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Posts posted by copa8

  1. Do high end shoppers from anywhere else feel "discriminated" against because signs aren't in their native language? Nope. They realize in America people speak English, and should expect everything to be in English. When I go to China, do I expect them to cater to my English speaking ways? Or if I go to saudi Arabia? No of course not. Why should America have to pander to them?

    Actually, more often than not, especially in higher-end places, Western tourists/shoppers in Asia, expect locals to cater to their English-speaking ways. Likewise, Asian tourists/shoppers in the West are expected to know basic English to cater to the local shops.

    • Like 1
  2. Off-topic posts and replies removed.

    A minor error may have been made in an earlier post about Hong Kong. I believe that the New Territories were under a 99 year lease, but that the British had Hong Kong Island in perpetuity.

    Pretty much what happened was the Brits did indeed have most of the islands signed over forever to Britain. The mainland part and a few more islands was the later addition (the 99 year part) that caused the thing to unravel.

    Unfortunately in or about 1980 I think the governor of HK treacherously negotiated the complete handover of everything lock, stock and barrel!

    Maggie went along with it and of course the Chicoms rulers tried to justify it as being a forced handover (back in the 1800s). Not that they could talk, given their own horrendous track record. Plus we'd made the territory into a financial powerhouse.

    So Britain roared for the Falklands but not for Hong Kong.

    Why did China need justification? I might be wrong, but wholesale dumping of opium on the civilian masses was a bad thing right?

  3. This is very upsetting...particularly to my wife and I. We spent many mornings in that park...just before sunrise. In the 3 years that we lived there, we went every day, and saw nothing like this. There was a gruesome murder of a bar owner by his own staff, at his house...but not random violence at the park.

    Police and military are helpless against this kind of violence.

    I know it sounds bad....because it is.

    random violence happens everywhere. just a few days ago, an elderly asian-american man (who was with his wife) in nyc, was pushed onto the path of an oncoming subway for no apparent reason.


    "Yes" but presumably NYC does have a functioning, competent police force, unlike here in Thailand.

    But you are comparing a developed/advanced economy (US) to a developing one (TL). Apples to oranges. Better to compare TL's police force with, say, India's.

    • Like 1
  4. This is very upsetting...particularly to my wife and I. We spent many mornings in that park...just before sunrise. In the 3 years that we lived there, we went every day, and saw nothing like this. There was a gruesome murder of a bar owner by his own staff, at his house...but not random violence at the park.

    Police and military are helpless against this kind of violence.

    I know it sounds bad....because it is.

    random violence happens everywhere. just a few days ago, an elderly asian-american man (who was with his wife) in nyc, was pushed onto the path of an oncoming subway for no apparent reason.


  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    And then there's Buddhism.

    One of the true "assets" of Thailand.

    If only the whole world was Buddhist. Would be a far more peaceful world.

    Try telling that to the Burmese.

    Being of Buddhist origin really toned down the Khmer Rouge too.
    And old Hun Sen is another shining Buddhist example of tolerance and fair play...

    People have certainly killed more in the name of Islam & Christianity than Buddhism.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The offender, described as black or Asian

    Really!? ohmy.png

    I'm guessing by "Asian", they mean the British meaning of Asian (South Asian: Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, etc)? Otherwise, how could they not differentiate b/w black and Asian (American definition: Chinese, Korea, Japanese, etc)?

  7. Don't give me that "the Chinese are just as smart as anyone else". Unless by " smart" you mean copy or steal.

    Name one high tech invention China has given the world (in the past century).

    Inventing gunpowder or toy helicopters don't count...

    They're definitely not as hardworking as Mexicans.

  8. Well speaking as an expat working in Thailand I am off to HK tomorrow so will report back my findings. Personally I think Bangkok is an excellent place to live and work. For sure it is not squeaky clean like for instance Singapore but then who wants a sterilised life with picture postcard pretty people surely a melting pot of various misfits and miscreants adds a certain frisson to the mix!

    Maybe Detroit would be a better fit for you then?

  9. Ten years ago Malaysia was pushing something called Islam Hadari, supposed to be Islam for the modern world. Billboards about it featuring a picture of the PM, including the wing-nut states on the NE of the peninsula.

    It didn't do too well. It did a good job of bolstering the fundamentalist movement, though.

    Good thing about Malaysia vs other Islamic countries in the Middle East is that it has a sizable non-Muslim population (25% Chinese, 7% Indian).

  10. Proper judgement. Any captain who abandons his ship leaving others behind before a ship sinks should face the same judgement. Similar to the old days (with the exception that once a ship has gone down there is no need for the captain to follow).

    Apparently not for that Italian captain of the Costa Concordia? He's giving seminars now: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/costa-concordia-captain-francesco-schettino-sparks-outrage-by-giving-lecture-on-managing-panic-at-rome-university-9651629.html

  11. Always seem to find a lot of borderline racist comments coming from TV members (closet racists?) whenever there are China-related news. Won't be surprising to find some members here also contribute frequently to Stormfront.

    I agree.

    Bigotry, prejudice and hate are the nutrition for those that are intellectually and morally starving. I read their posts and move on.

    ... and misery loves company. Think I'd prefer to be intellectually deficient than misinterpret sarcasm as racism. Jeez, lighten up and, yes, do move on.

    then you probably find there are a lot of sarcasm (not racism) in stormfront posts too.

  12. Don't see the point in these stupid "world's worst XX" because I doubt that the scorers actually visited every airport in the world.

    I've been to Manilla, and it's a dream compared to Dhaka. Manilla wins in everything from your safety to cleanliness of toilets to food options to immigration officers trying to extort money from you......beleive me Manilla Airport is excellent.

    agree. i'll take manila over any of the airports in sub-saharan africa (rwanda, somalia, chad, nigeria, congo, etc).

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