they have been good boys for the past 10 years,they knew the score if they got caught. They are convicted drug pushers and the penalty is death.IF YOU CAN'T DO THE TIME THEN DON'T DO THE CRIME. 2 less drug smugglers to worry about. This should have happened 10 years ago instead of wasting money on them in prison, sure as hell they won't do it again.No sympathy what so ever.

    You're condoning their execution, but you don't understand why? I'm confused!!

    He was probably high while typing that post. tongue.png

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  2. I think they should execute all of the Bali 9 gang,

    Why only those two guys get the death penalty.

    Martin Stephens was found to be carrying 3.3 kg (7.3 lb); Renae Lawrence was found to be carrying 2.689 kg (5.93 lb); Michael Czugaj was found to be carrying 1.75 kg (3.9 lb) and Scott Rush was found to be carrying 1.3 kg (2.9 lb) of heroin.

    Myuran Sukumaran only had around 300g+ heroin on him and those farang boys carried over 8kg.

    It is odd that both Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran are non-white and on death row.

  3. A reply here asked if the crime rate is so horrible in the USA that people feel the need to have a gun. Actually the crime rate ion USA is at a 20 year low but it is highly exaggerated and sensationalize just as so many other issues are. The crazy think Americans are taught to think about international trafficking of people is off the wall crazy. US people have a lot to be afraid of due more to media than anything else. Very sad but probably common among declining imperial super powers. Oh well, good to be in Thailand. Right guys?!

    Right. Thailand which has the 3rd highest gun murder rate in the world - far higher per capita than the US.

    Sleep well. whistling.gif

    wigga please...you're comparing apples to oranges. thailand is a developing country, while the u.s. is a developed one. you should compare thailand to south africa and u.s. to japan.

  4. This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

    America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

    They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

    “Whoever has the Americans as allies does not need enemies.” – Madame Nhu

    I had to google that one and I have no idea how much truth is in that statement but I am pretty sure I prefer the Americans as allies over the Russians or Chinese. Plenty of Americans have been killed by friendly fire, I think the same goes for all armies.

    You definitely don't want Americans as enemies, especially if you are a civilian.


  5. Now i see a problem with the usual self righteous thai bashers.

    Here's the deal. If you have been reading this forum long enough you would know that the shinawatras aren't loved here and the fact that they have chinese blood in them makes it even worse.

    Then you have america supporting the shinawatras and questioning the present thai govt which causes the US to be bashed and that's a big no no here it's just the typical farang reaction obviously. It's also not a coincidence that the ones that support america and the rest of the west happen to be anti thaksin/shinawatra so now they are in a fix. Thaksin being chinese = china and an american official asking for a fair trial and getting bashed by the thai side well they cannot support the american side now cos that means supporting thaksin and the chinese side.

    Got this from Wiki: 14% of Thailand's population are considered ethnic Chinese. The share of those having at least partly Chinese ancestry is estimated at about 40%. Also, interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taksin

  6. Have we considered that the Taxi Driver may have had Parents or other members of his family Brutalized, possibly raped or murdered by Japs during World War Two?

    Maybe he has relatives or friends in Korea who's Mother, sister, cousin was forced to work in some Filthy Jap camp as a "Comfort Woman."

    Maybe his parents have told him of the Jap Atrocities, such as Beheading POWs on the Siam/Burma "Death" Railway.

    Oddly enough the Jap PM still attends the odd ceremony at War Shrines in Japan where he pays honour to War Criminals who were executed after WW Two.

    Let it go. The war ended 69 years ago. Things change. People move on. The younger generation of Japanese have little interest in the kinds of ridiculous policies that led to WWII. Stop promoting bigotry. Many Japanses are very cool people. And how do you dislike a whole nationality that create such amazing food?

    Unfortunately, hate is everywhere. In this forum, the top two most hated nationalities are Russian & Chinese. Many at TV secretly hoping their economies collapse, so that millions of civilians suffer/die.

  7. This cursed airport is the first point of entry into Thailand for most tourists, and the rip-offs, long queues, surly officials and thuggish taxi drivers create an ominous foretaste of what's in store for the remainder of your Amazing Thai vacation. Enjoy your stay, but leave us all your money!

    I thought you were describing NYC's JFK.


    long queues...check.

    surly officials...check.

    thuggish taxi drivers...check.

    in addition...

    overall fugly airport...check.

    • Like 1
  8. Everybody have to follow the rules of the Country where he is travelling to. They knew the penalty.

    And everybody deserves their government to try and save them from backwards third world shitholes like Indonesia.

    They could have sent them home to serve sentences in their home countries.

    I think Indonesia is a country where different cultures and religions live peaceful together. Respect to them! No sights of sh.....

    Weren't thousands of ethnic Chinese-Indonesians killed & raped during riots in 1998?

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  9. The number may sound alarming, but not unusual in Asia. The baby's well being should be the main focus. Who can take care of the babies better? Who can provide love and support of the babies? If the babies have to live in orphan home and being neglected, why not give them to the dad?

    16 kids to a 24 year old father sounds fairly unusual, even for Thailand wink.png

    Heck...it's even unusual for certain U.S. welfare receiving minority group. They usually average only about 10 kids.

  10. i dont see too many africans hanging with whitey, arabs or indians. they tend to bunch together. the african women are willing to do greek for whites or blacks. i dont think they will do it with asians or indians though.

    What's do greek? Copulate?

    Anyway i notice that asians don't really fancy african women.

    your quite correct, for very sound reasons.

    those reasons being primarily the physical limitations on length and increased cushion size necessary for successful greek.

    please...the reason is much simpler than those. it's because most black/african women are fugly.

    most sexpats go to europe, south america or asia. not many want to go to the dark continent.

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