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Posts posted by copa8

  1. Unfortunately there is no real remedy. Asian standards have a disturbing way of being one sided. If the same thing were to happen to a Thai (or just about any other East/Southeast Asian female) in a Western country they would be up in arms and it would be on the Thai evening news.

    No they wouldn't be up in arms and be on the evening news. All of my Asian-American friends (female and male) have experienced sexual and racial insults/taunts from since they were kids. Doesn't matter if they were 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation Asian-Americans. They would always be consider foreigners, due to the "perpetual foreigners" stereotype.

  2. Having lost a friend in the WTC, and seeing his family suffer greatly, I've no sympathy for those involved in terrorism against innocent civilians. Zero.

    Same here...except quite a few on this forum seem to be ok with those involved in terrorism against innocent civilians in Xinjiang, China. They claim they are "freedom fighters".

  3. More countries should crack down on Islam itself. I support the Chinese for doing this, even though jailing the scholar is probably too harsh. If Islam was introduced today, most western countries would ban it due to its violent and racist content. More countries will follow china on this. Just wait and see.

    Too bad in most Western medias, Islamic terrorists in China are labeled as "freedom fighters".

  4. The CCP Boyz in Beijing who pride themselves on being hard nosed authoritarian dictators that immediately and decisively crush dissent, revolt, rebellion, are finding out what it means when your local Muslim population declares that you are their Great Satan. First came the long knives of Uighur slashers in several PRC train stations of major cities in the West and the South over the past two years. Now come the bombs. The Uighurs have become increasingly militant, provoked most recently and severely as Beijing has closed mosques and schools to include openly killing a couple of imams. That the CCP Boyz 20 years ago concluded a major reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union was its inability to harmonize the many diverse ethnic groups within its vast borders makes the CCP Boyz all the more aggressive against their 'ingrate' Muslim comrades.

    Ever had any dealings with the Uighurs? I have and they frightened the crap out of me.

    The Chinese in my experience have no serious problem with ethnic groups. There are after all something like 56 different groups in Mainland China. They do know how to handle those they fear though. If you wake the sleeping dragon you can expect to get burnt.

    you're dealing with Publicus, who anti-China/Chinese. if ISIS were operating in China, he'll call them freedom fighters.

  5. So silly to see Americans in the general forum complaining that they can't have their guns in Thailand to defend themselves.

    Having spent years reading this forum, it's not just Americans asking about guns.

    As mentioned above, don't turn this into a US bashing thread. Show some respect here.

    "The children range in age from 3 months to 10 years old". Mein gott!

    Anyway, never knew there is such a thing as US-bashing. Usually it's China-bashing.

  6. For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

    There is no time limit for the atrocities that were committed during WW2 by the Nazi party. It's a shame they didn't find out sooner, but at the same time, he had to live with his actions all these years.

    Either you have no concept of history and or you were never touched by what happened then.

    Keep teaching, never forget, every child should know, or history has a way of repeating itself.

    wish they go after war crimes committed by the japanese in china, korea and the rest of asia, as vigorously as they do nazi ones.

    • Like 1
  7. There indeed is a lot to suggest a disproportionate focus on certain ethnic groups and the total exclusion of Asian groups, who are far great in number, such as Chinese and Malaysian gangs, involved in everything from people trafficking and sex slavery to call centre and card fraud. Why not mention these groups? Perhaps because "white" is an easier target or "white" just a colour they don't like to see? Yes, eradicate the European and Latin American gangs, but if they ignore the bigger problem by far of Asian gangs, then why take them seriously, why not call them racist and ignorant if that is an accurate description?

    Of course there's a higher likelihood of Asian gangs outnumbering European/South American ones. Last time I checked, Thailand is in Asia. I'm guessing there is also a higher likelihood of European gangs outnumbering Asian ones in Europe. Same in South America. The question is why travel all the way to Asia from their home turfs in Europe/South America?

  8. Today, the middle east. Tomorrow, Europe. Why are so many Muslims desperate to get to Europe? Several reasons, including: better lifestyle, opportunities, a society which doesn't stone people for wanting to date before marriage, etc. Probably the biggest underlying reason is: there are virtually no resources left in the M.East. It's an example of what happens to a once-fertile ecosystem when it's been thoroughly exhausted. That doesn't excuse the atrocities that go on there, but it is a window in to what the human psyche is capable of. No other animal comes close to our species in regard to blatant cruelty.

    Watch out Nigeria. It's also a once-fertile country which has a fast-growing population which is fast exhausting or toxicifying its natural resources. And it's about half Muslim, most in the north where desertification is most prominent.

    If you want to see a group of people devolve to doing dastardly things: take away their resources and leave only sand and salt water. Then saddle them with a mean-spirited religion. Then watch as they multiply and increase their anger & hate of themselves and everyone else.

    The biggest muslim country in the world is indonesia and it's relatively peaceful compared to other muslim-majority countries.

    • Like 2
  9. So who might be the supplying country, China perhaps?

    China and Russia have always been a trifle niggardly with each other over the years, mind you there is the possibility that the funds for said ordinance may well come from Russian or other sources, governmental or private, many a wealthy Russian with both a personal and political axe to grind..

    Indeed the web of interbnational deceit in power plays is difficult to unwind.

    How the heck you arrived at China when the article states parts originated from Vietnam? Last time I've checked, the relationship b/w Vietnam and China were quite antagonistic. Therefore, no way Vietnam could have gotten the parts from China.

  10. I always ask myself, so assuming you werent marrying a bargirl half your age,

    how would you go abouts protecting yourself so people dont say "see, I told you so!"

    because one day thai wife could decide to cheat on you, and decides selfishly that you should be out on your <deleted>,

    and its the house that you bought with your own money that had to be put in her name to buy it

    what else could he have done????

    I dont know im afraid

    maybe some of these guys cheated on their wives...and decided that they should be out on their <deleted>.

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