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Posts posted by copa8

  1. China actually has a very good bus fac tory with also factories in Thailand.

    However the majority shareholders are Indian. Bus brand is called Golden Dragon.


    Although I am not a real China-fan. Some products are of good quality.

    See post #22 for very good Golden Dragon buses.. actually look at any one of the 2-3 year old yellow buses and come back and say quality!

    I wouldn't buy a Golden Dragon toothpick yet alone a bus.

    Buying cheap heavy machinery ALWAYS ends in tears.

    and that's saying something, since he doesn't even have real teeth anymore.

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  2. We expats should butt out it is up to the Thais

    Remember Russia and China really care for the poor and all different type of people not like America that favors only the rich whites

    Right... As a rich white American I'm deeply disturbed by your ignorance of Chinese and Russian history regarding the poor and political dissension.

    Since 1978, China has lifted 500+ million of its people out of poverty. The biggest number in human history.

  3. That trick has been happening for years. In my experience about 50% of drivers who pick you up at the airport try and chance their luck with not putting the meter on (sometimes if it's been a long flight and you're tired you might not notice till you're out on the express way) but will put on when requested.

    Usually to make sure there's no complaint against them they'll ask for your ticket on exit.

    With the airport rail link now in use I don't bother with taxis. Quicker and easier to take the rail link in most instances and no chance of being ripped off.

    I totally agree - if you arrive within the operational times of the airport link and don't have much luggage - the airport link is definitely the way to go.

    Even if I do get an honest cabbie who uses the meter without protest, they still drive 2 cm behind the car in front at 80 kph... I never feel safe with their lack of concern for unexpected stops by other vehicles ahead.

    Probably means Singapore is safer for you mate ....Thailand sounds too adventurous ...

    BKK taxi drivers have nothing on NYC ones. The latter have never heard of using turn signals or staying within traffic lanes.

  4. Could fellow members here please suggest any BKK hotels (or even Airbnb apts) with the following criteria? I've searched through many booking sites and have not found one yet.

    • wired internet connection or very stable/reliable WiFi
    • located in Ratchada, Huai Khwang, Din Daeng, Petchaburi areas
    • ideally <US$50 per night, as I'll be staying for 1-2 months

    Thanks in advance!

  5. South Africa has no law in that country. Murders, rapers and armed robers walk the streets free and have more rights than a law abiding citizen. What a shame SA has become. Over 50 people murdered a month and it's just sweept under the carpet by the SA Government.

    What do you expect, it's in Africa, after all. Any country in East/Southeast Asia (except North Korea) is relatively safer than any in Sub-Saharan Africa.

  6. Brave girls! The sad thing is none of the co-passengers were helping them. Society is ill enough not respecting the women. More to come for killing girl child in birth, which caused gender imbalance. Indian court system (which British found) will allow to run the case for ever, and these girls will not get justice until they die.

    Indian law is a common law system based on British law. However, seeing as India gained independence in the 1940"s, the courts aren't run by the British anymore, not for nearly 70 years. Surprising for you, but there we are.

    I believe Hong Kong also has common law system based on British law. The courts aren't run by the British anymore...yet, single women have no issues walking/traveling alone at day or night.

  7. Thailand is like a magnet for the trash of the World,the more they

    catch the better,a few years in a Thai prison is what they need,then

    deport them to their home countries.

    regards Worgeordie

    Why's that do you think? Couldn't be anything to do with massive bribe taking, lack of law enforcement and rampant prostitution could it? huh.png

    This country deserves the trash it gets.

    Thailand is also relatively pretty safe. That's why trash don't go to other places (e.g. most of Africa, parts of South America) where there are also massive bribe taking, lack of law enforcement and rampant prostitution.

  8. Just hope he isnt black, could be racism again.A good excuse for a new flatscreen and microwave methinks.

    If a black cop has killed a honky no probs

    I looked up the laws for Cleveland Ohio and it is illegal to bring BB guns into public areas. This law was created 20 years ago when another black boy (14 years old Jeffrey Bell) did the same thing and got shot dead by police.

    So a law was made back then that if the blacks simply followed it, would guarantee that they do not get shot on account of illegally bringing a BB gun to a public place and furthermore brandishing and sticking the BB gun (with a high velocity pellet) in the faces of toddlers and young kids.

    So there you go. Laws are made to protect Darwinian award winners, but you simply cannot make a law to force them to obey. And even when you are a law enforcement officer and pointing a gun at a Darwinian award winner and telling them to obey, they still do not cooperate, and rather instead choose to brandish the (to all intents and purposes and unbeknownst to the officer) weapon and make like they are going to shoot.

    And no matter what happens after that, if you, the police officer are forced to shoot and kill the the Darwinian award winner, then their Darwinian runner ups will disobey the laws and riot and murder, maim and kill whites with a willful intention to these ends. Google it because I am tired.

    What alternatives are there, then?

    They simply refuse to listen and obey!

    EDIT: https://law.resource.org/pub/us/code/city/oh/Cleveland/part06.html

    627.10 Possessing Certain Weapons at or About Public Places

    (a) No person shall knowingly carry, have in his or her possession or ready at hand any handgun, BB gun, pellet gun, dangerous ordnance, shotgun, rifle, knife having a blade two and one-half (2-1/2) inches in length or longer, brass knuckles, cestus, billy, karate stick, blackjack, sword or saber while at or about a public place.

    (Ord. No. 1361-01. Passed 8-15-01, eff. 8-24-01)

    627.09 Possessing Deadly Weapons on Public Property (C.O.C. According to what a Police officer would be thinking when responding to a 911 call of a man brandishing what appears to be a handgun)

    (Ord. No. 483-75. Passed 6-9-75, eff. 6-9-75)

    625.01 Definitions

    As used in this chapter:

    (a) “Deception”

    If ever I did 'likes', this post would get them all.

    Thanks for googling that. Meanwhile, from the BBC.

    "Violent protests were not in the spirit of Michael Brown, Mr Sharpton added, saying the young man would not "be remembered for the ashes of buildings burning in Ferguson".
    Instead, he said Mr Brown's family would push for new legislation to protect citizens and support a "Michael Brown law" that required all police officers to wear body video cameras."

    I wonder how long it will take mainstream media to have a reporter savvy enough to ask Al Sharpton if he is aware of the "Jeffrey Bell Law" and its precedent. But that has to wait until he has finished milking the racist venom in Ferguson.

    I am tired of this 'keeping the black man down' horseshit too.

    Why can't blacks act more like Asian-Americans. Majority came to the US with nothing and within 1 generation their children have risen to middle/upper-middle class status. I have a friend who's parents emigrated from war-torn Vietnam with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Through hard work and sacrifice, her parents put her and her brother through college (NYU) and are both now successful (one's in law and the other's in medicine). Asian-Americans faces discrimination and am often target of hate crimes, but you never seem them riot or loot.

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